Trump back-tracks on "punishment" for women getting an abortion.

Donald Trump's 'evolving' stance on abortion

While I personally disagree with his pro-life position, I do understand from this clip why he changed his mind from pro-choice. I also don't see this as a "gotcha" question from the media as much as I dislike their blatant bias. On the other hand, I agreed with Trumps first answer and I think he's wrong to step back on punishing someone for an illegal action because they happen to be a woman. I don't agree with it.

Also, at the end of this clip, Trump talks about /how/ abortion would be banned. He did not specifically say he would ban it, but he would clearly support such a ban. Therefore I believe it is perfectly acceptable to discuss this "hypothetical."

For the record, this matter doesn't actually sway my vote that much - I'm used to having to cede on a number of what I personally consider to be "religiously biased" issues. For me it is always a matter of what's more important for the country at the time. This time around national safety and the economy are the key issues so I am willing to deal with a pro-life leaning candidate.

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