Trump announces "Celebrity Coronavirus Briefing" with Gary Busey, Dennis Rodman & the MyPillow Guy!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
*SATIRE ALERT (for idiots) :D

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Hoping to inject some ratings magic into an aging TV franchise, Donald J. Trump announced on Thursday that he would soon launch “Celebrity Coronavirus Briefing.”​
Trump said that he was green-lighting the reboot because the current version of the show was “getting kind of old.”​
“CNN and MSNBC started cutting away from the show, and that made me very unhappy,” he said. “I realized I had to jazz things up.”​
The first episode of “Celebrity Coronavirus Briefing,” to air next Monday, will feature two Trump favorites, Gary Busey and Dennis Rodman.​
“We’re going to be seeing a lot of Gary and Dennis and lot less of those boring charts,” he said. “Everybody I talk to hates the charts.”​
Trump said that the addition of celebrities to the coronavirus briefings meant that some of the show’s current cast members would have to go.​
“Does Mike Pence stay in the cast?” he said. “He’s not a lock. Tony and Deborah? Not sure. The only person who’s a definite at this point is the MyPillow guy. We’re going to be seeing a lot more of the MyPillow guy.”​


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