Trump/America Continues To Win: As promised, Pfizer Announzes 90% Successful Virus Vaccine Effectiveness


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
President Trump cheers Pfizer's announcement of 90% effective vaccine in clinical trial, market surges

President Trump cheers Pfizer's announcement of 90% effective vaccine in clinical trial, market surges

President Trump ramped up to War-Time production to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 by the year's end....Here it is, 09 November, and Pfizer has announced they have developed a vaccine that is 90% effective in clinical trials against COVID-19!

600 Million doses at ZERO cost to the American people, according to Pfizer, is on its way!

And what is the response from te Democrats to this awesome news?

FEAR-MONGERING and attempted UNDERMINING of Americans faith is a / the vaccine!

In response, the same Democrats who never saw the pandemic coming because they were too distracted by attempting another faux coup against the President, the same Democrats who opposed live saving travel bans, who called the travel bans 'xenophobic' - who authored legislation to block them, the same Democrats who told Americans to ignore the virus, to herd in large numbers, to ride subways and visit China Town, the same Democrats who acknowledged the elderly would be the most likely to die from the virus then needlessly murdered tens of thousands of elderly Americans by cramming virus-infected patients into nursing homes....THOSE same Democrats are now undermining the great news that President Trump's Operation Warp Speed has resulted now in a vaccine for COVID-19!

Cuomo slammed for call to 'fix' or 'stop' Trump's plan to distribute COVID vaccine

Cuomo slammed for call to 'fix' or 'stop'
Trump's plan to distribute COVID vaccine

They will stoop to NOTHING to make sure President Trump gets credit for NOTHING.

(I guess getting a vaccine by the end of the year - announced under Trump's watch - means Democrats can't take credit for it, and it puts a wet blanket on Biden's attempt to put the 'nut-screws' to the rest of the still-rising Trump economy....)

Trump, Biden celebrate Pfizer revealing coronavirus vaccine progress

President Trump cheers Pfizer's announcement of 90% effective vaccine in clinical trial, market surges's announcement of 90% effective vaccine in clinical trial, market surges

President Trump cheers Pfizer's announcement of 90% effective vaccine in clinical trial, market surges

President Trump ramped up to War-Time production to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 by the year's end....Here it is, 09 November, and Pfizer has announced they have developed a vaccine that is 90% effective in clinical trials against COVID-19!

600 Million doses at ZERO cost to the American people, according to Pfizer, is on its way!

And what is the response from te Democrats to this awesome news?

FEAR-MONGERING and attempted UNDERMINING of Americans faith is a / the vaccine!

In response, the same Democrats who never saw the pandemic coming because they were too distracted by attempting another faux coup against the President, the same Democrats who opposed live saving travel bans, who called the travel bans 'xenophobic' - who authored legislation to block them, the same Democrats who told Americans to ignore the virus, to herd in large numbers, to ride subways and visit China Town, the same Democrats who acknowledged the elderly would be the most likely to die from the virus then needlessly murdered tens of thousands of elderly Americans by cramming virus-infected patients into nursing homes....THOSE same Democrats are now undermining the great news that President Trump's Operation Warp Speed has resulted now in a vaccine for COVID-19!

Cuomo slammed for call to 'fix' or 'stop' Trump's plan to distribute COVID vaccine'fix' or 'stop' Trump's plan to distribute COVID vaccine

Cuomo slammed for call to 'fix' or 'stop'
Trump's plan to distribute COVID vaccine

They will stoop to NOTHING to make sure President Trump gets credit for NOTHING.

(I guess getting a vaccine by the end of the year - announced under Trump's watch - means Democrats can't take credit for it, and it puts a wet blanket on Biden's attempt to put the 'nut-screws' to the rest of the still-rising Trump economy....)

Trump, Biden celebrate Pfizer revealing coronavirus vaccine progress

One week too late. Lol
One week too late. Lol

What about coming up with a vaccine is 'a week too late'? President Trump mobilized the medical industry (including the military) to come up with a vaccine by year's end ... for the sake of Americans' health. Another promise kept! His promise was not conditional based on winning, scumbag.
One week too late. Lol

What about coming up with a vaccine is 'a week too late'? President Trump mobilized the medical industry (including the military) to come up with a vaccine by year's end ... for the sake of Americans' health. Another promise kept! His promise was not conditional based on winning, scumbag.
I’m just saying he may have won if this was announced before the election. I think it’s great. I bet pziser waited. Lol
Old people like me remember when President Gerald Ford urged everyone to get a swine flu vaccine.

I did.

It made me sick.

Other people, I faintly remember, had even more severe side effects.

I have never had a flu shot (especially when we are told that a shot does not cover all the different kinds of flu).

I realize that social pressure may force me to get a flu shot soon. I don't want one, but I fold easily when ordered to do something by the government. And I guess that I will take the COVID-19 vaccine if ordered to. Maybe we will have to prove that we have taken the vaccine in order to get entrance into various places.
One week too late. Lol

What about coming up with a vaccine is 'a week too late'? President Trump mobilized the medical industry (including the military) to come up with a vaccine by year's end ... for the sake of Americans' health. Another promise kept! His promise was not conditional based on winning, scumbag.
I’m just saying he may have won if this was announced before the election. I think it’s great. I bet pziser waited. Lol

Of course Pfizer waited. Trump was moving big time to bring prescription costs down!
600 Million doses at ZERO cost to the American people, according to Pfizer, is on its way!
Paid for by our taxes. Not saying it's wrong, but just saying that's how it's been characterized when people get "free stuff".
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
One week too late. Lol

What about coming up with a vaccine is 'a week too late'? President Trump mobilized the medical industry (including the military) to come up with a vaccine by year's end ... for the sake of Americans' health. Another promise kept! His promise was not conditional based on winning, scumbag.
I’m just saying he may have won if this was announced before the election. I think it’s great. I bet pziser waited. Lol

Of course Pfizer waited. Trump was moving big time to bring prescription costs down!
Yea any day He would have got er done.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
And what did the scientists tell us? Wear a mask, keep 6 feet distance, avoid large crowds.....I dont recasll any scientist saying "stop living".

So what did I do...I wore a mask, I kept 6 feet distance and I avoided larger crowds.

But What would Biden have suggested?

Oh yeah...wear a mask, keep 6 feet distance, avoid large crowds.

What a novel idea. He is our savior.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

Oh please, I tease the poor poor Trumpybear. He's said a lot worse about way better people than getting called a colorful Turdball.

He used the daily press briefing to attack his opponents not to inform the public about the virus.

I believe Biden will delegate authority better that old Trumpybear.
They were deficient in the NPI even though they had plenty of warning. Our President lie about the deadly nature of the virus to the citizens.
OK. So he lied.
If he screamed "the sky is falling" what would you have done differently?
Lets see...

he shut down travel from China.....of course only because he is a xenophobe.
He had daily COVID briefings....but, of course, he did not think it was was only because he wanted to be on TV....egomaniac.
He supported initial closings of major elements of the economy....but, of course, that way he and his rich friends can watch stocks tumble and buy the stock at lower prices
He initiated project warp speed for a vaccine.....but, of course, he did not thin it was serious, so it was for no other reason than to suggest to his rich friends to invest in pharma.
He sent hospital ships to both coasts...but of course, he did not thnk it was necessary....he just wanted to see those ships on the water
He directed companies to change business plans and retrofit factories to manufacture PPE's and venitlators...but of course, he did that only because he wanted to show people he has the power of the pen.
He directed the ACoE to build makeshift hospital centers....but that was only because he liked to play "CiC"

In retrospect....I guess you are right....he should have said...I am doing all I can to assist in this pandemic.....but you all should panic anyway because the sky is falling!

Why should he have screamed? Couldn't he have laid out the facts as he was told by the scientist to the American people? Did he think the country that defeated Fascism in the World with the blood of hundreds of thousands of our citizens, would respond to the virus like frightened little girls? Their biggest goal was not saving people by shutting down but it was to get back open ASAP. Even if it cost 400,000 lives by the end of the year.
I will ask again...but using your guidelines...if he nicely and calmly said "this is really bad and the American people need to take this seriously"...what would YOU have done differently? What should HE have done differently?
Other than "consulting with the professionals" what would Biden have done differently?
The fact that there were daily briefings on the virus telling me to take it seriously was enough for me and my family to take it seriously.
I did not need the leader of the free world to tell me "this is really bad. Really bad. Many of you will die. I am doing all I can (as laid out in my previous post), but Kiss your children goodbye. Run for the hills".
Exactly what good will that have done?
And I am curious......exactly what is President elect Bidens plan other than "listen to the professionals"?

If he had done that many more Trump followers would have, like you, listened to the scientist.

I can't think of a president that would have lied to the people like Trumpybear did. How do his supporters justify that?
So, in other words, you would have done nothing different if Trump told you this is serious, kiss your children and brace yourselves.

So what he did was give us light at the end of the tunnel, make us aware our leaders are on top of it and follow CDC guidelines...

Sort of what a smart leader would do.

But that was not good enough.

It's not about people who had enough sense to not listen to the big old orange turdball.

What he did was to whine about how the Democrats were being mean to him again and making up another Hoax with the new virus.

You might consider that a smart move. I don't.
Name calling sort of diminishes the impact of your posts. Just an FYI....

What he did was have daily press briefings for an hour a day informing us of the situation.

I know....Biden will do better. An hour and 5 minute press briefings a day.

Oh please, I tease the poor poor Trumpybear. He's said a lot worse about way better people than getting called a colorful Turdball.

He used the daily press briefing to attack his opponents not to inform the public about the virus.

I believe Biden will delegate authority better that old Trumpybear.
So he had daily briefings on the virus but they were only held so he can hide the virus from the public.

Got it.

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