trump admits Biden's name came up with Ukrainian President

President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
If Ukraine revives ITS investigation into crimes committed by Democrats and their allies within Ukraine, a previous investigation that was halted as a result of then-VP Biden blackmailing them into shutting down, then it will not only be Ukraine's decision to do so but also their right to do so.

As allies, if the Ukraine decides to share the results of that investigation / any evidence it has or may find, which the Ukraine already tried to do during the Obama Presidency but was prevented from doing, then it is a demonstration of allies sharing information for mutual national security. Any crimes committed by United States Democrat Party reps / associated persons is a matter of their national security (as is being blackmailed by a former US VP), and it is not criminal or even surprising that the Ukraine PM would want to address / discuss this threat / issue with the current President of the United you are trying SO hard to make it seem / sound.

Pointing out that Democrats committed crimes in their country is a matter, again, of THEIR national security and would involve the United States...and Democratic party. Do you think because an international crime perpetrated by Democrats should be HIDDEN because, not only is it a criminal issue, it would cause embarrassment for the Democrat Party as well as providing political fodder for their opponents to point out?

'I'm sorry, Prime Minister, I can not accept any evidence of criminal activity perpetrated by Democrats because if this gest out it could embarrass them and hurt them politically...'

Yes that is what Biden put an end to, corruption. I do hope tramp is giving him credit for it.

You obviously have NOT been paying attention. President Trump has been giving Biden every bit of credit for extorting Ukraine....which, again, Biden admitted to / bragged about on video.

(Criminally injecting one's self into a foreign nation's / allied nation's government to blackmail them into firing some / do what we want ends corruption HOW?)
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
Abuse of power is an impeachable offense.

So when Biden threatened to pull 1 billion from them unless they fired their prosecutor who was investing his son, that was an abuse of power, right?
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
Abuse of power is an impeachable offense.

So when Biden threatened to pull 1 billion from them unless they fired their prosecutor who was investing his son, that was an abuse of power, right?
No, it was a condition of them to clean up their government if they wanted money from us. You don't think we have the right to establish conditions on money we give to other nations?
So what? what if Trump suggested the Ukrainian president look into crime in his country....not against any law I've ever seen...
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
Abuse of power is an impeachable offense.

So when Biden threatened to pull 1 billion from them unless they fired their prosecutor who was investing his son, that was an abuse of power, right?
No, it was a condition of them to clean up their government if they wanted money from us. You don't think we have the right to establish conditions on money we give to other nations?
Joe is you want another criminal running for the dems?....this will end Uncle Joes campaign....
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.


So now that the Russia hoax is officially dead, is this the next big false narrative from you people? Are you aware that you have consistently failed at every method you've tried during the last three years, in order to remove him?

So what makes you think "This time for sure"?

Pretty sad that trump thinks he needs the help of a foreign country to be elected....very sad....
It was bribery, they thought she was going to win. So they donated millions. The great part, is they wasted their money.
Great, so no money was collected illegally. Thanks for tryin'.
Yeah, but a lot of wasted money. Wonder how much she had to give back. Glad to see you're for corruption as long as it stays in your party.
It was investigated. You should check it out.
Yeah like the emails were investigated. Lol
Republicans investigated her. You don't trust Republicans?
Its the frauds we don't trust. Fronted as candidates and voted in over and over even if the faces change. We see them in the congress.
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
Of course he asked-he would be remiss not to follow up on a long held claim of corruption by a previous administration. Perfectly legal and moral.

trump knew what he was doing.....he was using the $250,000,000 to blackmail the Ukrainian President.
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
If Ukraine revives ITS investigation into crimes committed by Democrats and their allies within Ukraine, a previous investigation that was halted as a result of then-VP Biden blackmailing them into shutting down, then it will not only be Ukraine's decision to do so but also their right to do so.

As allies, if the Ukraine decides to share the results of that investigation / any evidence it has or may find, which the Ukraine already tried to do during the Obama Presidency but was prevented from doing, then it is a demonstration of allies sharing information for mutual national security. Any crimes committed by United States Democrat Party reps / associated persons is a matter of their national security (as is being blackmailed by a former US VP), and it is not criminal or even surprising that the Ukraine PM would want to address / discuss this threat / issue with the current President of the United you are trying SO hard to make it seem / sound.

Pointing out that Democrats committed crimes in their country is a matter, again, of THEIR national security and would involve the United States...and Democratic party. Do you think because an international crime perpetrated by Democrats should be HIDDEN because, not only is it a criminal issue, it would cause embarrassment for the Democrat Party as well as providing political fodder for their opponents to point out?

'I'm sorry, Prime Minister, I can not accept any evidence of criminal activity perpetrated by Democrats because if this gest out it could embarrass them and hurt them politically...'


Your story is false....has no facts....just like you have no balls...
The question begs to be asked: Why is the person who came forward with a story about President Trump and a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky still being referred to as a whistleblower?

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson, is a Trump appointee. Allegedly he found a reason to go forward with a complaint lodged against President Trump stemming from a conversation with Zelensky in July. The anonymous “whistleblower,” as it turns out, is not, in fact, a whistleblower. The complainant is essentially a gossipmonger. The person admits no direct knowledge of the conversation. Doesn’t that seem to be an important fact in this whole story?

The whistleblower didn’t have direct knowledge of the communications, an official briefed on the matter told CNN. Instead, the whistleblower’s concerns came in part from learning information that was not obtained during the course of their work, and those details have played a role in the administration’s determination that the complaint didn’t fit the reporting requirements under the intelligence whistleblower law, the official said.

This anonymous person has no direct knowledge of the call and his/her “concerns” come from information that was not “obtained during the course of their work”. Thus, this person doesn’t fit the title of a whistleblower. Yet, that is still the narrative in the media. There is no whistleblower, there is only a leaker with an agenda to push. This story stinks to high heaven.

White House and the Justice Department, according to reports, are rightfully advising the director of national intelligence that the complaint isn’t covered by the laws applying to intelligence whistleblowers. So far, the acting Director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, has not agreed to cooperate in releasing a transcript of the president’s conversation. Maguire will testify before the House Intelligence Committee Thursday behind closed doors.

President Trump looks to be well within his rights to have been speaking honestly to the new Ukrainian leader about corruption in Ukraine. The concern is over whether or not Trump threatened Zelensky with withholding military aid as he allegedly demanded Zelensky clean up the corruption. The $250 million has been released to Ukraine.

“It was entirely reasonable that the United States spent a couple of months getting to know him and his administration,” Lankford said, adding that he had recently visited Kyiv for the same purpose. “I think we should have moved faster, but there was due diligence, and the administration has been active in trying to get lethal aid to the Ukrainians in the past.”

Speaking at a Defense Writers Group event Thursday, R. Clarke Cooper, assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs, announced that Congress was notified late Wednesday that $141.5 million in funding was available to Ukraine. That money covers sniper rifles, grenade launchers and other items.

Why is it considered unusual for President Trump and his administration to go slow with delivering substantial military aid to Ukraine when Zelensky had only recently come into power and his allegiance to the United States was uncertain? That sounds like due diligence. But, this is 2019 and the Mueller Report blew up in the faces of Democrats frothing at the mouth for the impeachment of President Trump, so this telephone call conveniently emerged as the next best thing.

Connect the dots. President Trump spoke with Zelensky the day after Mueller testified to Congress. This “whistleblower” can very likely turn out to be another Trump deranged swamp creature who is disappointed that the results of the last election are still being honored and Trump is still the president. This kind of stunt, masquerading as a patriotic whistleblowing action, may backfire just like the other attempts to bring about impeachment have so far.

The president is entitled to speak with foreign leaders however he deems appropriate. If Trump felt that Zelensky needed to be pushed to do the right thing and clean up corruption in his country, then so be it. Trump’s motivation looks to be protecting taxpayer money, the military aid to Ukraine, not some kind of collusion to gain support in the 2020 election. Didn’t the Democrats learn anything from their humiliation after running with Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s phony Russian collusion story against Trump? Apparently not.

Let them proceed. Trump should not release the phone transcript to the public. Why would any world leader speak candidly to him in future phone conversations if he does so? This is the latest attempt from Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff to satisfy the far left to continue on with attempts to impeach Trump.

This Ukraine story and the Bidens is only beginning. There will also now be some checking into the China connection with the younger Biden while his father was vice-president. Biden’s son was a lobbyist, not an energy expert and the big-money contracts are highly suspect. It’s all very swampy and good old Joe is right in the middle. There are many layers to this story. Most importantly, Ukraine’s foreign minister has already come out and denied any pressure from President Trump on that phone call.

This story all began with tantalizing headlines. This time we have him. Democrats are falling for yet another trap and I’m here for it.

Hotair ^
Pretty sad that trump thinks he needs the help of a foreign country to be elected....very sad....
The PRESIDENT of the United States talks to the PRIME MINISTER of Ukraine and discusses crimes committed by DEMOCRATS and their allies in the Ukraine...and YOU make a assively hypocritical yet hilarious statement like that after 2016 CANDIDATE Clinton, who could not even win her party's nomination on her own but had to have it GIVEN to her, paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda to help her beat Trump in the election....and failed.

:lmao: Bwuhahahahahahahaha!

Your story is false....has no facts....just like you have no balls...


Thank you for that highly emotional response that itself is in no way supported by fact, only your opinion. Way to just ignore Biden's video confession in which he bragged how he extorted / blackmailed Ukraine's leader...

So what? what if Trump suggested the Ukrainian president look into crime in his country....not against any law I've ever seen...
I'm sure you see the difference even though you appear to be stupid
But you can't tell me what law or rule it broke....can you?...
Unless there's evidence of Trump tying the already approved aid to Ukraine investigating Hunter, it's non-story. But you Trumptettes trying to spin a false analogy is funny
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.


So now that the Russia hoax is officially dead, is this the next big false narrative from you people? Are you aware that you have consistently failed at every method you've tried during the last three years, in order to remove him?

So what makes you think "This time for sure"?

Pretty sad that trump thinks he needs the help of a foreign country to be elected....very sad....

Isn't that what Hillary did?

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