trump admits Biden's name came up with Ukrainian President

Speaker Pelosi to announce FORMAL IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY.

Let's fix your idiocy here. Pelosi to announce that Dems are going to hand President Trump a landslide win in 2020. Enjoy Republicans winning everything. The Dems are about to shoot themselves in the foot again.

He got away with meddling with the Russians....why didn't he stop while he was ahead?
Speaker Pelosi to announce FORMAL IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY.

Let's fix your idiocy here. Pelosi to announce that Dems are going to hand President Trump a landslide win in 2020. Enjoy Republicans winning everything. The Dems are about to shoot themselves in the foot again.

He got away with meddling with the Russians....why didn't he stop while he was ahead?

He did? Mueller report found otherwise and he said he would release the full transcript tomorrow.
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
Don't wet your pants-be patient. Trump is releasing the un-redacted transcript, and then we can all argue about it like the Mueller Report.

I rather hear what the whistle blower says....which won't be cut by WH staff....
Speaker Pelosi to announce FORMAL IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY.

Let's fix your idiocy here. Pelosi to announce that Dems are going to hand President Trump a landslide win in 2020. Enjoy Republicans winning everything. The Dems are about to shoot themselves in the foot again.

He got away with meddling with the Russians....why didn't he stop while he was ahead?

Oh no, you did it. You went right back to the DEAD, proven PHONY Russia bullshit. You stink of desperation. Now you're relying on third hand hearsay that will backfire on you just like everything else has.
Speaker Pelosi to announce FORMAL IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY.

Let's fix your idiocy here. Pelosi to announce that Dems are going to hand President Trump a landslide win in 2020. Enjoy Republicans winning everything. The Dems are about to shoot themselves in the foot again.

He got away with meddling with the Russians....why didn't he stop while he was ahead?
Gee, now we will find out EVERYTHING, right?
President Trump Admits He Spoke to Ukraine President About Corruption and Possibly Biden

So....if Ukraine launches an investigation.....again.....that they are providing something of value to the trump campaign....that is a felony according to Federal Code.

Just asking for the investigation may be illegal and is certainly an abuse of power.
Don't wet your pants-be patient. Trump is releasing the un-redacted transcript, and then we can all argue about it like the Mueller Report.

I rather hear what the whistle blower says....which won't be cut by WH staff....
No whistleblower-he did not HEAR conversation-someone told him-heresay-not admisable-sorry

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