Trump Admin Tells Minnesota Governor To Get Bent Over $16 Million Aid Request Following Riots


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I love our President; he wont play little Woketard games.

The Trump administration has denied a request by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) for $16 million in federal aid to help rebuild widespread damage in Minneapolis caused by rioters protesting the death of George Floyd.
Late Friday, Walz spokesman Teddy Tschann confirmed that the July 2 federal aid request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was denied.
"The Governor is disappointed that the federal government declined his request for financial support," said Tschann in a statement. "As we navigate one of the most difficult periods in our state’s history, we look for support from our federal government to help us through."
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
I love our President; he wont play little Woketard games.

The Trump administration has denied a request by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) for $16 million in federal aid to help rebuild widespread damage in Minneapolis caused by rioters protesting the death of George Floyd.
Late Friday, Walz spokesman Teddy Tschann confirmed that the July 2 federal aid request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was denied.
"The Governor is disappointed that the federal government declined his request for financial support," said Tschann in a statement. "As we navigate one of the most difficult periods in our state’s history, we look for support from our federal government to help us through."
/—-/ Raise state taxes to pay for it. democRATs love new taxes.
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Well, they didn't try and punish every kid in the neighborhood every time I did something wrong. I didn't get punished when a neighbor or even a sibling did something stupid or wrong.
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Well, they didn't try and punish every kid in the neighborhood every time I did something wrong. I didn't get punished when a neighbor or even a sibling did something stupid or wrong.
So your parents were Republicans ? Well I'll be danged, your parents were Republicans. What happened to you ? Public school ?
"The Governor is disappointed that the federal government declined his request for financial support," said Tschann in a statement. "As we navigate one of the most difficult periods in our state’s history, we look for support from our federal government to help us through."

READ: The Governor is disappointed that the federal government declined his request for financial bailout" said Tschann in a statement. "As we struggle with the need to virtue signal and protect the narratives, we look for bail outs from your tax dollars to allow us to continue to choose the narrative despite heavy costs"
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Critics and opponents of Trump are punished and supporters, no matter how corrupt, are taken care of. America is now officially a banana republic.
You're talking out of your ass, Qdog. California and NY got the most and they're hardly Trump strongholds. You monkey see monkey do Democrats need to start making sense and stop making alibis for your failures.
Critics and opponents of Trump are punished and supporters, no matter how corrupt, are taken care of. America is now officially a banana republic.

This. And his supporters wonder why he can't get people together to work with him. Even if he wins in November his supporters will get none of what they want. He is too immature to actually work with both sides of an issue to get something accomplished.

He thinks you get people to come to his side by calling them names. Most people have moved beyond that when they were something like 7 .

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