Trip to the doctor today -

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
No co-pay again - Thank you Mr. President.

But, handing a new scrip, the nurse said that some of the insurance companies were charging $60 co-pay and that if mine did, they had it for $50. Not $50 co-pay. Total of $50.

They called the scrip in while we did other shopping. Not wanting to go all the back to the doctor's office if it was cheaper, I called ahead.

My co-pay for the drug - $12.

Thanks again, Mr. President.

I have a round-robin kind of conversation with friends and thought I'd share some of their recent comments about their own experiences:

I just got enrolled at the market place. It was really easy, and OMG, I got a great policy for $203 a month. It is better than my current health insurance plan, it has a lower deductible, $1750, co pays, and great prescription coverage. I am saving $577 a month. Can you even believe that? I was so pleased. It was to the point that I was going to have to cancel my health insurance, and that just wasn't safe considering my health issues. My medicine was costing $300 a month. I now have a copay of $15.00 for drugs after I reach a $250 deductible. I am so very happy, I am doing the happy dance.. Grin Grin

It feels like I can finally get ahead, and not be weighed down with almost $1100 a month for health care and medicine. I had tried to get different insurance for the last 2 years, been turned down by 4 different companies.

I know there are a lot of people out there that think Obama and his health care plan are terrible. But for me, and I'm sure thousands of other people out there it is a real lifesaver.

What is also great about it, is if I don't like the coverage, (there were 36 plans to compare, it was difficult to make a decision) I can reapply for a different plan next year!

Did I already say I am HAPPY!

My new policy which has GREAT prescription coverage is only $232 a month for both of us. I'm LOVIN' Obamacare.

I haven't looked into it as it does not affect me, but I have heard that it sucks. Glad to hear it's working well for some people at least Smiley

It's working well for most people.

My idiot son (the eldest) is the sole support of himself, his wife, and four children. His eldest posted in Facebook that he (the grandson) was going to have his wisdom teeth removed. The next day he posted that he didn't have the $900 dollars the dentist wanted, so he only had the infected tooth removed. But then he also explained that, not having the $300 for anesthesia, he simply gripped the arms of the chair when the dentist pulled his tooth and took some aspirin when he got home.

I called my idiot son and suggested he enroll through his state exchange. Pointed out that at his income level, with all of those dependents that he probably would end up paying nothing for medical, dental, and vision. He told me that he "hates Obama, and will never enroll in Obamacare." I suggested that his political prejudices over weighing his parental responsibilities is not a sign of good parenting.

This is way we don't speak often, I guess. He doesn't particularly appreciate me making "judgments" about his life.

These, J*****, are the people who insist the Affordable Care Act is bad for America. And they don't need to actually look into how it might affect them. They've simply refused to look at any factual information about it.

Wow BG, I'm sorry to hear that! He needs to get his head out of his butt and look around. It doesn't matter who he does or doesn't support or like, his family should come first. Period. Especially for something like that!! It's one thing if he had OK coverage elsewhere, even if it wasn't quite as good or perhaps was more costly. But when your son has to get a tooth removed without anesthesia, and can't get other teeth removed that need to be, then you have to look for other options whether you like where they are coming from or not. For the sake of himself and his family I hope he smartens up and I hope more people tell him the good side of it so he finally gets it. Being in Canada I love our healthcare and can't say much about aca as I haven't looked into it because it doesn't affect me, but in his position I definitely would.

LOL, B****, you hit it exactly right. I have relatives and friends like that also. I won't even tell you the discussion I had about it at Christmas with my nephew, the one that has borrowed thousands of dollars from my Mother, his Grandmother. Let's suffice it to say that he doesn't pay his medical bills, or his other bills for that matter, but when they along with all his credit cards add up to enough he plans on going bankrupt, which will be soon.. It makes no sense to me either, and in this case makes me sick to my stomach. Mom will not be giving him another dime, she is also done with him and his financial views.

Don't you just love Christmas with extended

Don't you think however that alot of Insurance companies will tank and go under? I mean how can the government undercut already set rates?
Don't get me wrong, pft, I could give 2 shits if they do go out, their insurance companies...they overcharge to begin with; but how are they going to float? All the new members that sign up thru this Obamacare plan?

Between the insurance companies and pharmaseutical companies...they own this country. That's where changes need to be made.

Sounds like some posters here who would rather hate Obama than take care of their family.
Good for you.
How many people that had insurance but had their policies cancelled
only to be faced with higher premiums,higher co-pays,high deductibles
more out of pocket exoenses,no longer able to see the doctor they saw for years,
no longer able to go to the Hospitals they used to go to for treatment,higher costs for prescriptions.

Thanks Mr.President
Thanks Democrats.
a bunch of bullshit lies :lol:

as if nobody ever checks the real costs of the insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays
Good for you.
How many people that had insurance but had their policies cancelled
only to be faced with higher premiums,higher co-pays,high deductibles
more out of pocket exoenses,no longer able to see the doctor they saw for years,
no longer able to go to the Hospitals they used to go to for treatment,higher costs for prescriptions.

Thanks Mr.President
Thanks Democrats.

I do not believe even a WORD.

the OP does not have the full standard insurance - so the OP is not in any way in a position as all of the common citizens.
Good for you.
How many people that had insurance but had their policies cancelled
only to be faced with higher premiums,higher co-pays,high deductibles
more out of pocket exoenses,no longer able to see the doctor they saw for years,
no longer able to go to the Hospitals they used to go to for treatment,higher costs for prescriptions.

Thanks Mr.President
Thanks Democrats.

They had insurance right up until they tried to use it. They would still have the higher co-pays and out of pocket expenses. And, YOU know it.

That ACA will put an end to the damn vulture insurance scams is a long term positive. Not, a negative.
Good for you.
How many people that had insurance but had their policies cancelled
only to be faced with higher premiums,higher co-pays,high deductibles
more out of pocket exoenses,no longer able to see the doctor they saw for years,
no longer able to go to the Hospitals they used to go to for treatment,higher costs for prescriptions.

Thanks Mr.President
Thanks Democrats.

I do not believe even a WORD.

the OP does not have the full standard insurance - so the OP is not in any way in a position as all of the common citizens.

As usual, you're pulling shit out of your ass. You don't know what my insurance card says and saying you do is an outright lie.

Don't know what fiction you call "full standard" but I have BC/BS.

You ALWAYS lie. You never have any frikken clue what you yammer about.
Good for you.
How many people that had insurance but had their policies cancelled
only to be faced with higher premiums,higher co-pays,high deductibles
more out of pocket exoenses,no longer able to see the doctor they saw for years,
no longer able to go to the Hospitals they used to go to for treatment,higher costs for prescriptions.

Thanks Mr.President
Thanks Democrats.

I do not believe even a WORD.

the OP does not have the full standard insurance - so the OP is not in any way in a position as all of the common citizens.

As usual, you're pulling shit out of your ass. You don't know what my insurance card says and saying you do is an outright lie.

Don't know what fiction you call "full standard" but I have BC/BS.

You ALWAYS lie. You never have any frikken clue what you yammer about.

you do not pay for your insurance 100% as all of us do.

that's all I can say so not to be against the rules.

and you know it.

keep lying.
It is so sad that so many Americans think the POTUS is their sugar daddy. Disgusting.

A nation once known for self reliant citizens is now known for it's weaning sniffling dependents of the State.

Makes me F-ing sick!
It is so sad that so many Americans think the POTUS is their sugar daddy. Disgusting.

A nation once known for self reliant citizens is now known for it's weaning sniffling dependents of the State.

Makes me F-ing sick!

Well then, buy your own insurance instead of depending on Reagan's Socialist EMTALA.
It is so sad that so many Americans think the POTUS is their sugar daddy. Disgusting.

A nation once known for self reliant citizens is now known for it's weaning sniffling dependents of the State.

Makes me F-ing sick!

Well then, buy your own insurance instead of depending on Reagan's Socialist EMTALA.

I am not critical of you for taking a hand out. You like many Americans have no choice, since the power elite have so effectively screwed things up.

I do find your thanking BO offensive. He is the biggest crony capitalist (a form of Fascism) and he is primarily responsible for the sad state of the American economy, healthcare, and so much more. He has enriched the rich and impoverished the rest of us.
Well, congrats man. Glad it is working out for you. My uncle now has to pay twice as much for his insurance and has a deductible twice as much as his original. My grandparents now have to cut costs to just get by because their plans were cancelled. Good for you though
With ACA there are winners and losers. However it was sold as everyone (except perhaps a few rich people) being winners!
Translation of the OP: 6M people had to lose their insurance that they liked and lose the doctors that they like so Luddly can pay $12 for his prescriptions.

How Hopeychangey is that?
Well, congrats man. Glad it is working out for you. My uncle now has to pay twice as much for his insurance and has a deductible twice as much as his original. My grandparents now have to cut costs to just get by because their plans were cancelled. Good for you though

That's because they and the rest of us are subsidizing parasites like Dudley.
Dudley is the perfect example of parasitic greed.

I pay my own way, pay for my own insurance.

Unlike you rw's who go to the emergency room and force me to pay your bills through higher premiums.

Piss off.

The last time I used the ER, Dudley, was about eight or nine years ago and that was because it was in the middle of the night and I paid my bill.

Don't project your leeching off on the rest of us.
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No co-pay again - Thank you Mr. President.

But, handing a new scrip, the nurse said that some of the insurance companies were charging $60 co-pay and that if mine did, they had it for $50. Not $50 co-pay. Total of $50.

They called the scrip in while we did other shopping. Not wanting to go all the back to the doctor's office if it was cheaper, I called ahead.

My co-pay for the drug - $12.

Thanks again, Mr. President.

You should be thanking a taxpaying millionaire for the free handout. That 30 day prescription for valacyclovir, 1 gram TID costs about $150. Some millionaire gave you a hundred thirty-eight bucks!
Well, congrats man. Glad it is working out for you. My uncle now has to pay twice as much for his insurance and has a deductible twice as much as his original. My grandparents now have to cut costs to just get by because their plans were cancelled. Good for you though

That's because they and the rest of us are subsidizing parasites like Dudley.

I pay my own insurance premiums and always have. I'm the one who is paying more so some can pay less.

Translation of the OP: 6M people had to lose their insurance that they liked and lose the doctors that they like so Luddly can pay $12 for his prescriptions.

How Hopeychangey is that?

Stupid, nonsensical and untrue.

I am not critical of you for taking a hand out.

Exactly how is paying for one's own insurance "taking a hand out"?

Apparently, some believe that insurance companies are now using the money of the healthy to pay the bills for the sick. Its as though they don't understand that insurance has always worked that way.

Is it possible that they could be THAT clueless and ignorant?
No co-pay again - Thank you Mr. President.

But, handing a new scrip, the nurse said that some of the insurance companies were charging $60 co-pay and that if mine did, they had it for $50. Not $50 co-pay. Total of $50.

They called the scrip in while we did other shopping. Not wanting to go all the back to the doctor's office if it was cheaper, I called ahead.

My co-pay for the drug - $12.

Thanks again, Mr. President.

You should be thanking a taxpaying millionaire for the free handout. That 30 day prescription for valacyclovir, 1 gram TID costs about $150. Some millionaire gave you a hundred thirty-eight bucks!

Had to look up the drug but ... I'm sorry you have herpes but don't blame me. And, don't blame me for what you posted about yourself.

BUT - you can quit worrying about millionaires. They don't pay for the health care of anyone and its naive to believe they do.

Insurance has always worked the very same way and for the same reason - Most buyers don't use it.

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