Travel Ban 2.0 DejaVu?

I believe the "constitutionality" premise is that our government is not supposed to impose any laws or actions based on a person's religion. It isn't the rights of the foreigners here that are being questioned. It's the imposition against our government taking action based on the fact of a religion.

If it were a ban on religion, why are most Muslims still allowed to come to this country?
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."

Travel ban under Obama good, travel ban under Trump bad..

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration also required new background checks for visa applicants from Iraq after the Bowling Green incident. Lawmakers at a 2012 congressional hearing also indicated that the Department of Homeland Security expanded screening to the Iraqi refugees already settled in the United States.

See how the far left dronie mentality works?
There was no ban. There was additional vetting of visa holders, causing a delay. It involved one country, after two terrorists in Kentucky were found actively planning a terrorist attack in Iraq.
Why do you not read your own articles?
quit shitting on the principles of this country
A principle of our country is to accept refugees from war torn countries invaded by our enemies even though we cant vet them and have NO IDEA Who they are?
we cant vet them and have NO IDEA Who they are?
I've tole ya and TOLE ya, We do vet them for two f-ing years and we know as well as anyone can who they are. No system is perfect; I'm all for improvements, too. It is the ban that won't solve anything. Do a deep dive into how to slow/stop terrorist recruitment in this country and stiffen up procedures on Visas, such as looking at their social media (ala San Bernardino). Also look at how to keep would-be terrorists from having their investigations by the FBI ended (two of our most recent terrorist attacks were investigated by the FBI and closed without enough evidence).
Actually, a two year wait doesn't not a vet make. You don't think a terrorist would be willing to just hang out and chill for two years while he waits for a free pass into the united states?
They aren't just waiting. They are being vetted. If we didn't know who they were or where they were from, they wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of coming into this country. Can a terrorist "fake it?" Sure, a good one with no previous history. If all of our terrorist attacks in this country had been by refugees or recent immigrants from the M.E., especially from the countries listed in the EO, I would probably feel differently. But we are barking up the wrong tree. It is not going to accomplish anything, except to make some people who hate foreigners happy.
Obama refugee vetting procedure enabled Iraqi terrorists to enter U.S.
I have nothing against improving vetting procedures. It does not require a travel ban. They should/could have started to figure it out already if it was so damned crucial to security. Have they?
quit shitting on the principles of this country
A principle of our country is to accept refugees from war torn countries invaded by our enemies even though we cant vet them and have NO IDEA Who they are?
we cant vet them and have NO IDEA Who they are?
I've tole ya and TOLE ya, We do vet them for two f-ing years and we know as well as anyone can who they are. No system is perfect; I'm all for improvements, too. It is the ban that won't solve anything. Do a deep dive into how to slow/stop terrorist recruitment in this country and stiffen up procedures on Visas, such as looking at their social media (ala San Bernardino). Also look at how to keep would-be terrorists from having their investigations by the FBI ended (two of our most recent terrorist attacks were investigated by the FBI and closed without enough evidence).
Actually, a two year wait doesn't not a vet make. You don't think a terrorist would be willing to just hang out and chill for two years while he waits for a free pass into the united states?
They aren't just waiting. They are being vetted. If we didn't know who they were or where they were from, they wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of coming into this country. Can a terrorist "fake it?" Sure, a good one with no previous history. If all of our terrorist attacks in this country had been by refugees or recent immigrants from the M.E., especially from the countries listed in the EO, I would probably feel differently. But we are barking up the wrong tree. It is not going to accomplish anything, except to make some people who hate foreigners happy.
Obama refugee vetting procedure enabled Iraqi terrorists to enter U.S.
I have nothing against improving vetting procedures. It does not require a travel ban. They should/could have started to figure it out already if it was so damned crucial to security. Have they?
How do you figure out how to ACTUALLY do your job when you are too busy vetting people who cant be vetted from countries that don't want to help?
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
/---- But when Obozo did the same damn thing you were down with it.
He didn't do that. There was never a ban. There were improved vetting procedures for visa holders from Iraq and additional background check procedures instituted, even on people already here. He came nowhere close to this. If he had, I would have hollered.
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
So you are happy to see judges ignore the law and issued purely political decisions.
I'm happy to see them standing up for what I believe this country is about. Not fear. Not stinginess. Not hatred.
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
So you are happy to see judges ignore the law and issued purely political decisions.
I'm happy to see them standing up for what I believe this country is about. Not fear. Not stinginess. Not hatred.
Translation : "they are abusing their power to my liking"
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
While they were attacking me, 2 jihadists asked me if I knew your home address and what car you were driving. I told them to go suck an egg, (while I pointed my .380 pistol at them) You're welcome. Hope you're as lucky next time.
I'm just shaking in my shoes. Nice touch using the inappropriate personal information threats, too, along with a loaded gun. There's actually no question who I'm more concerned about now.
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."

Travel ban under Obama good, travel ban under Trump bad..

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration also required new background checks for visa applicants from Iraq after the Bowling Green incident. Lawmakers at a 2012 congressional hearing also indicated that the Department of Homeland Security expanded screening to the Iraqi refugees already settled in the United States.

See how the far left dronie mentality works?
There was no ban. There was additional vetting of visa holders, causing a delay. It involved one country, after two terrorists in Kentucky were found actively planning a terrorist attack in Iraq.
Why do you not read your own articles?

Why do you not read the actual EO issued by Trump instead of far left revisions?
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
So you are happy to see judges ignore the law and issued purely political decisions.
I'm happy to see them standing up for what I believe this country is about. Not fear. Not stinginess. Not hatred.

So you think undermining our justice system is what this country is about?
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."

Travel ban under Obama good, travel ban under Trump bad..

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration also required new background checks for visa applicants from Iraq after the Bowling Green incident. Lawmakers at a 2012 congressional hearing also indicated that the Department of Homeland Security expanded screening to the Iraqi refugees already settled in the United States.

See how the far left dronie mentality works?
There is nothing wrong with new background checks or expanded screening. I thought that was what this whole thing was supposed to be about? Obama put a limited halt on people coming from one country, but it wasn't a blanket country-wide ban--there were exceptions--and it had a specific antecedent.


See how the far left will excuse Obama!

Yet they agree with Trump and don't even know it!
No. Right. Read Kosh's article (NYT). It didn't go even as far as I originally thought.
Trump never had the power to deny a person already granted a legal right to come here, or a legal right to return here, that right. They have a right to return and an opportunity to be heard in court as to why the govt cannot show they've done anything to be kicked out for.

I don't think his motivation for #2 is anything beyond saying he wasn't wrong in the first place, which he was. It's no longer about immigration and security.
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
So you are happy to see judges ignore the law and issued purely political decisions.
I'm happy to see them standing up for what I believe this country is about. Not fear. Not stinginess. Not hatred.

So you think undermining our justice system is what this country is about?
I consider the Executive Order heinous.
It's about OUR gov targeting a specific religion. Which it can not do .
Please elaborate :D

The first amendment . The whole establishment clause if you want to get specific . The gov can't favor one religion over another .
How is this order doing that? Please, be specific again.

It targets these 6 majority Muslim countries. The reasons for doing so are dubious and really just pretext for the Dons true motives .

It doesn't matter what the motives are. He as President by law has the authority to do what he did.....twice. The problem is these leftists judges don't believe in our system of laws, so they move against them. This judge should be removed from the bench.

Too bad that pesky constitution stands in his way! He's prez , not king. He just can't do whatever he wants for whatever reason .
Please elaborate :D

The first amendment . The whole establishment clause if you want to get specific . The gov can't favor one religion over another .
How is this order doing that? Please, be specific again.

It targets these 6 majority Muslim countries. The reasons for doing so are dubious and really just pretext for the Dons true motives .

It doesn't matter what the motives are. He as President by law has the authority to do what he did.....twice. The problem is these leftists judges don't believe in our system of laws, so they move against them. This judge should be removed from the bench.

Too bad that pesky constitution stands in his way! He's prez , not king. He just can't do whatever he wants for whatever reason .
Are you going to explain how this order defies the COTUS or not?
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."

Travel ban under Obama good, travel ban under Trump bad..

According to the New York Times, the Obama administration also required new background checks for visa applicants from Iraq after the Bowling Green incident. Lawmakers at a 2012 congressional hearing also indicated that the Department of Homeland Security expanded screening to the Iraqi refugees already settled in the United States.

See how the far left dronie mentality works?
There is nothing wrong with new background checks or expanded screening. I thought that was what this whole thing was supposed to be about? Obama put a limited halt on people coming from one country, but it wasn't a blanket country-wide ban--there were exceptions--and it had a specific antecedent.


See how the far left will excuse Obama!

Yet they agree with Trump and don't even know it!
No. Right. Read Kosh's article (NYT). It didn't go even as far as I originally thought.
Obama and the US were shameful in not issuing visas to Iraqis who helped us, and we should be brining Afghans here now. But that was not what was illegal in Trump's ban. He kept out people who already had visas.
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."
So you are happy to see judges ignore the law and issued purely political decisions.
I'm happy to see them standing up for what I believe this country is about. Not fear. Not stinginess. Not hatred.

So you think undermining our justice system is what this country is about?
I consider the Executive Order heinous.

Not nearly as heinous as judicial activism or judicial legislation.

A judges job is to interpret the law--not agree or disagree with it. When a judge rules that a law on the books for decades is not allowed to be used because "he" doesn't like the law, that's when we should start removing such judges from the bench. There is nothing more un-American than abusing your power as a judge.
Trumps ban targets muslims . He's said so on many occasions . His own words are screwing him over .

His reasoning is not strong enough to get the court to bypass the 1st amendment.
IKR? I hate he is trampling on the 1.7B muslims in those 6 countries constitutional rights. :rolleyes:

It's about OUR gov targeting a specific religion. Which it can not do .
Please elaborate :D

The first amendment . The whole establishment clause if you want to get specific . The gov can't favor one religion over another .

Foreigners overseas don't have Constitutional rights. If they did, that means if they come here for any reason, they would be allowed to own firearms and vote.

It's not about the foreigners . It's about the constitutional limitations on the prezs/ government authority.
Please elaborate :D

The first amendment . The whole establishment clause if you want to get specific . The gov can't favor one religion over another .
How is this order doing that? Please, be specific again.

It targets these 6 majority Muslim countries. The reasons for doing so are dubious and really just pretext for the Dons true motives .

It doesn't matter what the motives are. He as President by law has the authority to do what he did.....twice. The problem is these leftists judges don't believe in our system of laws, so they move against them. This judge should be removed from the bench.

Too bad that pesky constitution stands in his way! He's prez , not king. He just can't do whatever he wants for whatever reason .

He can if the law calls for it. Would you like to read the law? I have it right here you know.
To all of you asking, YES! IF this is a politically motivated decision by the courts, I'm happy they're doing it. They'll be reversed if it isn't valid. I hate this ban and I am grateful for every day our doors stay open.

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