travel ban

  1. Pogo

    Rump Signs New Travel Ban....

    ..... on Republican Senators >> WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an emergency travel ban preventing Republicans from fleeing the United States Senate. In a sombre Oval Office ceremony, a grim-faced Trump signed the ban, which he said would remain in effect...
  2. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Bill Gates: Europe Must Stem The Flow Of Immigrants Before It’s Too Late

    Bill Gates: Europe Must Stem The Flow Of Immigrants Before It’s Too Late – MILO NEWS As if the migrant crisis wasn’t bad enough in Europe, now Bill Gates is joining the chorus of sane-minded individuals who are seeing the potential issues with unmitigated migration from African and Middle...
  3. Weatherman2020

    SCOTUS Lifts Injunction Against Most of Travel Ban.

    Common sense. Live Coverage from CBS News
  4. OKTexas

    Will Ginsburg Have To Recuse Herself On Travel Suspension

    After all the negative comments RGB made during the election about Trump can she objectively hear this case? In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be...
  5. OldLady

    Travel Ban 2.0 DejaVu?

    Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!! Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous...
  6. Pogo

    Travel Ban Cluster: Historian Detained/nearly Deported

    >> PARIS — Henry Rousso is one of France’s most preeminent scholars and public intellectuals. Last week, as the historian attempted to enter the United States to attend an academic symposium, he was detained for more than 10 hours — for no clear reason. On Wednesday, Rousso arrived at Houston’s...
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