Transgender girl will not attend her high school graduation after Mississippi judge denies request for her to wear a dress

You're just factually wrong.

The DSM-IV called Gender Dysphoria "Gender Identity Disorder." They changed the name specifically because they thought that name depressed people with the disorder. They changed the name, but never declared it a non-disorder.

Of course they should not, because people with Gender Dyphoria are experiencing a genuine break with reality.
Maybe it is you that should mind your own business and leave these people alone?
You are afraid of them. You think they undressing you with their eyes. Oh they may be, but they are laughing at what they see.

Anyhow. Article is nice and well formatted and the ACLU is all over this one like honey on a biscuit.
If the school allows girls to wear dresses and heels to graduation, they have to let everyone do so. Otherwise it’s gender discrimination. Period. End of story.
How about this bozo, if the school allows its student to wear the clothes of their choice then they also have to allow nudists to wear no, or next to no clothes to avoid being guilty of discrimination.
How about this bozo, if the school allows its student to wear the clothes of their choice then they also have to allow nudists to wear no, or next to no clothes to avoid being guilty of discrimination.
That doesn’t make any sense. No one at the school is allowed to be nude.

But some people are allowed to wear dresses and some people aren’t.

That’s what discrimination means. Some people are treated differently than others.
Man you got your screws loose. Gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder.
Article made a little choked up, but I will be ok.

To put in simpler terms, a person with gender dysphoria is not mentally ill; they are dissatisfied with the gender assigned at their birth.
No, it's really a mental disorder. What happened to the whole 'follow the dress code' the degenerates and their minions were screaming about when a kid wore a 'There are only Two Genders' T-shirt? Did you all forget about that already?
No, it's really a mental disorder. What happened to the whole 'follow the dress code' the degenerates and their minions were screaming about when a kid wore a 'There are only Two Genders' T-shirt? Did you all forget about that already?
Pretty bad case of TDS here.
This one is all about the Benjamins. And it will pay off, unfortunately.
Gender is no more "assigned" than being subject to the laws of gravity is "assigned".
That being said, I couldn't care less what some confused kid wears underneath his graduation robe.
How would anyone have even known if he hadn't made a stink about it?
Well he couldn't have made himself the center of attention that way, now could he?
Explain. Otherwise you just come off as another degenerate moron whining about nothing.
Transgender derangement syndrome.

It’s a mental illness where you feel threatened and persecuted because of the presence of transgendered people.
Truly disappointing. Transgender high school student requesting she be allowed to wear a dress and heels under her robe. I see nothing, who cares?
All the hard work to graduate from H.S. (and let me tell you this, Mississippi has a 9% drop out rate) and that is actually good. So you know this person tried.
But anyways, why discriminate? This is a direct violation of the students First Amendment rights, according to the complaint.

A Mississippi federal judge denied a motion Friday, filed by the family of a transgender high school student requesting she be allowed to wear a dress and heels under her robe at her Gulfport high school graduation.

The 17-year-old, identified in court documents by her initials “L.B.,” did not attend her graduation, according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi.

“Our client is being shamed and humiliated for explicitly discriminatory reasons, and her family is being denied a once-in-a-lifetime milestone in their daughter’s life,” ACLU spokesperson Gillian Branstetter told CNN in an email. “No one should be forced to miss their graduation simply because of who they are.”

“She” is a boy

Maybe a screwy mixed up pervert

But still a boy
Transgender derangement syndrome.

It’s a mental illness where you feel threatened and persecuted because of the presence of transgendered people.
Never heard of such stupidity. Degenerate queers are not a threat, nor do they deserve special rights or privileges, they need treatment. Normalizing them is not a solution, only a bigger problem, as clearly society has no interest in such nonsense.
Man you got your screws loose. Gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder.
Article made a little choked up, but I will be ok.

To put in simpler terms, a person with gender dysphoria is not mentally ill; they are dissatisfied with the gender assigned at their birth.
In a way you're right. Gender dysphoria is merely questioning who you are while growing up. Experts say that 80% of young children with gender dysphoria grow out of it. It is not a term meaning that if are a young child questioning your identity you are the opposite of the sex you were born and therefore need puberty blockers, opposite sex hormones, and surgeries. When I was young my parents were poor and I remember playing with girl dolls at a young age. If that was today the left would have encourage and turned me into a girly girl.
Man you got your screws loose. Gender dysphoria is not a mental disorder.
Article made a little choked up, but I will be ok.

To put in simpler terms, a person with gender dysphoria is not mentally ill; they are dissatisfied with the gender assigned at their birth.

Do you ever get choked up at all the kids who grow up to be adults and realized they were pushed into being the opposite sex and now regret it?
Women are more than boobs, makeup and dresses. Unless you’re a member of the progressive cult, then that’s exactly what makes a woman.

Yeah, that's actually kind of funny. Over the last several years women have been trying to tell us that there is more to being a woman than just being a sex object and yet the left seem to feel that these objects of sex are now so very important.

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