Top Doctors caught pushing fake Covid Fear and Lies to Coerce people into getting Jabbed

More hilarious shit from Red Voice Media:

These days? I would bet that half of doctors ae quacks
The medical establishment has been set back decades. The last two years has brought the word "quack" back as a descriptor for a phony doctor. I am convinced that over half of the medical establishment is not to be trusted. Sad state of affairs. Thanks for nothing lying globalist democrats.
Doctor stuff, for the most part. Many also know they will receive more gubbamint cheese for parroting the political narrative about a virus with a minuscule mortality rate.
Doctor here. Where do I sign up for my government cheese for saying COVID is bad?

If I’m going to be saying it either way, might as well get paid.

So yeah, how do I get in on that?
"Follow the money" you said. I did. Do you not like where it led? Why not?
Did I say I didn't like where it led? It does nothing more than establish the possibility of incentives being offered to follow the state narrative.
Doctor here. Where do I sign up for my government cheese for saying COVID is bad?
If I’m going to be saying it either way, might as well get paid.
So yeah, how do I get in on that?
Reading Dr Zeuss doesn't cut it, colfax.
Your first step would be finally getting that GED.
There are a number of studies that show normal everyday people doing horrid things to other human beings...they think, to show how people will obey whom they think is an 'authority figure'.

We're Americans. Don't be those sheeple. Use your head and do not hurt other Americans.
The real. I've seen the virus ravage families firsthand. Just got back from Western MI and it's about as bad as it gets.
Posting alt-right misinformation doesn't help. It's just helping to extend the shelf life of this virus.
You will never rid the world of a Corona Virus. Call me when they can vaccinate away the common cold.

The Covid Scam is nothing more than a Trojan Horse for exerting more control over the populous and abolishing human freedoms and individual rights.

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