Tommy Robinson fears for his life after being moved to heavily muslim populated prison

Fears for the safety of Tommy Robinson are mounting after it was revealed that he has been moved to a heavily Muslim-populated prison in the United Kingdom and has already been on the receiving end of death threats.

View attachment 198357

Tommy Robinson Fears For His Life After Being Moved to Heavily Muslim-Populated Prison

When it comes to America if it makes it that far it will be hysterical to watch the pathetic leftist get their asses handed to them via their own stupidity.

That's what you get. He thinks he's a hard man. Now he's crying... boohoo some guy who stole someone else's name. Boohoo some guy who led a load of football hooligans into a mass fight. Boo the fuck hoo. Let him rot with Muslims in prison.
Fears for the safety of Tommy Robinson are mounting after it was revealed that he has been moved to a heavily Muslim-populated prison in the United Kingdom and has already been on the receiving end of death threats.

View attachment 198357

Tommy Robinson Fears For His Life After Being Moved to Heavily Muslim-Populated Prison

When it comes to America if it makes it that far it will be hysterical to watch the pathetic leftist get their asses handed to them via their own stupidity.

That's what you get. He thinks he's a hard man. Now he's crying... boohoo some guy who stole someone else's name. Boohoo some guy who led a load of football hooligans into a mass fight. Boo the fuck hoo. Let him rot with Muslims in prison.
and there's the leftists glee I knew would occur