Told Ya'll Christie KNEW!

Yes, a lot of amendments were filed, NONE of them were voted on before the bill was voted on and passed by dems only.
Like I have said before, once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie, they never let go!!!

In order for 161 GOP amendments to be PASSED, they had to be debated and VOTED on. There was 60 hours of debate over 13 days!!!

that was all prior to the filing of the ACA bill, there was zero discussion on the bill that was actually passed. The final bill was passed with no floor debate and no amendments in either house.

There was lots of discussion on the bill. Originally there was going to be a public option on the healtcare exchanges, Lieberman didn't like that and they needed his vote, so it was taken out. Also lots of GOP were complaining about abortion this abortion that, so Stupak added an amendment to specifically say no abortions will be funded through ACA.

The bill went through full discussion and debate in both houses, and the GOP got more then their fair say in it.
Oops, did I stop someone dead in their tracks?

Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie? Have you noticed how a slew of people have tried to bring him down with questionable methods? Have you also noticed how nothing has come of them?

Subpoenas only come due on Monday! Sepian's lawyer is objecting to the subpoena so he is out of compliance already. The rest of the filings coming in tomorrow will then be scrutinized and we shall learn what they contain.
Oops, did I stop someone dead in their tracks?

Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie? Have you noticed how a slew of people have tried to bring him down with questionable methods? Have you also noticed how nothing has come of them?

The subpoenas are being extended. All the evidence is still being looked into.

The Mayor of Hoboken lied. The lawyers of the Transportation Secretary all of a sudden come up with "evidence" that Christie knew of the traffic jam. In a matter that serious, don't you think they would have presented this evidence to authorities before making that type of accusation?
Oops, did I stop someone dead in their tracks?

Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie? Have you noticed how a slew of people have tried to bring him down with questionable methods? Have you also noticed how nothing has come of them?

Subpoenas only come due on Monday! Sepian's lawyer is objecting to the subpoena so he is out of compliance already. The rest of the filings coming in tomorrow will then be scrutinized and we shall learn what they contain.

Let me ask you something. When this scandal first broke out, people scoured over 1000 pages of emails and exchanges by his officials. None of them contained anything that implicated Christie in the traffic jam. That right there should tell you he wasn't involved. Then the Mayor of Hoboken chimes up and says he intimidated her and threatened to withhold Sandy funding. It turns out she has a history of perjuring the courts and lying. Now, almost a month in, these lawyers suddenly come up with evidence that somehow suggests he knew? Didn't everyone scour over those same e-mails? Why didn't they present this evidence to the authorities first instead of releasing it to the press?

Doesn't this sound in the least bit odd to you?
Oops, did I stop someone dead in their tracks?

Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie? Have you noticed how a slew of people have tried to bring him down with questionable methods? Have you also noticed how nothing has come of them?

The subpoenas are being extended. All the evidence is still being looked into.

The Mayor of Hoboken lied. The lawyers of the Transportation Secretary all of a sudden come up with "evidence" that Christie knew of the traffic jam. In a matter that serious, don't you think they would have presented this evidence to authorities before making that type of accusation?
No, she didn't.

Only in RW'ers fervent dreams.
Oops, did I stop someone dead in their tracks?

Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie? Have you noticed how a slew of people have tried to bring him down with questionable methods? Have you also noticed how nothing has come of them?

Subpoenas only come due on Monday! Sepian's lawyer is objecting to the subpoena so he is out of compliance already. The rest of the filings coming in tomorrow will then be scrutinized and we shall learn what they contain.

Methinks that TK has forgotten that courts don't work on Sundays.....

And TK, when something like this breaks, it usually takes at least a couple of days to get the papers, such as an amicus brief or the like, through a court. So, the effects of the news of last Wednesday will first be felt next week.

It's all good. Chill out, otherwise, you might break something. :D
Oops, did I stop someone dead in their tracks?

Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie? Have you noticed how a slew of people have tried to bring him down with questionable methods? Have you also noticed how nothing has come of them?

The subpoenas are being extended. All the evidence is still being looked into.

The Mayor of Hoboken lied.
Please provide evidence that the Mayor lied.
The lawyers of the Transportation Secretary all of a sudden come up with "evidence" that Christie knew of the traffic jam. In a matter that serious, don't you think they would have presented this evidence to authorities before making that type of accusation?

Who is this "Transportation Secretary"?

The only person who has mentioned "evidence that Christie knew of the traffic jam" is Wildstein's lawyer. So far that evidence has not been subpoena'd.

No, they don't have to produce evidence unless there is a legal requirement to do so.

Christie is the one denying that he knew anything and accusing others of lying to him.
Oops, did I stop someone dead in their tracks?

Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie? Have you noticed how a slew of people have tried to bring him down with questionable methods? Have you also noticed how nothing has come of them?

Subpoenas only come due on Monday! Sepian's lawyer is objecting to the subpoena so he is out of compliance already. The rest of the filings coming in tomorrow will then be scrutinized and we shall learn what they contain.

Let me ask you something. When this scandal first broke out, people scoured over 1000 pages of emails and exchanges by his officials. None of them contained anything that implicated Christie in the traffic jam. That right there should tell you he wasn't involved.
Heavily redacted emails that came from the Port Authority only. The ones from the Governor's office were never included in any subpoena.

What tells me that Christie is lying is that his story keeps changing each time more evidence comes to light.
Then the Mayor of Hoboken chimes up and says he intimidated her and threatened to withhold Sandy funding. It turns out she has a history of perjuring the courts and lying.
Please provide a credible link to substantiate this allegation.
Now, almost a month in, these lawyers suddenly come up with evidence that somehow suggests he knew? Didn't everyone scour over those same e-mails? Why didn't they present this evidence to the authorities first instead of releasing it to the press?

Doesn't this sound in the least bit odd to you?

What sounds odd to me is that you are not following this closely.
The subpoenas are being extended. All the evidence is still being looked into.

The Mayor of Hoboken lied.
Please provide evidence that the Mayor lied.
The lawyers of the Transportation Secretary all of a sudden come up with "evidence" that Christie knew of the traffic jam. In a matter that serious, don't you think they would have presented this evidence to authorities before making that type of accusation?

Who is this "Transportation Secretary"?

The only person who has mentioned "evidence that Christie knew of the traffic jam" is Wildstein's lawyer. So far that evidence has not been subpoena'd.

No, they don't have to produce evidence unless there is a legal requirement to do so.

Christie is the one denying that he knew anything and accusing others of lying to him.

Please provide evidence that the Mayor lied.

Verdict: Hoboken Mayor's Allegations Against Christie Unsupported by Evidence - Guy Benson

Any evidence of criminal wrongdoing is to be submitted immediately. Withholding evidence is obstruction of justice and a violation of the defendant's due process rights, Derideo.

I said it from the very beginning, that this thing was about a LOT MORE THAN A TRAFFIC JAM ON THE BRIDGE.
* * * *

Damn. You are pretty thick.

A guy CLAIMING that Crispy knew is NOT the same thing, necessarily, as Crispy actually having known.

I realize that Crispy's name is followed by an "R" and that, as a consequence, you lolberal hacks love to presume guilt.

And Crispy might BE guilty. Who knows?

Not you, that's for sure, you silly trite hack.
Subpoenas only come due on Monday! Sepian's lawyer is objecting to the subpoena so he is out of compliance already. The rest of the filings coming in tomorrow will then be scrutinized and we shall learn what they contain.

Let me ask you something. When this scandal first broke out, people scoured over 1000 pages of emails and exchanges by his officials. None of them contained anything that implicated Christie in the traffic jam. That right there should tell you he wasn't involved.
Heavily redacted emails that came from the Port Authority only. The ones from the Governor's office were never included in any subpoena.

What tells me that Christie is lying is that his story keeps changing each time more evidence comes to light.
Then the Mayor of Hoboken chimes up and says he intimidated her and threatened to withhold Sandy funding. It turns out she has a history of perjuring the courts and lying.
Please provide a credible link to substantiate this allegation.
Now, almost a month in, these lawyers suddenly come up with evidence that somehow suggests he knew? Didn't everyone scour over those same e-mails? Why didn't they present this evidence to the authorities first instead of releasing it to the press?

Doesn't this sound in the least bit odd to you?

What sounds odd to me is that you are not following this closely.

What sounds odd to me is that you haven't proven that Christie did indeed orchestrate this fiasco.

More evidence that the mayor of Hoboken lied:
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Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie?

I think you will see lots of back & fourth bullshit, with each camp claiming premature victories and over-reading every little sign, but we will not know what the evidence is until all the subpoenas and testimony have been processed, which could take a long time. Given that this will likely end Christie's presidential run, I'm not sure that the issue should continue to have the importance assigned to it. This is looking like a standard case of government corruption, which should not surprise your party.

Most odd is how the Right, the self-proclaimed party of Constitutional fidelity, clings to its crooks until the bitter end. [This is why we laugh at you when you point out Democratic crimes] The reason the Right gets away with ignoring its party's crimes is partly because the party has gotten better at manipulating the opinions of its less educated followers (I'm talking about the post-Nixon Right which created a powerful Think Tank & Media universe to expunge/rewrite all facts that didn't serve the party's interests). For instance, we have raised a generation of Republicans fully inside a bubble where Reagan's act of selling weapons illegally to the world's leading terrorist nation (Iran-Contra) does not exist. And where Reagan's massive financial and weapons infusions into the early Hussein regime literally doesn't exist, despite being on the public record. And where Bush's anti-Constitutional spying or the cherry-picked Intelligence that allowed him to justify a pre-established policy of regime change in Iraq... doesn't exist because the Right has created such loyal dupes. [FYI: this extreme level of opinion management was a Nixonian strategy, who thought that controlling public opinion was the only way to insulate himself from the Watergate investigation. You have to understand the context here. The pre-Nixon press was quite Liberal. This is why Nixon felt the party had to create its own media universe, with its own factual content... so that the Washington Post couldn't end a presidency or so that men like Walter Cronkite couldn't end the Vietnam War by talking honestly about the stalemate. Had FOX News, Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Hannity, O'Reilly, Levine and the blogosphere existed in the 70's, Nixon could have gotten away with his crimes against the Constitution, and people like you, 100% contained within the Rightwing media universe, would have been among his loudest and most aggressive advocates]

When LBJ, by expanding the Vietnam War, went against the core principals of the Left, he was severely disciplined by the democratic base, who denied him a 2nd term as the student Left screamed " "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" By contrast, your party is 100% loyal to its sitting presidents, thus displaying a faith in Big Government that far exceeds the Left.

As a voter, you're supposed to be an internal check against your party's Constitutional abuses, not a sycophant or a flag-draped dupe. The fact that you always protect your biggest crooks 'til the bitter end makes it hard to take your criticism of the Left seriously.

When you party's leader says "Washington is going to save the middle east with freedom", your job is to be skeptical of Big Government's ability to control or save the world (despite the very best of intentions). Indeed, if Washington can't run a laundromat on budget, why would you give it the money and power to remake whole Arab nations in our image? The fact that people like you were rabid cheerleaders for such a massive expansion of Washington's power and budget makes it very hard to take any of your criticisms against Big Government seriously. We expect you to be intelligent critics of Government's ability to do big things, but every time your party captures the White House you expand the power and budget of Washington more than even the Left. We need dupes like you to become more literate on Foreign and Domestic policy. Please research how much power and money the Reagan War on Drugs gave to Federal agencies. Or take a look at the Patriot Act and Homeland Security, two unprecedented power-grabs over which you are silent (unless a democrat is in office). Let's start your education now. Read this article on Homeland Security so you understand why this Bush creation shows the true Republican Party, the one which has grown government more than the Left could ever dream.

Click Me to see Big Government Conservatism in action.

Conclusion: stop cheerleading for your own presidents and party leaders and we will be able to take you seriously. Be a real critic of Big Government in all its form, not a mere cheerleader and attack-dog for one party.
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Let me ask you something. When this scandal first broke out, people scoured over 1000 pages of emails and exchanges by his officials. None of them contained anything that implicated Christie in the traffic jam. That right there should tell you he wasn't involved.
Heavily redacted emails that came from the Port Authority only. The ones from the Governor's office were never included in any subpoena.

What tells me that Christie is lying is that his story keeps changing each time more evidence comes to light. Please provide a credible link to substantiate this allegation.
Now, almost a month in, these lawyers suddenly come up with evidence that somehow suggests he knew? Didn't everyone scour over those same e-mails? Why didn't they present this evidence to the authorities first instead of releasing it to the press?

Doesn't this sound in the least bit odd to you?

What sounds odd to me is that you are not following this closely.

What sounds odd to me is that you haven't proven that Christie did indeed orchestrate this fiasco.

More evidence that the mayor of Hoboken lied:

FBI questions Hoboken mayor's aides over alleged Sandy relief funds threat: sources - Investigations

Nothing in that link says anything about Zimmer lying. In fact the majority of it is talking about two zimmer aides that agree with what she's saying. The fact that the FBI is looking into it just shows it's being taken seriously.
Oh by the way, did you notice how nothing more has come of that accusation against Christie?

I think you will see lots of back & fourth bullshit, with each camp claiming premature victories and over-reading every little sign, but we will not know what the evidence is until all the subpoenas and testimony have been processed, which could take a long time. Given that this will likely end Christie's presidential run, I'm not sure that the issue should continue to have the importance assigned to it. This is looking like a standard case of government corruption, which should not surprise your party.

Most odd is how the Right, the self-proclaimed party Constitutional fidelity, clings to its crooks until the bitter end. [This is why we laugh at you when you point out Democratic crimes] The reason the Right gets away with ignoring its party's crimes is partly because the party has gotten better at manipulating the opinions of its less educated followers (I'm talking about the post-Nixon Right which created a powerful Think Tank & Media universe to expunge/rewrite all facts that didn't serve the party's interests.] For instance, we have raised a generation of Republicans fully inside a bubble where Reagan's act of selling weapons illegally to the world's leading terrorist nation (Iran-Contra) does not exist. And where Bush's anti-Constitutional domestic spying and intelligence manipulation have been erased. [FYI: this was really a Nixonian plan, who thought that controlling public opinion was the only way to insulate the party from public redress. This makes sense because the pre-Nixon press was very Liberal. So they literally created their own media universe, with its own factual content... so that men like Walter Cronkite couldn't end the Vietnam War with one broadcast. Had FOX News, Limbaugh, Coulter, Savage, Hannity, O'Reilly, Levine and the blogosphere existed in the 70's, Nixon could have gotten away with his crimes against the Constitution, and people like you, 100% contained within the Rightwing media universe, would have been among his loudest and most aggressive advocates]

When LBJ, by expanding the Vietnam War, went against the core principals of the Left, he was severely disciplined by the democratic base, who denied him a 2nd term as the student Left screamed " "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" By contrast, your partyis 100% loyal to its sitting presidents, thus displaying a faith in Big Government that far exceeds the Left.

As a voter, you're supposed to be an internal check against your party's Constitutional abuses, not a sycophant or a flag-draped dupe. The fact that you always protect your biggest crooks 'til the bitter end makes it hard to take your criticism of the Left seriously.

When you party's leader says "Washington is going to save the middle east with freedom", your job is to be skeptical of Big Government's ability to control or save the world (despite the very best of intentions). Indeed, if Washington can't run a laundromat on budget, why would you give it the money and power to remake whole Arab nations in our image? The fact that people like you were rabid cheerleaders, rather than intelligent critics, makes it very hard to take any of your criticisms against Big Government seriously.

Non sequiturs, red herrings and strawmen. All of it.
If nobody gave her a pass, why is the entirety of the Democratic party flocking to her for president?[/qquote]

you seem to be confused about what benghazi was. i'd suggest you actually read the report instead of the rightqwingnut blogosphere.

Second, the Senate Report called it a terrorist attack, it named multiple terrorist groups and two terrorists in specific. The State Department recently acknowledged the same thing!

they actually said it was a combination of events… which is what was said all along. the lack of honesty of the right, notwithstanding.

but where were you during bush's 13 benghazis and 50 dead?

Third, do you have any clue what you're talking about? Have you even read the Senate report, or the ARB report or even the State Department Report? Your failure to acknowledge reality, and the facts, knows no limits.

you should take your own advice.

Fourth, if nobody ordered them to be there, why was there a freaking consulate in Benghazi to begin with, genius?

what on earth are you talking about?
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From that ABC link:

Hoboken mayor Dawn Zimmer’s journal, which she turned over to the U.S. Attorney’s office, has emerged as a crucial part of her claim against the administration of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. But now something she said in a deposition in July 2013 is calling into question her diary writing.

Earlier this month, on the heels of the developing lanes closure scandal, Zimmer accused the Christie administration of threatening to withhold Sandy relief funds if she did not back a Rockefeller Group development deal in Hoboken. When she came forward she pointed to diary entries she kept in May 2013, in which she writes about being approached and threatened by Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno. The Christie administration has denied Zimmer’s accusations.

In July 2013, Zimmer was deposed during a wrongful termination suit. The deposition, obtained by ABC News, would have been about two months after she chronicled the threats from the Christie administration.

“When you have meetings regarding day-to-day activities involving Hoboken business with your department heads, do you memorialize any of the conversation that takes place yourself?” attorney Louis Zayas, who represented former Hoboken public safety director Angel Alicea in a wrongful termination suit, asked Zimmer.

Zimmer replied, “No, I don’t transcribe it.”

Zayas then followed up and asked Zimmer if she “write(s) notes in a calendar or some sort of memo pad that says follow up on a text or this was said during this meeting; anything that would help you recall what was said during the course of the meeting?”

Zimmer replied, “No, I don’t,” adding usually the directors she is speaking with write down notes.

Zayas’ client won the case against the city of Hoboken.

Zimmer’s spokesperson released a statement from the mayor’s attorney, Gerald Krovatin, saying Zayas was on a “media tour” and is “falsely claim[ing] that he asked Mayor Zimmer whether she keeps a personal diary or journal.”

“In fact, the plain language of the deposition makes clear that he was referring to calendars and scheduling and appointments for the mayor and whether she takes notes at meetings,” Krovatin said. “Those things bear no relationship to a personal diary or journal. This mischaracterization is not surprising coming from Mr. Zayas who has four pending lawsuits against the City and/or the Mayor in which he has demonstrated a clear personal animosity towards the Mayor.”
What sounds odd to me is that you haven't proven that Christie did indeed orchestrate this fiasco.

More evidence that the mayor of Hoboken lied:

Hoboken Mayor?s Diary Called Into Question in Christie Scandal - ABC News

there is zero evidence that the mayor of hoboken lied.

aside from the fact that it takes actual evidence and the evidence isn't even due in the US attorneys office how would anyone be able to "prove" christie knew in advance or failed to stop it?

but it's clear that everyone around christie knew and had marching orders.

your refusal to acknowledge that seems either incredibly naive or outrageously dishonest.
If nobody gave her a pass, why is the entirety of the Democratic party flocking to her for president?[/qquote]

you seem to be confused about what benghazi was. i'd suggest you actually read the report instead of the rightqwingnut blogosphere.

Second, the Senate Report called it a terrorist attack, it named multiple terrorist groups and two terrorists in specific. The State Department recently acknowledged the same thing!

they actually said it was a combination of events… which is what was said all along. the lack of honesty of the right, notwithstanding.

but where were you during bush's 13 benghazis and 50 dead?

you should take your own advice.

Fourth, if nobody ordered them to be there, why was there a freaking consulate in Benghazi to begin with, genius?

what on earth are you talking about?

you seem to be confused about what benghazi was. i'd suggest you actually read the report instead of the rightqwingnut blogosphere.

First, I have read all three reports, jillian. I am far more informed than you and your army of moonbats could possibly be. I suggest you read the reports before regurgitating talking points all over me.

they actually said it was a combination of events… which is what was said all along. the lack of honesty of the right, notwithstanding.

but where were you during bush's 13 benghazis and 50 dead?

Please. Quote where they said "it was a combination of events." They plainly state it was a terrorist attack. The ARB states there was sufficient funding, over $1 billion for embassies and consulates around the world.

Next, jillian, in those 13 attacks, 4 of those 50 dead were Americans.

what on earth are you talking about?

Read the first sentence of Sallow's response. He plainly states that "nobody was ordered to be there."
What sounds odd to me is that you haven't proven that Christie did indeed orchestrate this fiasco.

More evidence that the mayor of Hoboken lied:

Hoboken Mayor?s Diary Called Into Question in Christie Scandal - ABC News

there is zero evidence that the mayor of hoboken lied.

aside from the fact that it takes actual evidence and the evidence isn't even due in the US attorneys office how would anyone be able to "prove" christie knew in advance or failed to stop it?

but it's clear that everyone around christie knew and had marching orders.

your refusal to acknowledge that seems either incredibly naive or outrageously dishonest.

I love how you're insulting me but not proving with your own supporting facts and links that Christie lied. Hello?

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