Tobacco versus marijuana

I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Its about the deliberate harm in the name of profit done by the tobacco industry.

How does the tobacco industry inflict "deliberate harm" any more than those who are producing and selling illegal marijuana?
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Tobacco has been proven to be a highly addictive, one of the most addictive products, in the market. Tobacco causes huge health issues and costs society billions of dollars. A poor soul in my community burned to death only a few days ago after catching his home on fire from falling asleep while smoking.
Sued into oblivion? I am not familiar with that. As a dangerous drug, it probably deserves some level of regulation such as not allowing its sale to minors and protecting other people from second-hand smoke. Taxing to help pay some of societies costs seems fair.

All of which is equally applicable for marijuana.
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Its about the deliberate harm in the name of profit done by the tobacco industry.
I used to smoke, but no one shoved a cigarette into my mouth FORCING me to smoke it. Are you saying that cigarette smokers are victims of liberalism?
Are you functionally retarded or what?

Please explain, in your own words, how your demented reasoning leads to any sort of liberal connection to my comment.
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Tobacco has been proven to be a highly addictive, one of the most addictive products, in the marker. Tobacco causes huge health issues and costs society billions of dollars. A poor soul in my community burned to death only a few days ago after catching his home on fire from falling asleep while smoking.
Sued into oblivion? I am not familiar with that. As a dangerous drug, it probably deserves some level of regulation such as not allowing its sale to minors and protecting other people from second-hand smoke. Taxing to help pay some of societies costs seems fair.
A poor soul in my community burned to death only a few days ago after catching his home on fire from falling asleep while smoking.
I guess he never listened to other people about smoking in bed? Not a poor soul, but a stupid liberal who didn't listen to the warnings...
If you want to smoke weed go ahead. Cigarettes go ahead. Coke snort away. It's all good

Well, I suppose there's an argument for that. But will we feel the same when the streets are littered with piled bodies of meth, dope, and crack heads on every corner openly shitcanned? Will the public want action when the ODs start racking up a body count that reminds us of the dead collections from the black plague?

Marijuana or other drugs being illegal is a first world problem at best. If it's really any kind of offense against our freedom, it's the very slightest and of lowest concern. It just doesn't make any sense to be so highly motivated over the issue, unless one is desperately addicted already.
For me, it is absolutely ridiculous to ban a FLOWER that grows in a ditch.
Our fed govt has no authority to be banning shit like that. Especially declaring "war" on a habit or joy.
Do you really think if they legalized drugs you would see more junkies than you do now?
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Tobacco has been proven to be a highly addictive, one of the most addictive products, in the market. Tobacco causes huge health issues and costs society billions of dollars. A poor soul in my community burned to death only a few days ago after catching his home on fire from falling asleep while smoking.
Sued into oblivion? I am not familiar with that. As a dangerous drug, it probably deserves some level of regulation such as not allowing its sale to minors and protecting other people from second-hand smoke. Taxing to help pay some of societies costs seems fair.
That guy is an idiot. People like that is why we have to put warning levels on harmful chemicals SMH
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Its about the deliberate harm in the name of profit done by the tobacco industry.

How does the tobacco industry inflict "deliberate harm" any more than those who are producing and selling illegal marijuana?
Additives to make the cigarettes more addictive to start with.
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Its about the deliberate harm in the name of profit done by the tobacco industry.
I used to smoke, but no one shoved a cigarette into my mouth FORCING me to smoke it. Are you saying that cigarette smokers are victims of liberalism?
Are you functionally retarded or what?

Please explain, in your own words, how your demented reasoning leads to any sort of liberal connection to my comment.
Because with liberal victimhood, it isn't the fault of the PERSON, who took the first drag of the cigarette, but the evil corporation for providing a product that person willingly purchased. I hate stupid fucks like you , who cant pull their head out of Uranus..
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Its about the deliberate harm in the name of profit done by the tobacco industry.

How does the tobacco industry inflict "deliberate harm" any more than those who are producing and selling illegal marijuana?
Additives to make the cigarettes more addictive to start with.
No one is addicted to cigarettes until they put the first one in their mouth.....
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Its about the deliberate harm in the name of profit done by the tobacco industry.
I used to smoke, but no one shoved a cigarette into my mouth FORCING me to smoke it. Are you saying that cigarette smokers are victims of liberalism?
Are you functionally retarded or what?

Please explain, in your own words, how your demented reasoning leads to any sort of liberal connection to my comment.
Because with liberal victimhood, it isn't the fault of the PERSON, who took the first drag of the cigarette, but the evil corporation for providing a product that person willingly purchased. I hate stupid fucks like you , who cant pull their head out of Uranus..
Ah, so your just a retard then.

Thanks for clearing that up!

I'll take it easy on you from here on out, due to your "special" status.
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
/----/ Great point. And notice we haven't heard a peep about secondhand smoke since the push to legalize pot?
We Used Terrible Science to Justify Smoking Bans Will we look at the new evidence for long enough to at least consider whether we’ve gone too far?
If you want to smoke weed go ahead. Cigarettes go ahead. Coke snort away. It's all good

Well, I suppose there's an argument for that. But will we feel the same when the streets are littered with piled bodies of meth, dope, and crack heads on every corner openly shitcanned? Will the public want action when the ODs start racking up a body count that reminds us of the dead collections from the black plague?

Marijuana or other drugs being illegal is a first world problem at best. If it's really any kind of offense against our freedom, it's the very slightest and of lowest concern. It just doesn't make any sense to be so highly motivated over the issue, unless one is desperately addicted already.
Not at all, when the bodies start piling up, we can build a wall at our southern border with them.. That will keep the illegals out.

I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Tobacco has been proven to be a highly addictive, one of the most addictive products, in the market. Tobacco causes huge health issues and costs society billions of dollars. A poor soul in my community burned to death only a few days ago after catching his home on fire from falling asleep while smoking.
Sued into oblivion? I am not familiar with that. As a dangerous drug, it probably deserves some level of regulation such as not allowing its sale to minors and protecting other people from second-hand smoke. Taxing to help pay some of societies costs seems fair.

All of which is equally applicable for marijuana.
Both create problems for society. I am not for banning either. Both need regulation. How much each gets taxed is a subjective and debatable issue. Good luck trying to decide which is worse and the cost to society of each.
For me, it is absolutely ridiculous to ban a FLOWER that grows in a ditch.

You mean this one?

I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Weed has medicinal properties. All tobacco does is kill.
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?

MJ enforcement costs millions, legalized it crests a cost-benefit; tobacco costs billions, its placement as a schedule I drug would save billions once a generation has lived tobacco free.
Both create problems for society. I am not for banning either.

Those "problems" are not equal. That is why one is already banned. Why bother to change that? What positive thing is accomplished?
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?
Weed has medicinal properties. All tobacco does is kill.

Nicotine has medicinal qualities as well. It is a stimulant. The issue is when combusted you get more downsides when used as opposed to caffeine, but vaping eliminates that.
I am really confused how the same liberals who want marijuana to become legalized also want tobacco to be regulated, taxed, and sued into oblivion. What's up with that?

I don't care if people smoke, as long as they don't smoke around me.

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