its not a ghost spirit inside of one like some have twisted it to be. God gave all the breath of life.
Your "mind" is your spirit (its not literally YOUR HEART where the kingdom of God rests, its your mind, your spirit)......your mind controls your flesh, your ability to think and reason freely (free will) to be able to judge between right and wrong is THE IMAGE of God that we are created in. GOD IS A SPIRIT BEING. (John 4:24). Man is flesh a product of the earth and will return to dust when dead. Man was a lifeless form until God breathed and animated the flesh of man with His Spirit. (Genesis 2:7)
What? Are you a child? Ghost Spirit. God is a Spirit. LMAO If you are to worship Him you must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. The Spirit that came from God is that life force that animates your flesh. Why attempt to judge anyone from the outside according to the package he/she is wrapped pointed out by God in scripture, all men have the same creator, that which matter's is what's on the inside (The content of your heart.........your soul/spirit).
Comprehension: the ability to understand. Read (Acts 17) Read (Luke 17) and stop being a child playing church...........
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: BUT WHEN I BECAME A MAN, I PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS." -- 1 Cor. 13:11
An analogy that a child can understand concerning the spirit of man. As taught by my PAP. "Inside every man there are two evil one good, they wrestle constantly with the stronger one controlling your body, your actions, your interactions with fellowman. What determines which one controls your spirit? The stronger one.........the one you feed the most. If you feed upon gentile understanding, kind things........the good wolf is stronger........on the other hand if you feed upon evil, evil will overcome you and take possession of your spirit."
You control your own fate because you have been endowed with "freewill".........just as explained by God in scripture.
"And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become as one of US; to know good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever......." -- Genesis 3:22