Tired Of The Democrats? Join Walkaway


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

The Democrats have screwed up the economy and promoted racial hatred.

The Democrats have screwed up the economy and promoted racial hatred.
Bad strategy. You don't start a campaign to get people to walk away. You simply give all the power to one man who based on allegiance decides who is a RINO or a true Republican.

The Democrats have screwed up the economy and promoted racial hatred.
Not Odd how Republicans have not needed such a Campaign to slowly and surely walkaway from the Republican Party since 2016.
We don't need ultra rich people running everything. That's a problem right there
We don't need ultra rich people running everything. That's a problem right there

0.1% of the population owns over 85% of the wealth. Something is going to break soon, and it isn't going to be pretty.

If we divided the income of the US into thirds, we find that the top ten percent of the population gets a third, the next thirty percent gets another third, and the bottom sixty percent get the last third. If we divide the wealth of the US into thirds, we find that the top one percent own a third, the next nine percent own another third, and the bottom ninety percent claim the rest. (Actually, these percentages, true a decade ago, are now out of date. The top one percent are now estimated to own between forty and fifty percent of the nation's wealth, more than the combined wealth of the bottom 95%.)
0.1% of the population owns over 85% of the wealth. Something is going to break soon, and it isn't going to be pretty.
I wish.
These dumb as dogshit poor Liberals keep voting for the people who keep them poor while the wealthy Liberals keep voting for the people who keep the poor people away from them.
I wish.
These dumb as dogshit poor Liberals keep voting for the people who keep them poor while the wealthy Liberals keep voting for the people who keep the poor people away from them.

0.1% of the population owns over 85% of the wealth. Something is going to break soon, and it isn't going to be pretty.

If we divided the income of the US into thirds, we find that the top ten percent of the population gets a third, the next thirty percent gets another third, and the bottom sixty percent get the last third. If we divide the wealth of the US into thirds, we find that the top one percent own a third, the next nine percent own another third, and the bottom ninety percent claim the rest. (Actually, these percentages, true a decade ago, are now out of date. The top one percent are now estimated to own between forty and fifty percent of the nation's wealth, more than the combined wealth of the bottom 95%.)

I forgot to add this is just the visible wealth that can be seen; much more of it is off-shored and hidden, like 'the Big Guy's cut'.
Truthfully African Americans who have a beef do not live far from people with money in most Progressive areas. Prime fertile protesting neighborhoods.
Why are there at least 3 threads started by VIktor about the same thing, only the subject is written a little bit differently?
0.1% of the population owns over 85% of the wealth. Something is going to break soon, and it isn't going to be pretty.

If we divided the income of the US into thirds, we find that the top ten percent of the population gets a third, the next thirty percent gets another third, and the bottom sixty percent get the last third. If we divide the wealth of the US into thirds, we find that the top one percent own a third, the next nine percent own another third, and the bottom ninety percent claim the rest. (Actually, these percentages, true a decade ago, are now out of date. The top one percent are now estimated to own between forty and fifty percent of the nation's wealth, more than the combined wealth of the bottom 95%.)

That's the way it's always been all over the world forever.

Even back to kings who owned the gold, the land, the treasures, the castle, and he had all of his subjects that were poor farmers, cattle drivers, blacksmiths and chamber pot cleaners.

You're focused on a catchphrase and a slogan than considering everything else.

The few that have the most money all earned that money by creating something, growing it, feeding it, being savvy and expanding. Not very many people are capable of doing that, if anyone could just "be a millionaire" we would all be millionaires and they would still be poor because a millionaire would be bottom line and the over achievers would be trillionaires.

Like me. I'm a blue collar guy and that's why I am. I like being a blue collar guy because it's what I born to be. I work, I own my house, my car, I have a cool game room with a PS5 and a nice pc, I have plenty of food to eat, 1.5 acres of land, have a nice queen sized bed with a 4k uhd Samsung tv to watch I am in it. I don't need a lot. I'm happy with what I have. Sure a million dollars would be cool, but I don't need it.

Equal wealth is stupid. If we all had equal wealth we wouldn't have smart phones, international airlines, high speed internet, laproscopy surgery, and mcdonalds. The drive for money is what got us those things. It's what drives people to push for better technology and advances, money, esteem, power. The few people wired to get those things and maintain them are the ones who push us forward. If everyone was equal there would be no need to drive and be richer or better. We would languish in mediocrity.

And most people have done nothing to earn what the 95% have, so why complain they don't have it?
Why not simply stop with "groupthink" and tell people they have the power to make their own decisions?

They can not stop the groupthink. The strong connection to The Imbecilic Cult Of The Holy Glowing Rectangle has already convinced them to drink the KoolAid and now all that's left is for them to lie down and finish the convulsion. Don't know why it's taking so damn long!

The concept of making their own decisions has been out of reach for them for three or four decades now.

0.1% of the population owns over 85% of the wealth. Something is going to break soon, and it isn't going to be pretty.

If we divided the income of the US into thirds, we find that the top ten percent of the population gets a third, the next thirty percent gets another third, and the bottom sixty percent get the last third. If we divide the wealth of the US into thirds, we find that the top one percent own a third, the next nine percent own another third, and the bottom ninety percent claim the rest. (Actually, these percentages, true a decade ago, are now out of date. The top one percent are now estimated to own between forty and fifty percent of the nation's wealth, more than the combined wealth of the bottom 95%.)
Some are richer than you think.

"A net worth of $93,170 U.S. is enough to make you richer than 90 percent of people around the world, Credit Suisse reports. The institute defines net worth, or “wealth,” as “the value of financial assets plus real assets (principally housing) owned by households, minus their debts.”

"More than 102 million people in America are in the 10 percent worldwide, Credit Suisse reports, far more than from any other country."

"You need significantly less to be among the global 50 percent: If you have just $4,210 to your name, you’re still richer than half of the world’s residents. And it takes a net worth of $871,320 to join the global 1 percent. More than 19 million Americans qualify, Credit Suisse reports."

Hope that makes you feel better.


The Democrats have screwed up the economy and promoted racial hatred.

Well, given the 2022 GOP midterm disaster, nobody’s tired of the Democrats.

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