Time to leave


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Hello friends and foe,

I have decided it is time for me to leave, because I prefer another forum, where blatant trolling and numerous personal attacks are strongly moderated. I grew tired of it here, decided to move on to a forum, where moderation doesn't let it destroy threads, the offender gets moderated.

I had to leave as I was starting to get more snotty in my replies which is another reason to leave, having to deal with the chronic trolling and stupid behavior of members who don't intend to discuss the topic, made me lose focus on why I am here. Sooo tired of the stupid partisan thinking and the blatant trolling here, the refusal of members staying on topic was the last straw for me, the off topic rules are not getting enforced much, I feel that I am just wasting my time here.

I prefer real point/counterpoint discussions on any topic, not finding it much here. I have in recent weeks pointed out how many members don't address my Post one articles, they attack the writer, the publisher while ignoring the content of the article. I consider that as a bad habit this forum has developed, which is yet another reason why I have decided to leave.

Two of my PM's to the Mods have been completely ignored, one was a suggestion (May 12) to create a resource section in the forum, which has been done elsewhere to success.

Thank you for the laughs, and the many positive reactions I have received in the two years I have been here. I learned all the while.

Kudos to Moderator Coyote, who often disagree with me, but always civil and tries to carry on a discussion, which forces me to try harder to respond in kind the same way, wish a lot more people can do that here, but alas....., I consider him the BEST of the democrats in the forum, nearly the ONLY one I can argue while staying reasonably calm and civil the whole time.

Kudos for PoliticalChic interesting long posts makes me look forward for more.

Kudos for Cruiserfranks many thanks given, appreciated it.

Kudos to billy_bob many thanks given, appreciate it too.

There is a lot I can say about how poorly this place are being handled by the mostly absente owner, and the undersized Moderation team who doesn't have an everyday Administrator to support them. The trolling and off topic behavior are not getting addressed in time, too many threads damaged early, which turns off part of the membership, it certainly cooled my forum interest here.

Well that is about it.

Not going to respond to the inevitable, even snotty bashing over this post, it would help me leave more easily....


What about the invite only thread?

The depth of dialogue in a lot of those invite only safe spaces is typically unimpressive, in my view. But, that's the purpose of a safe space, I suppose. Really, that's a great way to stimulate more intellectual contributors to seek elevated discussion on the critical issues of the day elsewhere.

They should bring back groups.

But if they're gonna keep the invite only safe spaces, they should make em invisible to everyone else. It's almost offensive to have to read some of that stuff with no means to correct the participants.

It's similar to when a bunch of people get in a public elevator with you and start farting and you can't really say anything about it. lol.
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What about the invite only thread?

Those depth of dialogue in those invite only safe spaces are typically unimpressive, in my view. But, that's the purpose of a safe space, I suppose. Really, that's a great way to stimulate more intellectual contributors to seek elevated discussion on the critical issues of the day elsewhere.

They should bring back groups.

But if they're gonna keep the invite only safe spaces, they should make em invisible to everyone else. It's almost offensive to have to read some of that stuff with no means to correct the participants.
Without trolling, personal attacks, and, off topic comments this place would mostly be punctuation. All the best to you, but almost forums are this way.

Only way around it is to pass free time with like minded folks on platforms that are specific to a common cause/goal.

But then it ends up turning into an echo chamber and you end up preaching to the choir.
What about the invite only thread?

Those depth of dialogue in those invite only safe spaces are typically unimpressive, in my view. But, that's the purpose of a safe space, I suppose. Really, that's a great way to stimulate more intellectual contributors to seek elevated discussion on the critical issues of the day elsewhere.

They should bring back groups.

But if they're gonna keep the invite only safe spaces, they should make em invisible to everyone else. It's almost offensive to have to read some of that stuff with no means to correct the participants.

Heated disagreements are one thing. Personal attacks, trolling and the rest, just for the sake of it, are something else. It’s easy to get dragged down to that level and act accordingly. Then you end up feeling ashamed of yourself, and regretful.

I assumed The Flame Zone had been set up for mutual bashing sessions.
What about the invite only thread?

Those depth of dialogue in those invite only safe spaces are typically unimpressive, in my view. But, that's the purpose of a safe space, I suppose. Really, that's a great way to stimulate more intellectual contributors to seek elevated discussion on the critical issues of the day elsewhere.

They should bring back groups.

But if they're gonna keep the invite only safe spaces, they should make em invisible to everyone else. It's almost offensive to have to read some of that stuff with no means to correct the participants.

Heated disagreements are one thing. Personal attacks, trolling and the rest, just for the sake of it, are something else. It’s easy to get dragged down to that level and act accordingly. Then you end up feeling ashamed of yourself, and regretful.

I assumed The Flame Zone had been set up for mutual bashing sessions.

Yeah, I agree.

Actually, truth be told, the folks in the flame zone carry themselves very well with each other.
What about the invite only thread?

Those depth of dialogue in those invite only safe spaces are typically unimpressive, in my view. But, that's the purpose of a safe space, I suppose. Really, that's a great way to stimulate more intellectual contributors to seek elevated discussion on the critical issues of the day elsewhere.

They should bring back groups.

But if they're gonna keep the invite only safe spaces, they should make em invisible to everyone else. It's almost offensive to have to read some of that stuff with no means to correct the participants.

Heated disagreements are one thing. Personal attacks, trolling and the rest, just for the sake of it, are something else. It’s easy to get dragged down to that level and act accordingly. Then you end up feeling ashamed of yourself, and regretful.

I assumed The Flame Zone had been set up for mutual bashing sessions.

Yeah, I agree.

Actually, truth be told, the folks in the flame zone carry themselves very well with each other.

You could be right.

With one or two horrific exceptions. :cool-45:
I've been attacked personally. People who do that are just too dumb to take seriously, so I just let them wallow in their ignorance and move on.

Without some emotion, though, a discussion can become kind of sterile and boring.

The emotion can be great, and the accompanying insults hilarious. If it’s focused on the contentious issue at hand.:twirl:

But the other stuff is about the troll having a hard on for certain posters, for whatever reason. And it’s relentless, tedious, and not even funny.

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