Time to find a new party

Defense bills that are too much? Now that there is about as ignorant as it gets.

Yes, far too much is spent on things that are not needed.

We cut our budget for Virginia class submarines from 2 submarines a year to 1.

Is your position we should retire our entire fleet of submarines as the are getting old?

We have 22 Virginia class submarines in the fleet. they have a life span of 33 years. Building one a year more than replaces them before they reach the end of their expected usefulness.

No Ohio class replacements?

The Ohio class is being replaced by the The Columbia class, at just under 10 fucking billion per Sub.
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
What you need is a healthy dose of Ultra MAGA! :D


Trump is no ‘liberal’ – he is in fact a conservative; indeed, Trump is the product of conservatism: illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, a hateful bigot and racist, purveyor of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Trump is clearly not a liberal.
Trump Is a spending liberal, he proved that his first 4 years.
and here you are, able to insult and denigrate, but unable to articulate facts, why is that?

You are conservative? Yet you do not support Trump? You denigrate Trump, but not with facts or issues, just with you feelings. Sonuds to me like you are RINO

Follow up with specifics

That person is fringe.
An absolutist
A purist.

They may be worse that liberal progressives.
We have 22 Virginia class submarines in the fleet. they have a life span of 33 years. Building one a year more than replaces them before they reach the end of their expected usefulness.
The Virginia class submarines are being built to replace the obsolete, and already decommissioned Los Angelos class submarines.

Not to sustain a minimum of 22 submarines.

A minimum of 22 submarines in the Virginia class leaves us extremely short of the amount of submarines needed for our strategic needs.
Yes, far too much is spent on things that are not needed.

We have 22 Virginia class submarines in the fleet. they have a life span of 33 years. Building one a year more than replaces them before they reach the end of their expected usefulness.

The Ohio class is being replaced by the The Columbia class, at just under 10 fucking billion per Sub.
Not one Ohio class submarine has been replaced by a Columbia class submarine, because the program has been delayed and underfunded.

As far as the price goes, that is not the projected price for the entire block of submarines. The very first submarine includes many costs that will not reoccur, such as buildings, design, engineering, experimentation, research, etc..
Like what, exactly is the military spending money on that is not needed. I would say abortions and transexuals is an unneeded military expense, yet they were added to the budget while cutting submarines.

We do not need to have a base in 85 different countries. This is a waste of money

We do not need to be the world's police force.

We do not need to invade countries that are not a threat to the US.

The military could easily cut 5% of its spending just by getting rid of the "use it or lose it" mentality when it comes to end of year spending.

As the Operations Chief for a marine FA-18 squadron if I had TAD money left by the middle of Sept I would get in trouble. I would send pilots on cross country trips not needed for training or readiness, but just to use money. Same went with supplies.

And every single unit in the military does this each and every year, spend every dime even if you do not need to or you might have your budget cut next year.
What you need is a healthy dose of Ultra MAGA! :D


why do you Trump worshipers have this weird need to make Trump look like some kind physical beast when in reality he is a obese old man that cannot walk 1/4 of mile?
Yes, far too much is spent on things that are not needed.
I agree, the government should not spend one dime on electric cars, wind turbines, or solar panels.

$1 trillion savings by not spending on green. energy

$766 billion on defense can then be. increased to at least $1 trillion. Giving us. 7 Ohio class submarines a year and 3. virginia.

That just covers replacing our old submarines at the end of their life. It does not cover how far we have fallen behind China
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.

Leftism is a scourge across the globe that has killed 100 million, freed no one. There is nowhere to go to escape it. We need to start fighting back for real. Starting with Child Molester Joe

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