Time to find a new party

The democrats in congress aren't like your incompetent heroes and don't intentionally hurt Americans for a political point.

So they keep the government running.

End of story.
And that’s what Republicans want, Trump supporters in particular: government dysfunction, to destroy everything and burn it all down consistent with childish, naïve ‘anti-government’ nonsense.

Republicans are not only incapable of sound, responsible governance, they have contempt for sound, responsible governance.
Ok spending. Our defense budget is ridiculous. It should be cut cause we already have the best defense money can't buy. Oceans to the east and west, friendly neighbors to the north and south.
You're kidding right? Let me just point out this is exactly the logic that enemies of America would try to use against us. Just sayin.
congress increases the debt,

much of the debt, was obamaCare, which Trump was fighting against

some of the debt was unavoidable, such as rebuilding our military

and of course much of the debt was obama's wars

Oh my friggin god, bro. Congress & the senate passes an appropriations bill. The money in that BILL cannot be spent until one of two things happens.

1. The president signs the bill into law.
2. Or he veto's it, and the veto is overridden by congress

Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. Just one. And that was because he said it didn't spend enough. He wanted more. If Trump was against all that spending, he would've vetoed more than just one. He signed many MANY spending bills. 3 of them were omnibus bills. There were regular spending bills (that spent too much. Like the NDAA). Then there were defense bills that were too much. Omnibus bills. There were all kinds of spending bills that he signed into law.

A fucking 4 year spending spree is what it was.
Time to find a new party

I hear these guys throw a helluva shindig...

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you should fit right in.
BS, tax cuts and regulations are only a miniscule fraction of why the US debt is $33 trillion.
What part of inflationary and deficit spending do you not understand?
The United States is a First World industrialized nation – it cannot function under an 18th Century governing paradigm – that’s naïve, childish, and wrongheaded.

You want to eliminate debt, you’ll need to raise taxes; cutting government spending alone won’t accomplish that in addition to being poor governance and reckless public policy.

The same is true of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies – policies that safeguard the American people, ensure economic stability, and promote growth and prosperity.

‘Fiscal conservatism’ is in conflict with the above – it’s political rhetoric, not economic policy.

The GOP has fully embraced a hard-right, illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian agenda.

The hard right? WTF is that?

Assaulting our 2A isn't hard right. Neither is trying to give $500 BILLION to black communities, just because they're black. Neither is funding gender studies in Pakistan & Afghanistan. Or forcing landlords to go without rent payments for a years. Those are hard left issues that Trump supported when he signed them into law or issued their executive orders.
The United States is a First World industrialized nation – it cannot function under an 18th Century governing paradigm – that’s naïve, childish, and wrongheaded.

You want to eliminate debt, you’ll need to raise taxes; cutting government spending alone won’t accomplish that in addition to being poor governance and reckless public policy.

The same is true of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies – policies that safeguard the American people, ensure economic stability, and promote growth and prosperity.

‘Fiscal conservatism’ is in conflict with the above – it’s political rhetoric, not economic policy.

The conservative way of handling this is for the government to stop spending more than it takes in.
Cut everything that's not a "have to do" kind of thing. You gotta pay social security benefits. You gotta pay for medicare. Those are a given. But cut out all the BS spending and reduce the size and scope of government to what only the US constitution allows.
No more pork. No more nation building and getting ourselves into wars FOR other countries. And no more a lot of things.

Then, and only then, after you cut all the BS spending, ways to make money that doesn't cost the American tax payer extra (Not like Trumps retarded trade war with China). I don't necessarily support nationalizing oil. But it would be something to consider.
Then you see how much the people need to be taxed. Maybe tax increases are what's needed.
Seems every time we get a tax cut, the value of the USD eats all of that up and we're right back to where we started. And the government ends up with more money.

Also, we need a federal Reserve who'll start taking money out of the economy to help reduce inflation. The Fed needs to go back to keeping the USD value in check. Because for the last 50 years, they've neglected that part of their responsibility.
You can't

Increase the debt ceiling twice, then suspend it 3 for 2 years
Spend $8 trillion in just 4 years
Fund gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Assault the 2A
Support government ran healthcare
Reauthorize legislation that allows the government to spy on Americans
Try to give the black community $500 billion just because they're black

..... And call yourself a conservative. There's just simply no way. Unless you're lying.

Me thinks you're one of those who are going to defend and support Trump, regardless of what he actually does.
The myth is that prior to Trump, the GOP was a moderate, slightly right of center political party interested in sound, responsible governance.

The fact is nothing could be further from the truth.

For decades the GOP as fomented a hateful, racist, nativist, bigoted agenda hostile to the rights and protected liberties of the American people; illiberal, anti-democratic, and authoritarian, Republicans have sought to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty, to compel conformity and punish dissent, and to vilify diversity and inclusion.

Trump is merely a symptom of the malignancy that is the GOP and conservatism.
Three rats were drinking at the bar bragging about how tough they were. First rat says, I'm so tough I trip the trap, catch and eat the cheese and then bench press the bar ten times. Second rat says, that's nothing. I crush up rat poison and snort it. Third rat, saying nothing, downs his drink, puts on his hat, and start walking out of the bar. The other two rats say, were are you going. The third rat says, home to screw the cat.
Three rats were drinking at the bar bragging about how tough they were. First rat says, I'm so tough I trip the trap, catch and eat the cheese and then bench press the bar ten times. Second rat says, that's nothing. I crush up rat poison and snort it. Third rat, saying nothing, downs his drink, puts on his hat, and start walking out of the bar. The other two rats say, were are you going. The third rat says, home to screw the cat.

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I kid, that was a good joke.

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