Time For The Dispensing of Equal Justice

The minority, rejected Democrats have hijacked the country through obstructionism and their Trump Witch Hunt, pursuing crimes for which they can not produce a crime committed to investigate / any evidence of a crime.

It is time for the American people to take back the country, time for Trump to take back the country and demonstrate HE and HIS administration - his AG - are in charge.

Trump's AG and FBI should 1st be ordered to re-open the investigation of Hillary Clinton, as just days ago more than 400 new official e-mails have been found and reported. That is over 400 NEW e-mails that were ILLEGALLY NOT submitted to the State Department as required by the FOIA and The Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes continue to FALSELY claim Hillary is old news, but she is NOT. Her crimes are still being exposed, as every single new official document found she never turned in is 1 criminal count. This new batch of documents found, therefore, constitutes over 400 Criminal counts of violations and over 400 Criminal counts of violations of the Federal Records Act - that 400+ new documents found = over 800 new criminal counts.


You belong in jail. You think this is a banana republic where you can jail your political opponents just for the hell of it. There is no way any sane person would do this.
Want to talk 'Russian Collusion'?

Bill Clinton was working for Putin Ex-KGB Pals by giving extremely lucrative speeches for them.
- Former American Presidents work for former US enemies all the time giving speeches to encourage and rally the comrades. Nothing to see here...Just Bill being Bill.

Hillary was connected at many levels with them, to include sitting on a panel on which she had a lot of influence (to sell) on whether the deal for the Russians to purchase 20% of America's Uranium. While she did not have the final say, she did - again, have a lot of influence - if she raised any serious concerns about the deal it would not have gone through. For that silence / influence she was compensated with a huge donation to the Clinton Foundation from one of the Russians involved in the deal.
- Snowflakes would have people believe that there is nothing to this, that the donation from a Russian 'player' in the deal was coincidental. Yeah...uh-huh. :p

Her campaign manager received thousands of Russian stock which he never reported, and 1/3rd of his own company's Board of Directors was comprised of Prominent Russian businessmen who were intimately connected to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
...Nothing to see here - move along.

Her campaign manager's brother was working for the notorious 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.
...Another 'coincidence'.

The trouble is that Russia was not trying to get Clinton elected. There is no motivation for her to do so.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

The DNC did not collude to rig the primary elections. That is impossible. For example, in SC, Clinton beat by 73.5-26. If the DNC had that much power how did Obama beat Clinton in 2008? Most of the DNC was backing Clinton in 2008.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .

yes, zero. there was no collusion with Russia to influence the votes in 2016. If you still believe that Russia changed votes in this country, where and how many?

The DNC------------violated their own rules and disenfranchised their voters in the primaries. Gave debate questions to HRC before the debates, i.e. cheated and lied.

Hillary--------her guilt was proven by Comey. Lynch and Bubba made a deal on a runway to let her off----------any idea how much Lynch now has in a swiss bank account because of that deal?

the media--------------continuously lied, and continues to lie, about Trump, his campaign, his administration, his family, and the successes that he has had in the first 6 months. Assisted in cheating by giving debate questions to the hildebeast.

The DNC did not disenfranchise their voters. They wanted Clinton and they got her. You can question their wisdom but that is all.
The DNC did not collude to rig the primary elections.
Yeah, and water isn't wet, and grass isn't green.

Part of the DNC hacking snowflakes are so pissed about revealed how Democrats DID collude in rigging the DNC Primaries. You should learn what the issue is before arguing.
The DNC did not collude to rig the primary elections.
Yeah, and water isn't wet, and grass isn't green.

Part of the DNC hacking snowflakes are so pissed about revealed how Democrats DID collude in rigging the DNC Primaries. You should learn what the issue is before arguing.

You keep saying that but you never provide any proof except for maybe Iowa. The rules were the same as in 2008 and the DNC supported Clinton then, That didn't stop Obama from winning. Sanders had no chance. That is why Clinton won. Had Biden run, that might have been different. Clinton racked up 60%+ in states like SC, Texas and Florida to name a few.
The DNC did not collude to rig the primary elections.
Yeah, and water isn't wet, and grass isn't green.

Part of the DNC hacking snowflakes are so pissed about revealed how Democrats DID collude in rigging the DNC Primaries. You should learn what the issue is before arguing.

Tell me how you rig a primary in which tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people vote. There is no collusion in supporting Clinton over Sanders. If Sanders had won, you would be saying that Sanders proves the Democrats are socialists. You seem unhappy that Sanders lost so you are making excuses.
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party / DNC 'COLLUDED' to interfere in / control the outcome of the DNC Primaries. While the Democrats rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud during the primaries, Donna Brazile, the DNC, and the All-In media conspired and colluded with Hillary by giving her debate questions in advance.

Donna Brazile finally admits she shared debate questions with Clinton campaign

So Democrat / Hillary 'collusion' had already been proven long before Hillary and the Democrats falsely accused Trump of any such dealings.

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .

yes, zero. there was no collusion with Russia to influence the votes in 2016. If you still believe that Russia changed votes in this country, where and how many?

The DNC------------violated their own rules and disenfranchised their voters in the primaries. Gave debate questions to HRC before the debates, i.e. cheated and lied.

Hillary--------her guilt was proven by Comey. Lynch and Bubba made a deal on a runway to let her off----------any idea how much Lynch now has in a swiss bank account because of that deal?

the media--------------continuously lied, and continues to lie, about Trump, his campaign, his administration, his family, and the successes that he has had in the first 6 months. Assisted in cheating by giving debate questions to the hildebeast.

The DNC did not disenfranchise their voters. They wanted Clinton and they got her. You can question their wisdom but that is all.

of course they did. the dem primary voters don't select their candidate, the super delegates do. the dem primary is a joke. the outcome is determined before any vote is cast. How about the dems who wanted Bernie? Were their voices heard? did any super delegates vote for him? The DNC picks the candidate, the primary votes are a ruse and a hoax.
The DNC did not collude to rig the primary elections.
Yeah, and water isn't wet, and grass isn't green.

Part of the DNC hacking snowflakes are so pissed about revealed how Democrats DID collude in rigging the DNC Primaries. You should learn what the issue is before arguing.

Tell me how you rig a primary in which tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people vote. There is no collusion in supporting Clinton over Sanders. If Sanders had won, you would be saying that Sanders proves the Democrats are socialists. You seem unhappy that Sanders lost so you are making excuses.

do you understand that the super delegates ontrol more votes than all of the individual delegates combined. I don't give a crap that Sanders was not given a chance by the dem party. I enjoy the corrupt organization that the dem party has become.
The DNC did not collude to rig the primary elections.
Yeah, and water isn't wet, and grass isn't green.

Part of the DNC hacking snowflakes are so pissed about revealed how Democrats DID collude in rigging the DNC Primaries. You should learn what the issue is before arguing.

Tell me how you rig a primary in which tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people vote. There is no collusion in supporting Clinton over Sanders. If Sanders had won, you would be saying that Sanders proves the Democrats are socialists. You seem unhappy that Sanders lost so you are making excuses.

those individual voters select delegates, the delegates pick the nominee. you don't even understand what you are trying to argue about.
You seem unhappy that Sanders lost so you are making excuses.
I could care less who won the corrupt, criminal DNC nomination. The Democrats, however, cared enough to Rig their Primaries, cheat in debates, engage in voter fraud during their primaries, etc.... and they became UNGLUED when Wikileaks exposed it all.
You seem unhappy that Sanders lost so you are making excuses.
I could care less who won the corrupt, criminal DNC nomination. The Democrats, however, cared enough to Rig their Primaries, cheat in debates, engage in voter fraud during their primaries, etc.... and they became UNGLUED when Wikileaks exposed it all.
Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,

They are free to do that . The dnc is a private org . GOP did the same when The had the "little kids debate " vs the main GOP debates .

As for the witch hunt ? DAMN STRAIGHT ! Karmas a bitch! Righties did the same to obama and Hillary . What goes around comes around .

the Trump/Russia allegations have produced zero evidence of anything illegal, improper, or unethical. The Hillary/DNC/media collusion and corruption has been proven and should be prosecuted to the fullest.

the problem is that most of the repubs are scared shitless of the media and would not do anything that might jeopardize their reelections and stop the gravy train.

The DC swamp needs to be drained of all corruption in both parties. That should be one of Trump's top priorities.

Zero ? First is was all made up lies . Then gee, some stuff did actually happen !

There's a lot of smoke . Flynn, sessions , trumps team. Why are they hiding the truth .

As for the dnc? What crimes ? They can pick n choose who they want .

yes, zero. there was no collusion with Russia to influence the votes in 2016. If you still believe that Russia changed votes in this country, where and how many?

The DNC------------violated their own rules and disenfranchised their voters in the primaries. Gave debate questions to HRC before the debates, i.e. cheated and lied.

Hillary--------her guilt was proven by Comey. Lynch and Bubba made a deal on a runway to let her off----------any idea how much Lynch now has in a swiss bank account because of that deal?

the media--------------continuously lied, and continues to lie, about Trump, his campaign, his administration, his family, and the successes that he has had in the first 6 months. Assisted in cheating by giving debate questions to the hildebeast.

The DNC did not disenfranchise their voters. They wanted Clinton and they got her. You can question their wisdom but that is all.

of course they did. the dem primary voters don't select their candidate, the super delegates do. the dem primary is a joke. the outcome is determined before any vote is cast. How about the dems who wanted Bernie? Were their voices heard? did any super delegates vote for him? The DNC picks the candidate, the primary votes are a ruse and a hoax.

Donald Trump wrongly blames superdelegates for Sanders' loss

Here’s a breakdown of how many superdelegates Clinton and Sanders would have received under different primary systems...



Without superdelegates (Trump suggestion)



With unbound superdelegates (current system)

2,771 (571) CLINTON

1,875 (44) SANDERS

With winner-take-all superdelegates

2,721 (521) CLINTON

2,019 (188) SANDERS

With proportional allocation of superdelegates

2,590 (390) CLINTON

2,150 (319) SANDERS
...which has nothing to do with the fact that Hillary broke a multitude of laws and should be wearing an orange jumpsuit today instead of an ugly pants suit.
Hillary belongs in prison, how many more laws must she break?

Trump - the president of the USA should be allowed to act unobstructed and make America great again.
...which has nothing to do with the fact that Hillary broke a multitude of laws and should be wearing an orange jumpsuit today instead of an ugly pants suit.
Still singing the Hillary song just like your orange messiah, huh Twinkle Toes?
...which has nothing to do with the fact that Hillary broke a multitude of laws and should be wearing an orange jumpsuit today instead of an ugly pants suit.
Still singing the Hillary song just like your orange messiah, huh Twinkle Toes?

She has gotten away with a series of criminal acts. She is not above the law. Why do you think she is above the law?

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