Time For The Dispensing of Equal Justice

'equal justice' to easyt65 means kowtowing to every Trump tweet and imprisoning anyone who criticizes his dear leader- unless it is Putin. easyt65 is fine with Putin regardless of what Putin does.

You should really stick to trying to speak for yourself because you are a liar and absolutely suck at trying to speak for ME.
'equal justice' to easyt65 means kowtowing to every Trump tweet and imprisoning anyone who criticizes his dear leader- unless it is Putin. easyt65 is fine with Putin regardless of what Putin does.

You should really stick to trying to speak for yourself because you are a liar and absolutely suck at trying to speak for ME.

LOL- like your dear leader, you are such a precious little snowflake.
Syriusly, I am going to ignore you right after this....Hillary losing the election has 'syriusly' f*ed you up in the head. Get help.
'equal justice' to easyt65 means kowtowing to every Trump tweet and imprisoning anyone who criticizes his dear leader- unless it is Putin.

easyt65 is fine with Putin regardless of what Putin does.
pathetic pure pathetic. what a waste of dust.
It is the position, that matters.
No snowflake...the CONSTITUTION matters. The LAW matters. Only snowflakes care about partisanship / political party / who is in the seat.
dear, it is a Constitutional office.
The office falls UNDER the constitution and Rule of law. The Rule of law applies to EVERYONE, not just whichever REPUBLICAN is sitting in an office the DNC wanted but lost.

Hillary's crimes are STILL being exposed. You can't wish it away.
The presidency happens to be being investigated; your guy, volunteered for that position. It is a political position.
No, the election is being investigated! And exposed now is where the actual crime occurred, and it's all democrats! Now the question to libturds on here is quite simple, do you care about justice or just care trump be gone?
Just the, "tip of the Ice Berg".

Your guy has nothing but social plans instead of the fine Capital plans, he campaigned on.
No, the election is being investigated! And exposed now is where the actual crime occurred, and it's all democrats! Now the question to libturds on here is quite simple, do you care about justice or just care trump be gone?
It was proven Hillary could not beat Sanders with out widespread rigging, cheating, and tipping of the scales for Hillary.

Wikileaks exposed how Democrats / DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was tipping the scales, DNC Donna Brazile was giving Hillary Debate Questions in advance.

10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start

"Vote Rigging

After Sanders’ sweeping win in New Hampshire, the DNC went into hyper drive to break his momentum, starting in the next voting state Nevada.

Concerned Sanders would win Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid, the former Senate Majority Leader and most powerful elected official in Nevada, as it later emerged, arranged a plan with owners of Las Vegas casinos, where many caucuses were being held, and other employers, to ensure Clinton would win. The Nevada caucuses were then rigged with massive voting irregularities such as casino owners orchestrating which workers would be allowed to vote and, in clear intimidation, openly monitoring how they voted.

Vote tampering also occurred in other states, most recently in Arizona where on election day, polling locations were sharply cut forcing many voters to stand in line for up to five hours in the heat, with some leaving before casting a vote."

Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

"In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy. Instead of treating Sanders as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.

email from DNC Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker to several DNC staffers cites two news articles showing Sanders leading in Rhode Island and the limited number of polling locations in the state: “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.”

Instead of treating Sanders with impartiality, the DNC exhibits resentful disdain toward him and the thousands of disenfranchised voters he could have brought into the party.

“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” wrote DNC Deputy Communications Director
Mark Paustenbach to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda, in response to backlash over DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz shutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to voter database files."

These leaks also sent snowflakes into a tizzy. It wasn't the 'Russian leaks' that hurt the Democrats - it was Assange exposing what the Democrats were up to.
Only the democrats? Where is Wikileaks now; not being "paid to campaign"?
Want to talk 'Russian Collusion'?

Bill Clinton was working for Putin Ex-KGB Pals by giving extremely lucrative speeches for them.
- Former American Presidents work for former US enemies all the time giving speeches to encourage and rally the comrades. Nothing to see here...Just Bill being Bill.

Hillary was connected at many levels with them, to include sitting on a panel on which she had a lot of influence (to sell) on whether the deal for the Russians to purchase 20% of America's Uranium. While she did not have the final say, she did - again, have a lot of influence - if she raised any serious concerns about the deal it would not have gone through. For that silence / influence she was compensated with a huge donation to the Clinton Foundation from one of the Russians involved in the deal.
- Snowflakes would have people believe that there is nothing to this, that the donation from a Russian 'player' in the deal was coincidental. Yeah...uh-huh. :p

Her campaign manager received thousands of Russian stock which he never reported, and 1/3rd of his own company's Board of Directors was comprised of Prominent Russian businessmen who were intimately connected to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
...Nothing to see here - move along.

Her campaign manager's brother was working for the notorious 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.
...Another 'coincidence'.
dudes; Your guy is in office, our girl isn't.

Thank God.

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dude; there are not enough morals to "go around" on the right wing. y'all should, "thank goodness, instead".
Want to talk 'Russian Collusion'?

Bill Clinton was working for Putin Ex-KGB Pals by giving extremely lucrative speeches for them.
- Former American Presidents work for former US enemies all the time giving speeches to encourage and rally the comrades. Nothing to see here...Just Bill being Bill.

Hillary was connected at many levels with them, to include sitting on a panel on which she had a lot of influence (to sell) on whether the deal for the Russians to purchase 20% of America's Uranium. While she did not have the final say, she did - again, have a lot of influence - if she raised any serious concerns about the deal it would not have gone through. For that silence / influence she was compensated with a huge donation to the Clinton Foundation from one of the Russians involved in the deal.
- Snowflakes would have people believe that there is nothing to this, that the donation from a Russian 'player' in the deal was coincidental. Yeah...uh-huh. :p

Her campaign manager received thousands of Russian stock which he never reported, and 1/3rd of his own company's Board of Directors was comprised of Prominent Russian businessmen who were intimately connected to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
...Nothing to see here - move along.

Her campaign manager's brother was working for the notorious 'KGB Bank' AND for the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.
...Another 'coincidence'.
dudes; Your guy is in office, our girl isn't.

Thank God.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dude; there are not enough morals to "go around" on the right wing. y'all should, "thank goodness, instead".

I give thanks to God for what I have, and Hillary not in the White House is a good thing.

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No, the election is being investigated! And exposed now is where the actual crime occurred, and it's all democrats! Now the question to libturds on here is quite simple, do you care about justice or just care trump be gone?
It was proven Hillary could not beat Sanders with out widespread rigging, cheating, and tipping of the scales for Hillary.

Wikileaks exposed how Democrats / DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was tipping the scales, DNC Donna Brazile was giving Hillary Debate Questions in advance.

10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start

"Vote Rigging

After Sanders’ sweeping win in New Hampshire, the DNC went into hyper drive to break his momentum, starting in the next voting state Nevada.

Concerned Sanders would win Nevada, Sen. Harry Reid, the former Senate Majority Leader and most powerful elected official in Nevada, as it later emerged, arranged a plan with owners of Las Vegas casinos, where many caucuses were being held, and other employers, to ensure Clinton would win. The Nevada caucuses were then rigged with massive voting irregularities such as casino owners orchestrating which workers would be allowed to vote and, in clear intimidation, openly monitoring how they voted.

Vote tampering also occurred in other states, most recently in Arizona where on election day, polling locations were sharply cut forcing many voters to stand in line for up to five hours in the heat, with some leaving before casting a vote."

Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy

"In its recent leak of 20,000 DNC emails from January 2015 to May 2016, DNC staff discuss how to deal with Bernie Sanders’ popularity as a challenge to Clinton’s candidacy. Instead of treating Sanders as a viable candidate for the Democratic ticket, the DNC worked against him and his campaign to ensure Clinton received the nomination.

email from DNC Deputy Communications Director Eric Walker to several DNC staffers cites two news articles showing Sanders leading in Rhode Island and the limited number of polling locations in the state: “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.”

Instead of treating Sanders with impartiality, the DNC exhibits resentful disdain toward him and the thousands of disenfranchised voters he could have brought into the party.

“Wondering if there’s a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” wrote DNC Deputy Communications Director
Mark Paustenbach to DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda, in response to backlash over DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz shutting off the Sanders campaign’s access to voter database files."

These leaks also sent snowflakes into a tizzy. It wasn't the 'Russian leaks' that hurt the Democrats - it was Assange exposing what the Democrats were up to.
or perhaps that the 33k worth of deleted emails, illegal server in the garage, banghazi fk up. Perhaps the american voters are more intelligent then the left give them credit for. Oh, and let's just add that one with her comment about deplorables. Because insulting the country can guarantee you more votes? nope it means you lose. which she did, yugely.
Only the democrats? Where is Wikileaks now; not being "paid to campaign"?
Assange had a hate-on for Hillary. Her bad luck. At least you did not try to argue against what was exposed.
Lousy management? How is your One Percenter, any better than our, "relatively poor, white Southern girl"?
Your 'white southern trash' should have been forced out of the election for the multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.

Democrats unbelievably ran a corrupt, scandalous, Liberal 1 Percenter CRIMINAL as their candidate, and unlike with the DNC and Hillary, the GOP did not have to help Trump win the nomination, as Hillary could not even beat a 104 year old corrupt Socialist.

Only the democrats? Where is Wikileaks now; not being "paid to campaign"?
Assange had a hate-on for Hillary. Her bad luck. At least you did not try to argue against what was exposed.
Lousy management? How is your One Percenter, any better than our, "relatively poor, white Southern girl"?
Your 'white southern trash' should have been forced out of the election for the multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit.

Democrats unbelievably ran a corrupt, scandalous, Liberal 1 Percenter CRIMINAL as their candidate, and unlike with the DNC and Hillary, the GOP did not have to help Trump win the nomination, as Hillary could not even beat a 104 year old corrupt Socialist.

maybe run someone that wasn't under FBI investigation? I mean really? from one deplorable to another, how fking stupid can a party be? Let's see, oh yeah, Russia, russia. hahahahahahhahhaaha
Only the democrats? Where is Wikileaks now; not being "paid to campaign"?
Assange had a hate-on for Hillary. Her bad luck. At least you did not try to argue against what was exposed.
Lousy management? How is your One Percenter, any better than our, "relatively poor, white Southern girl"?

Relatively poor? Oh brother. She's as much a One Percenter as any of those you want to pay you for not working. I can't believe you're actually trying that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only the democrats? Where is Wikileaks now; not being "paid to campaign"?
Assange had a hate-on for Hillary. Her bad luck. At least you did not try to argue against what was exposed.
Lousy management? How is your One Percenter, any better than our, "relatively poor, white Southern girl"?

Relatively poor? Oh brother. She's as much a One Percenter as any of those you want to pay you for not working. I can't believe you're actually trying that.

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remember, once a sleaze always a sleaze

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