Time for Gun Safety Advocates to Abandon Their Strategy

I understand you don't know history at all either. One of the first things the founding fathers did was make it illegal for citizens to own firearms " unless " they took an oath of loyalty to the new government. That's how much they cared about an individual's rights to gun ownership. Also I can't understand why you're so adamant about guns but I looked up the rules and regulations the laws on gun advocates. If you are working for the NRA, the American rifle and pistol association, the national association for gun rights, or any other gun proponent affiliations. Under federal law you must declare that before you speak on the subject. At first I thought you were just obtuse, but since you are so relentless about this, I thought maybe you work for the gun lobby. Someday in the near future I'm sure the gun all members of the gun lobby will declared domestic terrorist organizations.
I also notified the FBI of your postings. Precaution is the better part of valor.
Semi-automatic weapons are the weapons of choice for mass shootings, but within that group the assault style rifles are preferred.
Las Vegas: Twenty-two semi-automatic rifles (58 killed).

San Francisco UPS shooting: two pistols (3 killed).

Orange County, Florida: pistol (5 killed).

Fort Lauderdale, Florida: pistol (5 killed).

Burlington, Washington: Semi-automatic rifle (5 killed).

Orlando, Florida: Sig Sauer semi-automatic rifle and pistol (49 killed).

San Bernardino, California: Two semi-automatic rifles and two pistols (14 killed.

Colorado Springs, Colorado: Semi-automatic rifle (3 killed).

Umpqua Community College: Five pistols (9 killed.

Chattanooga, Tennessee: Semi-automatic rifle, pistol, and shotgun (5 killed).

Charleston, South Carolina: Pistol (9 killed).

Isla Vista, California: Three pistols and two knives (6 killed).

Fort Hood, Texas: Two pistols (3 killed).

Washington, D.C.: Shotgun and pistol (12 killed).

Santa Monica, California: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol (5 killed).

Newtown, Connecticut: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol (27 killed).

Brookfield, Wisconsin: Pistol (3 killed).

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Pistol (6 killed).

Oak Creek, Wisconsin: Pistol (6 killed).

Aurora, Colorado: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol (12 killed).

Oakland, California: Pistol (7 killed).

Seal Beach, California: Three pistols (8 killed.

Tuscon, Arizona: Pistol (6 killed).

Manchester, Connecticut: Pistol (8 killed).

Huntsville, Alabama: Pistol (3 killed).

Fort Hood, Texas: Pistol (13 killed).

Binghamton, New York: Two pistols (13 killed).

Dekalb, Illinois: One shotgun and three pistols (5 killed).

Omaho, Nebraska: Semi-automatic rifle (8 killed).

Blacksburg, Virginia: Two pistols (32 killed).

Salt Lake City, Utah: One shotgun and one pistol (5 killed).

Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania: One shotgun, one pistol, and one bolt-action rifle (5 killed).
Golita, California: Pistol (6 killed).

Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minnesota: One shotgun and two pistols (9 killed).

Meridian Mississippi: One shotgun and one semi-automatic rifle (5 killed).

Wakefield, Massachusetts: Semi-automatic rifle, shotgun, and pistol (7 killed).

Honolulu, Hawaii: Pistol (7 killed).

Fort Worth, Texas: Two pistols (7 killed).

Atlanta, Georgia: Four pistols and one hammer (9 killed).

Columbine, Colorado: One semi-automatic rifle and one shotgun (13 killed).

Jonesboro, Arkansas: Three semi-automatic rifles (5 killed).

Garden City, New York: Pistol (6 killed).

San Francisco, California: Three pistols (8 killed).

Olivehurst, California: One shotgun and one .22 rifle (4 killed).

Iowa City, Iowa: Pistol (4 killed).

Killeen, Texas: Two pistols (22 killed).

Jacksonville, Florida: One semi-automatic rifle and one pistol (10 killed).

Stockton, California: One semi-automatic rifle and one pistol (5 killed).

Edmon, Oklahoma: Three pistols (14 killed).

San Ysidro, California: One pistol, one semi-automatic rifle, and one shotgun (21 killed).

Of those 50 incidents, 18 involved semiautomatic rifles. Of those 18 incidents, six resulted in more than ten deaths.

Of the incident involving handguns, six resulted in more than ten deaths.
You gave me the final answer. Since anyone can commit these atrocities, that means no one should be allowed to have guns. It's long overdue for the human race to truly become civilized. Thank you.
When the human race DOES finally become civilized, I'll be happy to surrender my weapons. Of course, there is a couple of thousand years of history showing the human race isn't civilized at all. If you want to depend on the good graces of criminals and tyrants for your and your family's safety, be my guest. Just don't insist that I do so, I know too much about human nature.
Las Vegas: Twenty-two semi-automatic rifles (58 killed).

San Francisco UPS shooting: two pistols (3 killed).

Orange County, Florida: pistol (5 killed).

Fort Lauderdale, Florida: pistol (5 killed).

Burlington, Washington: Semi-automatic rifle (5 killed).

Orlando, Florida: Sig Sauer semi-automatic rifle and pistol (49 killed).

San Bernardino, California: Two semi-automatic rifles and two pistols (14 killed.

Colorado Springs, Colorado: Semi-automatic rifle (3 killed).

Umpqua Community College: Five pistols (9 killed.

Chattanooga, Tennessee: Semi-automatic rifle, pistol, and shotgun (5 killed).

Charleston, South Carolina: Pistol (9 killed).

Isla Vista, California: Three pistols and two knives (6 killed).

Fort Hood, Texas: Two pistols (3 killed).

Washington, D.C.: Shotgun and pistol (12 killed).

Santa Monica, California: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol (5 killed).

Newtown, Connecticut: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol (27 killed).

Brookfield, Wisconsin: Pistol (3 killed).

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Pistol (6 killed).

Oak Creek, Wisconsin: Pistol (6 killed).

Aurora, Colorado: Semi-automatic rifle and pistol (12 killed).

Oakland, California: Pistol (7 killed).

Seal Beach, California: Three pistols (8 killed.

Tuscon, Arizona: Pistol (6 killed).

Manchester, Connecticut: Pistol (8 killed).

Huntsville, Alabama: Pistol (3 killed).

Fort Hood, Texas: Pistol (13 killed).

Binghamton, New York: Two pistols (13 killed).

Dekalb, Illinois: One shotgun and three pistols (5 killed).

Omaho, Nebraska: Semi-automatic rifle (8 killed).

Blacksburg, Virginia: Two pistols (32 killed).

Salt Lake City, Utah: One shotgun and one pistol (5 killed).

Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania: One shotgun, one pistol, and one bolt-action rifle (5 killed).
Golita, California: Pistol (6 killed).

Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minnesota: One shotgun and two pistols (9 killed).

Meridian Mississippi: One shotgun and one semi-automatic rifle (5 killed).

Wakefield, Massachusetts: Semi-automatic rifle, shotgun, and pistol (7 killed).

Honolulu, Hawaii: Pistol (7 killed).

Fort Worth, Texas: Two pistols (7 killed).

Atlanta, Georgia: Four pistols and one hammer (9 killed).

Columbine, Colorado: One semi-automatic rifle and one shotgun (13 killed).

Jonesboro, Arkansas: Three semi-automatic rifles (5 killed).

Garden City, New York: Pistol (6 killed).

San Francisco, California: Three pistols (8 killed).

Olivehurst, California: One shotgun and one .22 rifle (4 killed).

Iowa City, Iowa: Pistol (4 killed).

Killeen, Texas: Two pistols (22 killed).

Jacksonville, Florida: One semi-automatic rifle and one pistol (10 killed).

Stockton, California: One semi-automatic rifle and one pistol (5 killed).

Edmon, Oklahoma: Three pistols (14 killed).

San Ysidro, California: One pistol, one semi-automatic rifle, and one shotgun (21 killed).

Of those 50 incidents, 18 involved semiautomatic rifles. Of those 18 incidents, six resulted in more than ten deaths.

Of the incident involving handguns, six resulted in more than ten deaths.
Were any of those mass murders acceptable to you, that's the bottom line.
When the human race DOES finally become civilized, I'll be happy to surrender my weapons. Of course, there is a couple of thousand years of history showing the human race isn't civilized at all. If you want to depend on the good graces of criminals and tyrants for your and your family's safety, be my guest. Just don't insist that I do so, I know too much about human nature.
If it does take that long the human race won't survive until then. When the worldwide famine that's coming starts affecting the advanced Nations, with let's say food shortages like are happening right now. That will either create chaos or unity. I'm betting on chaos first then unity, and once that happens. It will accelerate the whole process. Human beings intrinsically know what's needed to be done but they will always wait till the last minute to do it. An unfortunate trait in human beings I'm glad I've grown beyond that. We are all so much more than we think we are. We just need to embrace it.
20 million possible mass murderers, that's very disturbing.
I was taught something in basic Training, one of my Drill Sergeants told us, "There are no deadly weapons, only deadly people and I'm going to turn you worthless maggots into deadly people". He did and I am. Although I haven't even been tempted to kill anyone since I got out of the military, I certainly have the knowledge and capability. I don't even hunt or fish because I choose not to use my skills.
1. Repeal "Bail Reform." Violent offenders are just being arrested, then let go.
2. Reinstate Anti-gang task forces in police departments and go after the gangs.
3. If a person commits a violent crime, hold him/her/it until the trial date.
4. Instate a mandatory heavy sentence on anyone caught with a "stolen" firearm.
5. If parents are found to be gang members and are repeat offenders, they lose custody of their kids.
1) Make it illegal for the NRA to donate to (bribe) politicians.
2) Gun manufacturers should be sued by the families of the victims who are killed by their guns. Run them out of business.
3) Ban AR-15s and any other semi-automatic weapons. These guns are made to slaughter human beings quickly and efficiently. That's all they are good for.
4) Repeal the 2nd Amendment. This will take time, but it's a goal.
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I was taught something in basic Training, one of my Drill Sergeants told us, "There are no deadly weapons, only deadly people and I'm going to turn you worthless maggots into deadly people". He did and I am. Although I haven't even been tempted to kill anyone since I got out of the military, I certainly have the knowledge and capability. I don't even hunt or fish because I choose not to use my skills.
Thank you for that story. It sets off immediate red flag warnings. The fact that you could even consider it, means you shouldn't have any weapons at all.
If it does take that long the human race won't survive until then. When the worldwide famine that's coming starts affecting the advanced Nations, with let's say food shortages like are happening right now. That will either create chaos or unity. I'm betting on chaos first then unity, and once that happens. It will accelerate the whole process. Human beings intrinsically know what's needed to be done but they will always wait till the last minute to do it. An unfortunate trait in human beings I'm glad I've grown beyond that. We are all so much more than we think we are. We just need to embrace it.
Well, when your prediction comes to pass, you won't be one of the survivors. The survivors will be those ruthless enough to do literally ANYTHING to survive, and they will be heavily armed. The unity will be imposed by armed tyrants.
Thank you for that story. It sets off immediate red flag warnings. The fact that you could even consider it, means you shouldn't have any weapons at all.
Yep, I've had over thirty years of being armed and haven't even once been tempted to harm another person OR animal. I'm the kind of person who SHOULD have guns. I'm no threat to anyone who doesn't harm me first. You, on the other hand, are an idiot that I wouldn't trust with a paring knife.
Well, when your prediction comes to pass, you won't be one of the survivors. The survivors will be those ruthless enough to do literally ANYTHING to survive, and they will be heavily armed. The unity will be imposed by armed tyrants.
My doctor gave me three to five years to live. That was 6 years ago. I do not fear death, and I welcome it when it releases me from this world. If I am one of the people that died during the chaos, so be it. I have a pretty good hunch I'll be gone before then. If not, a quick death would be preferable to having cancer for the third time. Amazingly enough, GOD has somehow made this third time around painless. I look forward to being joined with him again.
Yep, I've had over thirty years of being armed and haven't even once been tempted to harm another person OR animal. I'm the kind of person who SHOULD have guns. I'm no threat to anyone who doesn't harm me first. You, on the other hand, are an idiot that I wouldn't trust with a paring knife.
Whatever you believe, I reported your statement to the FBI. They can figure out what to do with you.
It was a jest. But I firmly believe humans have totally mismanaged this planet and are in the process of destroying. The matter fact that we are treating a new extinction level of all the plants and animals that live on this planet with us is proof enough of that. I firmly believe that " others " / extra-terrestrials have attempted to guide our civilization on a more constructive path in the beginning without much success. You see the problem is us, our very nature's seem to work against. I'm also certain they're still out there, hoping for the best, waiting till the last possible moment, hoping we change, before the annihilate the human race in order to save the planet from us. You see life is more precious than we ever thought, and there are only 15 planets in our local supercluster of galaxies that sustain higher life forms at the present time. But that's a whole another story isn't it. ( Off subject ) . Another time and place for that discussion.
OK, that tells us what we need to know about you. Don't worry; the nice men with the jacket with extra-long sleeves will be along in a few minutes to take you home.
My doctor gave me three to five years to live. That was 6 years ago. I do not fear death, and I welcome it when it releases me from this world. If I am one of the people that died during the chaos, so be it. I have a pretty good hunch I'll be gone before then. If not, a quick death would be preferable to having cancer for the third time. Amazingly enough, GOD has somehow made this third time around painless. I look forward to being joined with him again.
I'm sorry you have cancer and I hope you have a painless death rather than a painful one. But you have some serious screws loose mentally. I'll be charitable and blame it on your meds.
OK, that tells us what we need to know about you. Don't worry; the nice men with the jacket with extra-long sleeves will be along in a few minutes to take you home.
Or maybe I've just have access to more knowledge than you have had. I believe they will come for you before they come for me. Besides, my time in this world is almost up. Good luck with your life.
Or maybe I've just have access to more knowledge than you have had. I believe they will come for you before they come for me. Besides, my time in this world is almost up. Good luck with your life.
My lunch break is almost over, I haven't had time to eat talking to you idiots. I don't have any screws loose, but you might have some that need tightening. I'm sorry you don't realize who you are.
Whatever you believe, I reported your statement to the FBI. They can figure out what to do with you.
They won't have any trouble finding me, I have a security clearance. I was bomb disposal in the Army, the government tends to keep a close eye on people with my skillset because anyone trained to disarm bombs can easily build them.
OP is a lie. Advocating the banning of guns has nothing to do with gun safety.

Gun safety is teaching people the proper way to handle and shoot guns.
They won't have any trouble finding me, I have a security clearance. I was bomb disposal in the Army, the government tends to keep a close eye on people with my skillset because anyone trained to disarm bombs can easily build them.
Another red flag. The threat from within. Please don't tell me you kept some of those bombs as " souvenirs ". That would be a definite red flag, and the act of a madman. Try to have a good day I plan on it my lunch break is over I've got to go bye.

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