Tillerson: Putin Asked Trump For Proof Of Russia's Interference In The 2016 Election


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Well we're all waiting with baited breath


Update: As part of the 2+ hour discussion between presidents Trump and Putin, AP reports that the Russian president asked for "proof and evidence" of Moscow's alleged interference in the 2016 election which Russia denies. The request was made after Trump confronted Putin about Moscow's election meddling during their first face-to-face meeting in Germany on Friday, according to Rex Tillerson who was present in the meeting. The secretary of state told reporters afterward that Trump opened the conversation by “raising the concerns of the American people regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Tillerson: Putin Asked Trump For Proof Of Russia's Interference In The 2016 Election | Zero Hedge
Tillerson: Putin Asked Trump For Proof Of Russia's Interference In The 2016 Election

I found that interesting as well. You would think that if there was /any/ proof of Russia messing with our election that the President of the USA would know and have it and be prepared to shove it in Putin's face and say: "SEE! THERE IT IS, COMRADE!"

So, either there is no solid proof, just indirect inference, or

Trump didn't really press the issue because he is a puppet of the Kremlin with Putin having him in his back pocket (I just threw that in there for all you conspiracy theorist types).
Yes, always a smart thing when you catch a country committing foreign cyber attacks, show how you caught them so that they can change their operating procedure... I'm sure Trump told him in private.
1. The DNC emails that showed collusion and corruption of Crooked Hillary's campaign with CNN and others were delivered to Wikileaks by Seth Rich.
2. Most Crooked Hillary voters are to stupid to even know what Wikileaks is.
3. States are refusing to deliver voting info indicating democrats attacked our democracy with illegal alien votes, etc.
4. There is no evidence of any kind Russia did anything in regards to the election.
5. The Donald is President you butthurt snowflake idiots.

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