Tillerson caught under Trump's desk disconnecting nuke button


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Somebody had to do it :smile:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was caught crouching under Donald J. Trump’s Oval Office desk on Wednesday, in an attempt to disconnect Trump’s newly installed nuclear button.

The button, reportedly measuring a massive eight inches in diameter, has been a subject of considerable alarm for Trump’s national-security team since he had it installed on his desk, earlier in the week.

According to White House sources, Tillerson, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, and the national-security adviser H. R. McMaster drew straws late Tuesday night to determine who would carry out the high-stakes disconnection mission.

After Tillerson drew the shortest straw, he decided to enter the Oval Office surreptitously Wednesday morning while Trump took a bathroom break.

The Secretary of State had crawled under the desk and was on the verge of disconnecting the gigantic button when he was surprised by the sudden entrance of Vice-President Mike Pence, who had arrived to deliver his daily praise of Trump.

Flustered, Tillerson muttered something about “looking for my glasses” and quickly exited.

Tillerson, who suffered a gash to the head when he bumped it on Trump’s desk, was resting comfortably at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where he was heard repeatedly mumbling the words “button” and “moron.”​

Tillerson Caught Under Trump’s Desk Disconnecting Nuclear Button
I'm not worried. Rumps fingers are too tiny for the button.

But if they make it into a Twitter app, we's in trouble. Especially around 3 or 4 in the morning.
Fake News
We all know Dr Love is still under there, stuck <snicker>, from the obie years.
Poor trump had to buy a new desk because he fired all the cum guzzlers that normally clean that shit up.
Wow. He really managed to get the left to shit themselves. LOL
Nah, not UNDER the desk anymore...

Had to move it while Bill Clinton was in office...

Seems some slut was hitting it with her head 3-4 times a week
Wow. He really managed to get the left to shit themselves. LOL
Yep. That's what it is all about, getting the other side upset. That's the main characteristic we need in a president. You are all mentally and emotionally retarded. Bunch of little kids.
I'm not the one losing My mind over some rhetoric that amounts to nothing more than sabre rattling. Something that the USA and every country has done in the past.

Anyone who thinks that Trump can just push a button and start a nuclear war is mentally on the level of a third grader and has watched far to many Hollywood doomsday movies.
Wow. He really managed to get the left to shit themselves. LOL
Yep. That's what it is all about, getting the other side upset. That's the main characteristic we need in a president. You are all mentally and emotionally retarded. Bunch of little kids.
If you had any self awareness, you.. well... idk but you certainly wouldnt have said that shit.
Wow. He really managed to get the left to shit themselves. LOL
Yep. That's what it is all about, getting the other side upset. That's the main characteristic we need in a president. You are all mentally and emotionally retarded. Bunch of little kids.
I'm not the one losing My mind over some rhetoric that amounts to nothing more than
Anyone who thinks that Trump can just push a button and start a nuclear war is mentally on the level of a third grader and has watched far to many Hollywood doomsday movies.
"... sabre rattling. Something that the USA and every country has done in the past." You must be really out of touch with the facts if you think the kind of suggestion Trump made in that tweet is the same thing as the US, or any modern democratic leader, has done. His statement was that of a child, not the leader of a strong, important nation. It was the kind of thing the dictator of a banana republic might say, or someone like Kim jung Un might say: he's put himself on the level of that moron, and even below him.
Wow. He really managed to get the left to shit themselves. LOL
Yep. That's what it is all about, getting the other side upset. That's the main characteristic we need in a president. You are all mentally and emotionally retarded. Bunch of little kids.

and which little rascal are you?

I'll be more specific: MEAN little kids with low self esteem, a need for one-up-manship, and no understanding of the consequences. The kind of kids who end up in JDH.
Wow. He really managed to get the left to shit themselves. LOL
Yep. That's what it is all about, getting the other side upset. That's the main characteristic we need in a president. You are all mentally and emotionally retarded. Bunch of little kids.
I'm not the one losing My mind over some rhetoric that amounts to nothing more than
Anyone who thinks that Trump can just push a button and start a nuclear war is mentally on the level of a third grader and has watched far to many Hollywood doomsday movies.
"... sabre rattling. Something that the USA and every country has done in the past." You must be really out of touch with the facts if you think the kind of suggestion Trump made in that tweet is the same thing as the US, or any modern democratic leader, has done. His statement was that of a child, not the leader of a strong, important nation. It was the kind of thing the dictator of a banana republic might say, or someone like Kim jung Un might say: he's put himself on the level of that moron, and even below him.
It wasn't, but I have little doubt you've been told to think so.

At the very worst, it was a shot across the bow to the tiny dic(k)tator in N. Korea that his bluster and pud pulling isn't impressive.

But you go ahead and wet yourself if that makes you feel better. Just be sure to use some form of powder to keep the rash away.
BREAKING! Obama caught under Trump's desk, in a blue dress.
Esmaralda caught under Trump's desk in a blue muumuu. Yuk!


Hillary caught under Trump's desk, setting up a new server.
Bill caught under Trump's desk, looking for Melania.
Bannon caught under Trump's desk, looking for his mind.

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Wow. He really managed to get the left to shit themselves. LOL
Yep. That's what it is all about, getting the other side upset. That's the main characteristic we need in a president. You are all mentally and emotionally retarded. Bunch of little kids.
If you had any self awareness, you.. well... idk but you certainly wouldnt have said that shit.

Check the next several posts after yours (actually after hers) about "dresses" and whatnot, and you'll see that she actually understated that shit.

Also yet another flurry of nickels in my coffers in royalties on Pogo's Law.

Matter o' fact you were the first one in there. Gimme a nickel. :deal:
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I'm not worried. Rumps fingers are too tiny for the button.

But if they make it into a Twitter app, we's in trouble. Especially around 3 or 4 in the morning.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't his fingers that induced widespread butt hurt.

That's true. The fingers are just the instrument. They be all like "I am only a messenger...."

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