Tiger King fruitcake show

This, like so many other "documentary" type shows, was carefully crafted for entertainment and not to present the facts.

The biggest thing is that the show (at least the two episodes I watched) tried to make it seem like the two men making big money off the big cats are the same as the woman working to save the big cats. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The sexual orientation of one of the men has no relevance to me. Both Joe Exotic and Doc Antle are sexual manipulators of the highest order. The fact that the genders of their prey are different doesn't seem to be a big deal.
The woman who was "saving" the cats was making more than any of them. She also didnt pay her employees. She also apparently murdered her first husband. She is worse than Joe Exotic.

According to the show, you are right.

In reality? Not so much. The point is the big cats. Exotic and Antle breed the cats so they can have cubs to let people pay big money to hold. Once they are too big for that they are gotten rid of. Carole Baskin not only rescues the adult big cats, when she takes the owner surrenders (usually because the owners can't handle a very large carnivore) she makes them sign documents swearing they will never own another big cat, or even have their picture taken with one. As for employees, most are volunteers. They don't expect to be paid. Joe Exotic and Doc Antle pay their employees $150 a week. One scene in the show that is, apparently, accurate is that Joe Exotic gets expired meat from grocery stores and the employees were allowed first pick of the expired meat as a "perk" for working there.
!!! SPOILERS !!!

Don't read if you're planning to watch the rest of series.

This, like so many other "documentary" type shows, was carefully crafted for entertainment and not to present the facts.

Sorta. All the characters in this series are real people telling their stories and we see film of what happened. There is Rick Kirkham who was the producer of Joe Exotic TV who did Exotic's youtube shows and in return started filming a documentary on the life of Exotic and his zoo. He thought the stuff he shot was going to make him a millionaire.

At first, I thought that was what we were watching, but then all of his vids and documentation gets burned up in the alligator and crocodile house. This was where they were housing Michael Jackson's reptiles from his Wonderland after being shut down. We see Kirkham allegedly sneaking around in front that night via the security footage. That was supposed to implicate him as the culprit, but what producer in his right mind would do that and not even care about the reptiles?

You have listen and watch between the lines to figure out what happened. What I am saying is criminal activity took place and one has to find who did it. So this is what I would NOT call wholesome entertainment. Part of it is the attraction that these big cat animals bring and the type of people it attacts. You can see it laid out by the people themselves. We have, supposedly a "good" animal rights person in Carole Baskin and Howard Baskin, but they have their own strange shady history. That part doesn't get reconciled in season one.

The sexual orientation of one of the men has no relevance to me. Both Joe Exotic and Doc Antle are sexual manipulators of the highest order. The fact that the genders of their prey are different doesn't seem to be a big deal.

I think you are getting the picture of type of people the big cats as pets attract. Really, you ain't seen nothing yet :icon_rolleyes:.

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