Thread about nothing.....


On a positive side,

We just got a call back for my son to be casted in a babies R' us commerical
haha, I hit the lottery when he was born :)

But this would be his first thing he got casted for, he turns 2 in a month.

My little cousinw ho is 12 now has made over 30 grand doing commercials, magazines and movies etc..

I am hoping this pays his college tutiton
It just made me go awwwh how cute and then awwwhh how horrible to even think of eating this little angel.

Funny stuff though.
so I fell asleep and then the teenagers woke me up, now i got that groggy head & buggy eyes feeling ....but don't let that visual get you down "my friends" I thought about you and how fun it would be if we held a giant party for some fun song and so my friends this is dedicated to you!

Luciano Pavarotti & Aqua - Funiculi Funicula


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