Thoughts on Homeschooling?

Unless the parents are keeping the kid out of school in order to focus on some athletic training that may bring in big bucks, HS parents are Nuts and masochists. (-:

I don't think that's reasonable.

Homeschooling is homeschooling. If you do it right, good. Some of the parents who homeschool their children are nuts. Some. Not all.

IF I homeschool my children, I need to have my little ones out and about circulating in the community and socializing. Preferably around children their own age, but it's not a bad thing to be volunteering at nursing homes, homeless shelters, and other wholesome things.

Though I was homeschooled I never did drugs, had underaged sex, or did other stupid things typically seen in the public school setting. Academic standards were much higher than those in the public school setting, too. It takes one or more parents dedicated to making sure their homeschooled child succeeds. I can see now that my case has more to do with a bad father, rather than homeschooling in and of itself. If you homeschool your children you need to have them socialize, and have them socialize a lot. Having been there, if my future wife agrees with homeschooling our little ones I'm hellbound on having them socialize as much if not more than what is found in the public school system.
What is your fixation on socialization? Wholesome volunteering? What's that? Teaching children to be a nosy busy body is not acceptable. Keep your kids away from homeless shelters. They are not safe places to be.

Just because you're anti-social and proud of it does not mean that socialization is not an important learning process for normal folks.
I politicized this? Seriously?
Check again.

Well from your perspective again. So, you are the failure.
The education is there for the taking.

Maybe from your own learning. You are the failure.

We should ban public schooling.. that seems to be the biggest failure.
No, the failure is with the schools.
Forums > US Discussion > Politics


Why do you want to politicize education? Why do you want to divide people long political lines? People like you are a danger to children and education
o, the real problem is the lack of socialization public schooling gives you. I don't care if it means you get beaten up, or try weed, or have underage sex, or other things like that in public school—you need to be immersed among hundreds of other kids your age when you're young. That socialization is so damned important!

The quality of education is so bad in government schools, you should appreciate the leg up you got rather than being angry about it. It's also a freaking lot of work to give you that.

That said, I do agree that those who home school should do other things to immerse their kids in social activities. Be they sports, church or other activities on a regular basis
Shoving kids off into social activities that they do not want sometimes causes more trouble than it helps. I got put on a girl's softball team, entered into dance class and shoveled into girl scouts all of which were disasters.

Um...yeah...that's what I meant...force the kids to do things they don't want to do...


But to address your point directly, so I got force bussed to a lower class black school when I was in 4th grade that had enough blacks who were racist that we spent all day defending ourselves and learning nothing.

So we just went nowhere, bad things can happen either way and anecdotal arguments suck.
I think there's a lot public schooling can do to improve itself, and that's not said without knowing that homeschooling has its own inherent flaws and risks, too.

For one, bullying. Just because it happens doesn't make it okay. It's stupid how some on the Right almost champion it, or won't do anything about it, passing it off as normal and not something to lift a finger about. This is where I differ with some [or maybe just a few] on the 'Right' side on this. Whether it's getting punched in the face, or ganged up on, or even just being tormented by one or more of these fuckers.... it's not okay. Our tax dollars are going towards these school and, I'm sorry, the rest of us normal people kinda sorta, you know, don't support bullying, or condone it. It needs to stop. That's the main thing with public schooling I'm thinking about. Other things that come to mind about it are more or less just a difference in opinion, though I don't mind sharing my opinion on it here, too.
The worst bullying I've seen is bullies who go around calling other people bullies in order to get them in trouble. And it works.

That's the exception to the rule, though.

There are vicious kids out there who bully others out of cowardice and malice.

No, it's not the exception. It happens A LOT. The whole anti-bullying thing is just an excuse for teachers to shove their pro-homo agenda upon our kids. And if they or we object, then we're "bullies". It's the partner to hate speech legislation.

Do you hear yourself right now?

Don't be one of those particular conservatives who condone bullying.

What you're doing is giving those specific liberals ammo, by wrongly brushing off the anti-bullying movement as a pro-homosexual agenda, or whatever you called it.

Bullying, when it happens to anyone, is wrong. It's wrong when it happens to gay kids, and it's wrong when it happens to straight kids. It's wrong when it happens to any kids.
Learning how to deal with bullies and stand up for yourself is a necessary part of growing up so you don't grow up to be a cupcake.

And teaching kids to be hyper sensitive to *bullying* just creates an environment of snitching, and of setting other kids up to be "bullies".

My daughter was friends with a girl who would send other girls out to ask leading questions...things like "Do you like the way so and so's braces look?" or "Do you like so and so?" and when my daughter would answer, they would IMMEDIATELY run back and tell the girl. The girl would then confront my daughter about "talking behind my back"... which would lead to my girl getting pissed off, whereupon the other girl would run and tell everybody that my daughter was bullying her.

Another classic one of the after school programs there was an older girl who was a volunteer. She claimed to be a Satanist or something, was quite up front about it and everybody knew it. My daughter asked her if she was a Satanist. The girl ran to the teacher, said the question made her uncomfortable, and they accused my daughter of "bullying" though she was 3 years younger and about a hundred pounds smaller than the middle school girl.

I've seen girls who follow other girls around, seeking them out, messing with them, and then turning around and accusing the girl THEY'RE FOLLOWING AROUND of "bullying".

And that's all they have to say, and immediately the person who makes the claim is a victim, and the one that's accused is a problem.
School is not just about the ABCS . U learn how to deal with people too.

No one gets hired just on thier resume or scores . Theres always an interview so u can judge intangibles.
Homeschooled children also learn to deal with people.
And some public school kids never learn.
School is not just about the ABCS . U learn how to deal with people too.

No one gets hired just on thier resume or scores . Theres always an interview so u can judge intangibles.
Homeschooled children also learn to deal with people.
And some public school kids never learn.

It kills liberals that any kid would get away from liberal indoctrination in a government school, just a wasted opportunity
School is not just about the ABCS . U learn how to deal with people too.

No one gets hired just on thier resume or scores . Theres always an interview so u can judge intangibles.
Homeschooled children also learn to deal with people.
And some public school kids never learn.

It kills liberals that any kid would get away from liberal indoctrination in a government school, just a wasted opportunity

Education turned into a political spat.

screw the kids.
School is not just about the ABCS . U learn how to deal with people too.

No one gets hired just on thier resume or scores . Theres always an interview so u can judge intangibles.
Homeschooled children also learn to deal with people.
And some public school kids never learn.

It kills liberals that any kid would get away from liberal indoctrination in a government school, just a wasted opportunity

Education turned into a political spat.

screw the kids.

Why do you want to "screw the kids?"

I'm not even sure what that means
We should ban public schooling.. that seems to be the biggest failure.
Meh. They have standards just like everything else. They even do field trips and dances and such.

Perhaps some do, and that is a point in their favor, but the state of Texas is totally hands off. Once a parent notifies the school that they will home school their children, the child no longer exists as far as public education is concerned. There is no regulation whatsoever of home schooling, and the parent is free to teach or not teach as they chose.
Home schooling is a great idea if you don't want your children to be more educated than you are. That being said, people should have the right to make that decision, no matter how much I disagree with it.
That's bogus. There are online curricula that enable even a poorly educated parent to give a child an excellent education.
Home schooling is a great idea if you don't want your children to be more educated than you are. That being said, people should have the right to make that decision, no matter how much I disagree with it.
That's bogus. There are online curricula that enable even a poorly educated parent to give a child an excellent education.

The online curricula can't make anyone a good teacher, and they are only optional anyway. If the parent doesn't want to bother with educating his child, he doesn't have to.
We should ban public schooling.. that seems to be the biggest failure.
Meh. They have standards just like everything else. They even do field trips and dances and such.

Perhaps some do, and that is a point in their favor, but the state of Texas is totally hands off. Once a parent notifies the school that they will home school their children, the child no longer exists as far as public education is concerned. There is no regulation whatsoever of home schooling, and the parent is free to teach or not teach as they chose.

Wow, so parents in Texas are like government teachers everywhere else. Interesting
When I was in elementary I got kicked out of the private school twice then three times when I was in high school also private school. That includes fist fight with male teachers. All because of bullying. I'm not proud of it I regret it and I wish there is a way I can go back and fix it. This probably will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Being said. Last time I got kicked out AGAIN when I was in junior high in early February. Public school was not an option. So my parents hired 2 private teachers one is mid 50s and 35 years old both child psychologist an felt like I have 3 mothers at home. I was home schooled for approximately 4 months. First week I was miserable because I missed my friends and socializing. Since some my friends live close by they came to my house and play with me after school. Then it became routine, we play little basketball, tennis or swimming that they do their homework with me at the same time. During weekend both Saturday and Sunday I played adult (b/c of my size ) basketball tournament. IME being home schooled did not have any problem socializing but my grades are better and learned how to respect others. That was in LaJolla San Diego. Because of unavoidable circumstances I finished my high school in Miami close to my other house in Key Biscayne. Surprisingly I graduated without getting in trouble.

On the side. I did have a sexual relationship with my 35 years old teacher and the reason why I moved and finished my HS in Miami. I was 16 at that time but this is the wrong location to post.. When I have time I will post this in....Do you consider this child sex abuse? by Bonzi.
Home schooling is a great idea if you don't want your children to be more educated than you are. That being said, people should have the right to make that decision, no matter how much I disagree with it.
That's bogus. There are online curricula that enable even a poorly educated parent to give a child an excellent education.

The online curricula can't make anyone a good teacher, and they are only optional anyway. If the parent doesn't want to bother with educating his child, he doesn't have to.
There's nothing forcing a home schooled child to get a good education at home, any more than there is anything to force a kid to get a good education in a government school. It's more likely, though, that a child will get a quality education at home, given the sad state of government schools today.
For all the RWnuts around here who think they can prove a point with one example (yes I'm looking at you PolitcalChic)

Adam Lanza was homeschooled.
He should have been in the nuthatch. He was homeschooled because he was insane, not insane because he was homeschooled.

lol, sure.

And this guy?

Home-schooled Texas teen accused of killing strict parents who wouldn't let him watch violent movies: report
A 16-year-old Texas teen has been charged with two counts of murder for the shooting deaths of his parents, Ryan and Maria Callens. Neighbors and friends in the Frisco community say that the parents subjected the teen to strict rules at home.

16-year-old son accused of killing parents inside Texas home

And my all time favorite (so far)

Homeschooled kid murders parents of his homeschooled girlfriend. that's almost poetic!

Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence - Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence

lolol, he meets his 14 year old girlfriend in A SUPPORT GROUP FOR HOMESCHOOLED KIDS.
For all the RWnuts around here who think they can prove a point with one example (yes I'm looking at you PolitcalChic)

Adam Lanza was homeschooled.
He should have been in the nuthatch. He was homeschooled because he was insane, not insane because he was homeschooled.

lol, sure.

And this guy?

Home-schooled Texas teen accused of killing strict parents who wouldn't let him watch violent movies: report
A 16-year-old Texas teen has been charged with two counts of murder for the shooting deaths of his parents, Ryan and Maria Callens. Neighbors and friends in the Frisco community say that the parents subjected the teen to strict rules at home.

16-year-old son accused of killing parents inside Texas home

And my all time favorite (so far)

Homeschooled kid murders parents of his homeschooled girlfriend. that's almost poetic!

Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence - Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence

lolol, he meets his 14 year old girlfriend in A SUPPORT GROUP FOR HOMESCHOOLED KIDS.
Oh golly gee, how DID Abraham Lincoln ever survive learning so much at home? Do we really want to start pulling out all the examples of insane behavior displayed at government schools?
For all the RWnuts around here who think they can prove a point with one example (yes I'm looking at you PolitcalChic)

Adam Lanza was homeschooled.
He should have been in the nuthatch. He was homeschooled because he was insane, not insane because he was homeschooled.

lol, sure.

And this guy?

Home-schooled Texas teen accused of killing strict parents who wouldn't let him watch violent movies: report
A 16-year-old Texas teen has been charged with two counts of murder for the shooting deaths of his parents, Ryan and Maria Callens. Neighbors and friends in the Frisco community say that the parents subjected the teen to strict rules at home.

16-year-old son accused of killing parents inside Texas home

And my all time favorite (so far)

Homeschooled kid murders parents of his homeschooled girlfriend. that's almost poetic!

Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence - Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence

lolol, he meets his 14 year old girlfriend in A SUPPORT GROUP FOR HOMESCHOOLED KIDS.
Oh golly gee, how DID Abraham Lincoln ever survive learning so much at home? Do we really want to start pulling out all the examples of insane behavior displayed at government schools?

I'm conducting a class for all the RWnuts around here who think anecdotal examples prove broad generalizations.
For all the RWnuts around here who think they can prove a point with one example (yes I'm looking at you PolitcalChic)

Adam Lanza was homeschooled.
He should have been in the nuthatch. He was homeschooled because he was insane, not insane because he was homeschooled.

lol, sure.

And this guy?

Home-schooled Texas teen accused of killing strict parents who wouldn't let him watch violent movies: report
A 16-year-old Texas teen has been charged with two counts of murder for the shooting deaths of his parents, Ryan and Maria Callens. Neighbors and friends in the Frisco community say that the parents subjected the teen to strict rules at home.

16-year-old son accused of killing parents inside Texas home

And my all time favorite (so far)

Homeschooled kid murders parents of his homeschooled girlfriend. that's almost poetic!

Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence - Teen admits to killing girlfriend's parents, gets life sentence

lolol, he meets his 14 year old girlfriend in A SUPPORT GROUP FOR HOMESCHOOLED KIDS.
Oh golly gee, how DID Abraham Lincoln ever survive learning so much at home? Do we really want to start pulling out all the examples of insane behavior displayed at government schools?

I'm conducting a class for all the RWnuts around here who think anecdotal examples prove broad generalizations.
Good luck. With few exceptions, that's a universally accepted idea, everywhere. While you're at it, could you make sure the LWnuts at least audit the class?

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