Thomas Sowell: A Challenge to Our Beliefs


Feb 14, 2011
Thomas Sowell: A Challenge to Our Beliefs | RealClearPolitics

Something to chew on for the guys who keep posting over and over about how genetics must be the explanation for low test scores of blacks.

Depressing news about black students scoring far below white students on various mental tests has become so familiar that people in different parts of the ideological spectrum have long ago developed their different explanations for why this is so. But both may have to do some rethinking, in light of radically different news from England.

The November 9th-15th issue of the distinguished British magazine "The Economist" reports that, among children who are eligible for free meals in England's schools, black children of immigrants from Africa meet the standards of school tests nearly 60 percent of the time -- as do immigrant children from Bangladesh and Pakistan. Black children of immigrants from the Caribbean meet the standards less than 50 percent of the time.

At the bottom, among those children who are all from families with low enough incomes to receive free meals at school, are white English children, who meet the standards 30 percent of the time.

"The Economist" points out that, in one borough of London, white students scored lower than black students in any London borough.


The American left uses race and the British left uses class, but the British left has been at it longer. In both countries, immigrants who have not been in the country as long have not been so distracted by such ideology into a blind resentment and lashing out at other people.

In both countries, immigrants enter a supposedly closed society that refuses to let anyone rise -- and they nevertheless rise, while the native-born at the bottom remain at the bottom.

Those who promote an ideology of victimhood may imagine that they are helping those at the bottom, when in fact they are harming them, more so than the society that the left is denouncing.

We in America have gotten used to vast gaps between blacks and whites on test scores. But this was not always the case, in places where there was anything like comparable education.

Outstanding! Disagree with some of his point but not how he presents them or his obvious ability.
Blaming genetics for differences in test performance is like blaming the composition of ocean water for differences in weather. Too much mixing for any statistical significance.
Having spent some time over the years with African immigrants (like Our Beloved President's daddy), I have no doubt whatsoever that they and their first generation progeny would score at least at the "white" average on any standardized tests.

But as Sowell speculates, our indigenous "Negros" have had a couple generations of being taught that they cannot possibly hope to succeed in life without some sort of Government intervention, and this can have a cancerous effect on the mind.

The most embarrassing statistic on American "Blacks" would be a comparison between their academic performance in the 50's and today. I suspect there has been a huge deterioration due to the "War on Poverty" and the introduction of the insidious institution of "Affirmative Action."
African Americans are taught from their earliest ages that intellectual pursuit is a White Man's game in which the deck is stacked against them. The Africans I know just shake their heads at this attitude.
African Americans are taught from their earliest ages that intellectual pursuit is a White Man's game in which the deck is stacked against them. The Africans I know just shake their heads at this attitude.

Amen to that. Either no one told them doing well in school was just 'acting white,' or somewhere along the line it was instilled in them that 'acting' like most of the other blacks in school is a ticket to nowhere.
Thomas Sowell: A Challenge to Our Beliefs | RealClearPolitics

Something to chew on for the guys who keep posting over and over about how genetics must be the explanation for low test scores of blacks.

Depressing news about black students scoring far below white students on various mental tests has become so familiar that people in different parts of the ideological spectrum have long ago developed their different explanations for why this is so. But both may have to do some rethinking, in light of radically different news from England.

The November 9th-15th issue of the distinguished British magazine "The Economist" reports that, among children who are eligible for free meals in England's schools, black children of immigrants from Africa meet the standards of school tests nearly 60 percent of the time -- as do immigrant children from Bangladesh and Pakistan. Black children of immigrants from the Caribbean meet the standards less than 50 percent of the time.

At the bottom, among those children who are all from families with low enough incomes to receive free meals at school, are white English children, who meet the standards 30 percent of the time.

"The Economist" points out that, in one borough of London, white students scored lower than black students in any London borough.


The American left uses race and the British left uses class, but the British left has been at it longer. In both countries, immigrants who have not been in the country as long have not been so distracted by such ideology into a blind resentment and lashing out at other people.

In both countries, immigrants enter a supposedly closed society that refuses to let anyone rise -- and they nevertheless rise, while the native-born at the bottom remain at the bottom.

Those who promote an ideology of victimhood may imagine that they are helping those at the bottom, when in fact they are harming them, more so than the society that the left is denouncing.

We in America have gotten used to vast gaps between blacks and whites on test scores. But this was not always the case, in places where there was anything like comparable education.


Genetics have nothing to do with black failure. Culture has a lot to do with it. It's the same reason why Asians make up such a over representative number of engineers in US schools and Africans achieve more than African Americans.
Different racial groups differ in average intelligence. Nevertheless, there is considerable overlap between the groups.

In Intelligence and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations Richard Lynn estimates that the average IQ in India is 81.

Average IQ in US and 80 other nations

Nevertheless: "Hindu-Americans have the highest socioeconomic levels among all religions in the United States, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life."
Hindu-Americans Rank Top in Education, Income

This is not because IQ does not matter, but because East Indians who move to the United States tend to be quite a bit more intelligent than average East Indians.

On the other hand the Hispanics who move to the United States tend to be poor, and are likely to be less intelligent on the average than Hispanics who remain in their countries.

The average IQ of Negroes in Africa is estimated at 70. If in a specific area of England African immigrants outperform whites academically and/or economically this is because those African immigrants are significantly above the average IQ for Negroes in Africa.

This does not mean that IQ scores are irrelevant, or that a person's IQ can change significantly over time.

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