This will not go away


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

as much as Thief in Chief Biden and his minions want it to.

Emails released by Wikileaks show that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, a partner at Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP met Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and said he’d do anything to help defeat Donald Trump. Whatever he did, it wasn’t enough – but it looks like he tried harder in 2020, and this time, his efforts might have made the difference.

In 2018, Staple Street Capital, an investment company linked to Kirkland & Ellis, bought a voting systems company – Dominion. Two years later, Dominion’s machines and software were linked to most of the serious fraud investigations. That raises serious questions about why an equity firm linked to a Podesta ally suddenly decided to buy into the voting systems market.

as much as Thief in Chief Biden and his minions want it to.

Emails released by Wikileaks show that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, a partner at Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP met Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and said he’d do anything to help defeat Donald Trump. Whatever he did, it wasn’t enough – but it looks like he tried harder in 2020, and this time, his efforts might have made the difference.

In 2018, Staple Street Capital, an investment company linked to Kirkland & Ellis, bought a voting systems company – Dominion. Two years later, Dominion’s machines and software were linked to most of the serious fraud investigations. That raises serious questions about why an equity firm linked to a Podesta ally suddenly decided to buy into the voting systems market.

as much as Thief in Chief Biden and his minions want it to.

Emails released by Wikileaks show that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, a partner at Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP met Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and said he’d do anything to help defeat Donald Trump. Whatever he did, it wasn’t enough – but it looks like he tried harder in 2020, and this time, his efforts might have made the difference.

In 2018, Staple Street Capital, an investment company linked to Kirkland & Ellis, bought a voting systems company – Dominion. Two years later, Dominion’s machines and software were linked to most of the serious fraud investigations. That raises serious questions about why an equity firm linked to a Podesta ally suddenly decided to buy into the voting systems market.
And most of the hacking, vote flipping and fractionalizing on those Dominion machines on the night of 11/6/2020 came from China. They have the IP logs to prove it. Trump knew this too, yet he just walked away. His greatest let down in my opinion. He should have declared Martial Law and invoked the Insurrection Act. I personally will never forgive him for not standing and fighting. He has allowed a pack of corrupt, violent, communistic CHEATERS to take full control and begin the darkest days of anti Americanism the nation has ever seen.

as much as Thief in Chief Biden and his minions want it to.

Emails released by Wikileaks show that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, a partner at Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP met Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and said he’d do anything to help defeat Donald Trump. Whatever he did, it wasn’t enough – but it looks like he tried harder in 2020, and this time, his efforts might have made the difference.

In 2018, Staple Street Capital, an investment company linked to Kirkland & Ellis, bought a voting systems company – Dominion. Two years later, Dominion’s machines and software were linked to most of the serious fraud investigations. That raises serious questions about why an equity firm linked to a Podesta ally suddenly decided to buy into the voting systems market.
And most of the hacking, vote flipping and fractionalizing on those Dominion machines on the night of 11/6/2020 came from China. They have the IP logs to prove it. Trump knew this too, yet he just walked away. His greatest let down in my opinion. He should have declared Martial Law and invoked the Insurrection Act. I personally will never forgive him for not standing and fighting. He has allowed a pack of corrupt, violent, communistic CHEATERS to begin the darkest days of anti Americanism the nation has ever seen.
I hate to say this but you maybe right. I will agree Trump was not tough enough early on about dominion but this goes back to 2017. If you want to drain the swamp drain it don't screw around with it. Comey and rest of that crew should have been fired from day one.
It won't go away because the Trump cult who can't deal with their precious snowflake feelings and believe their Orange God lost will believe any bullshit on the Internet that supports The Big Lie.

But, I actually agree with the OP - or the thread title at least. It won't go away. Biden just barely won against the worst President in US history. Democrats need to do some serious soul searching and shoot for real consensus instead of a slim majority and executive orders.
It won't go away because the Trump cult who can't deal with their precious snowflake feelings and believe their Orange God lost will believe any bullshit on the Internet that supports The Big Lie.
Go soak your head in a bucket of grits. There is plenty of proof the courts just refused to hear evidence and thrown everything out. You and your cultist ilk can go choke on it. Theft is not a loss.
Go soak your head in a bucket of grits. There is plenty of proof the courts just refused to hear evidence and thrown everything out. You and your cultist ilk can go choke on it. Theft is not a loss.


poor Trump cultist

so deluded

but keep sending him money!

because that's why you're here!
Want delusion??? Go look in a mirror.
Dominion Software.jpg
It won't go away because the Trump cult who can't deal with their precious snowflake feelings and believe their Orange God lost will believe any bullshit on the Internet that supports The Big Lie.
Go soak your head in a bucket of grits. There is plenty of proof the courts just refused to hear evidence and thrown everything out. You and your cultist ilk can go choke on it. Theft is not a loss.
The only people who believe this are those whom desperately want to believe it.

To everyone else you guys just seem kinda crazy and really sad.

as much as Thief in Chief Biden and his minions want it to.

Emails released by Wikileaks show that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, a partner at Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP met Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and said he’d do anything to help defeat Donald Trump. Whatever he did, it wasn’t enough – but it looks like he tried harder in 2020, and this time, his efforts might have made the difference.

In 2018, Staple Street Capital, an investment company linked to Kirkland & Ellis, bought a voting systems company – Dominion. Two years later, Dominion’s machines and software were linked to most of the serious fraud investigations. That raises serious questions about why an equity firm linked to a Podesta ally suddenly decided to buy into the voting systems market.
The only way to achieve justice is:

1. To show evidence for wrong doing

2. To have someone hold them to account for their wrong doing

3. To have someone punished for their wrong doing.

As you can see, any dysfunction in any of these 3 steps will short circuit any kind of justice.



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as much as Thief in Chief Biden and his minions want it to.

Emails released by Wikileaks show that, during the 2016 presidential campaign, a partner at Chicago law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP met Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and said he’d do anything to help defeat Donald Trump. Whatever he did, it wasn’t enough – but it looks like he tried harder in 2020, and this time, his efforts might have made the difference.

In 2018, Staple Street Capital, an investment company linked to Kirkland & Ellis, bought a voting systems company – Dominion. Two years later, Dominion’s machines and software were linked to most of the serious fraud investigations. That raises serious questions about why an equity firm linked to a Podesta ally suddenly decided to buy into the voting systems market.
Several states are retroactively auditing and otherwise investigating the crimes committed on 11/03. The media scum will ignore it but independent sources online will make the evidence available. If these coup makers try to ram laws down our throats after stealing an election then all I can say is they better be ready to saddle up. This stuff isn't NEARLY OVER. They may be able to keep control after their coup but they CANNOT compel obedience, they don't have enough Brownshirts to get it done and when the fight actually begins in earnest, those numbers will be quickly reduced.

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