This time, the declaration of a national emergency was warranted.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Trump declares national emergency in latest bid to combat coronavirus

President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on Friday to offset lagging coronavirus testing and unlock billions of dollars — accelerating a response plan that has faced weeks of criticism.

Trump touted partnerships with private companies that he claimed would allow patients to learn if they need to be tested and locate a testing site, some of which will be drive-thru facilities at big box retailers across the country.
Last time he declared a national emergency it was to authorize him to misappropriate funds in order to defy the wishes of the American people and Congress in order to fund the border wall...........the one Mexico was going to pay for.
Let's put aside what has become the hallmark of this admin, the routine failure to execute on statements that are made, in this case the promise of widespread availability of testing, as well as confused messaging.
Contrary to Trump’s claim, Google is not building a nationwide coronavirus screening website

Instead, let's focus on what the declaration of a national emergency means in a technocratic sense.

In any major disaster, the President may—
direct any Federal agency, with or without reimbursement, to utilize its authorities and the resources granted to it under Federal law (including personnel, equipment, supplies, facilities, and managerial, technical, and advisory services) in support of State and local assistance response or recovery efforts, including precautionary evacuations;
coordinate all disaster relief assistance (including voluntary assistance) provided by Federal agencies, private organizations, and State and local governments, including precautionary evacuations and recovery;
(3)provide technical and advisory assistance to affected State and local governmentsfor—
the performance of essential community services;
issuance of warnings of risks and hazards;
public health and safety information, including dissemination of such information;
provision of health and safety measures;
management, control, and reduction of immediate threats to public health and safety; and
recovery activities, including disaster impact assessments and planning;
The questions we should all be asking are 1. why a man bent on exercising accumulated or assumed power (he declared he is the ultimate arbiter in deciding how money will be dispersed to corporations from the relief fund) refuses to do so with respect to the authorization to coordinate the federal emergency response given to him by his declaration. And 2. what has been the result of his refusal.

The answer to the first seems obvious. He does not want to put the Trump brand on the disaster response. Rather, he needs a scapegoat for what is already recognized as a botched federal response. Consequently, the 24/7 conservative spin machine is fully engaged in laying blame for his failures of omission and commission at the feet of state governments.

As for the real world result of the abdication of his authority to coordinate the country's response to COVID-19, that has been a disaster in and of itself. 17 tons of medical supplies were sent to China when Don was still in total denial of the repeated warnings from the intel and health agencies that a massive outbreak was inevitable. There was this excruciatingly embarrassing event....... Pence task force freezes coronavirus aid amid backlash
The Defense Production Act has been invoked (far too late) but not utilized (WHY?) in an effective way, contributing to a critical shortage of medical supplies.
Which leads me to note the most egregious example of the practical results............a bidding war for medical supplies that has broken out with states competing against states...........and FEMA competing against everyone. A bidding war occurring despite Billy the Bagman's pledge to prevent it. One that is a direct consequence of Trump's inaction when action has been called for, indeed pleaded for, by the nation's governors for weeks.

The Golfer-in-Chief is not responsible for the viral outbreak that began in China. Nor is he responsible for China's awful mismanagement of it. But this admin received its first formal notification of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China on Jan. 3. Since that time the federal reaction to the predictable outbreak in the US has been a cluster fuck. It began with the misguided belief the virus was "under control" and since has been marked by a series of terrible decisions based on the desire not to disrupt the economy. Tragically bad decisions highlighted by myself and other progressives on this board. The delineation of which has been met with recrimination, denial, whataboutisms, deflection, and factual inaccuracies by indignant Trumpleton's. All to no avail. The facts are as they are. In spite of our foreknowledge, repeated warnings, the capacity to mobilize tremendous resources to fight the virus, a nationwide system of excellent medical facilities, the ability to easily communicate accurate information nationally, an educated citizenry, the US has what is arguably the worst outbreak of the virus in the world.

There needs to be a reckoning for our failure. One that rightfully begins at the top.
I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

Just curious, why describe the hardest hit areas as "Democrat-controlled areas" and not densely populated areas?
I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

Just curious, why describe the hardest hit areas as "Democrat-controlled areas" and not densely populated areas?
Why try to deflect from the truth???

But don't worry... There's help available!!!

Why try to deflect from the truth???
I'm not deflecting from the truth. I'm asking you a question.
And I'm asking YOU a question....

Why are you trying to deflect from the fact that most of the cases (and deaths) are from DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED AREAS???

Maybe you're trying to avoid facing facts such as THIS...

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I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

Just curious, why describe the hardest hit areas as "Democrat-controlled areas" and not densely populated areas?
It's no surprise to the rest of us that every hot spot in America is a Sanctuary City, you asshat.
We warned you folks a couple of years ago, and what did we get?
We were called racists with our racist walls.

Now the laugh is on stupid fucking idiots!!!!
Why try to deflect from the truth???
I'm not deflecting from the truth. I'm asking you a question.
And I'm asking YOU a question....

Why are you trying to deflect from the fact that most of the cases (and deaths) are from DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED AREAS???
I'm not. I'm asking you why you think it's relevant to point it out?
Why not point out the facts???

Like the fact that DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED New York City is still letting people come in close contact on the subways, instead of having people practice "social distancing"???

Why are you trying to deflect from the fact that most of the cases (and deaths) are from DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED AREAS??? have no answer as to why you think the political control over an area has more relevance to an outbreak than population density?
Why not point out the facts???

Like the fact that DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED New York City is still letting people come in close contact on the subways, instead of having people practice "social distancing"??? officials have put social distancing guidelines for the subway system in place. They have ordered the police to enforce those guidelines.

You wouldn't be focusing on this as a way to avoid the lack of a federal stay at home order for all states issued by Trump would you? Seeing as last I knew there were 11 states without stay at home orders.........all run by Repub governors.
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It's no surprise to the rest of us that every hot spot in America is a Sanctuary City, you asshat.
Just curious, what relevance does the sanctuary city designation have to you?
Why are you trying to deflect from the fact that most of the cases (and deaths) are from DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED AREAS??? have no answer as to why you think the political control over an area has more relevance to an outbreak than population density?
So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???

As a matter of fact, NYC is actually taking steps that INSURE that people are exposed!!!

So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?
It's no surprise to the rest of us that every hot spot in America is a Sanctuary City, you asshat.
Just curious, what relevance does the sanctuary city designation have to you?
Sorry, but you're going to have to figure out what a sanctuary city is....and then figure out why every hot spot in America is a sanctuary city. I'm not wasting one second explaining it to your ignorant ass.
I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

Just curious, why describe the hardest hit areas as "Democrat-controlled areas" and not densely populated areas?
No nation can stand divided-19
I actually AGREE with you that we have a national emergency...

Since the areas with the highest infection and death rates (over half the national total) tend to be Democrat-controlled areas, we need to quarantine those areas IMMEDIATELY (NO travel in or out, and all supplies delivered by airdrop)...

Just curious, why describe the hardest hit areas as "Democrat-controlled areas" and not densely populated areas?

Because most large cities are Democrat Mayors...
Why are you trying to deflect from the fact that most of the cases (and deaths) are from DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED AREAS??? have no answer as to why you think the political control over an area has more relevance to an outbreak than population density?

PC culture controls all thought processes and precludes everything in Democratic circles. It just so happens, densely populated areas are heavily Democratic, in part due to low standard of living and poverty, which is a demographic the Democrats control. As pointed out, Chuck Schumer tweeted that the travel ban from China was "just another excuse to further the war against immigrants". It is that type of thinking that is not helping densely populated areas. NYC and it surrounding areas is by far the most densely populated in the country, which means they should be the most pragmatic and the least concerned about PC. Unfortunately, it is not in Democrats DNA to be practical as opposed to emotional.
So you think allowing people to come in close contact with infected individuals (instead of doing "stay at home orders" like many states are doing) doesn't have a bearing on the spread of the virus???
You do understand NY has a stay at home order in place, right?

New York City police will force people off crowded subway cars to enforce social distancing, even as trains fill to the brim with essential workers

Police officers will begin enforcing social distancing on subways this week, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday, despite complaints from essential workers that their usual trains have been packed following coronavirus-induced service cuts.

Earlier, you said you thought I was avoiding the facts. I would suggest it's you who is avoiding the facts.

9 states have yet to issue formal stay-at-home orders amid coronavirus
President Trump has resisted calls to issue a nationwide stay-at-home directive.

Can you guess what all those states have in common?
They all have low infection rates....and have little or no mass-transit systems.....not to mention the fact that their immigrant population is extremely low.

Wherever there is a concentration of liberals...the infections tend to be higher than the rest of the country....and sanctuary cities are proving to have exploding infection rates.
It's no surprise to the rest of us that every hot spot in America is a Sanctuary City, you asshat.
Just curious, what relevance does the sanctuary city designation have to you?
Sorry, but you're going to have to figure out what a sanctuary city is....and then figure out why every hot spot in America is a sanctuary city. I'm not wasting one second explaining it to your ignorant ass.
I see. So..........because I exposed your ignorance by showing you can't make a relevant correlation between outbreaks and sanctuary city status you run away. Have a nice day.

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