This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.

Hillary is a warmonger. In 2002, She she was one of the chief advocates in her husband’s inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis. She voted in favor of the authorization to use force in Iraq. In 2008, her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate received.

Support Bernie. He's the best choice.
Damn She sounds like gwb/cheany
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.

Hillary is a warmonger. In 2002, She she was one of the chief advocates in her husband’s inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis. She voted in favor of the authorization to use force in Iraq. In 2008, her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate received.

Support Bernie. He's the best choice.
Damn She sounds like gwb/cheany

You're supporting her.

Why is that funny, eddie. You post support for her all the time.
What's funny is the way you depict her as a warmonger giving her qualities only reserved for the gwb garbage you repubs gave us for 8 years
again, what is it you think Trump won't do that he said he will? Name one.

I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons
again, what is it you think Trump won't do that he said he will? Name one.

I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The truth is that Hillary isn't well liked either. Many will be holding their noses while voting for her. Unfortunately for them the once passed over, mountain of baggage, possible indictment, incompetent, shrill candidate is the best the Democrats could do.
You are correct, Hillary is not at all a well liked candidate either, this is very much true. Even NPR admitted that the other day. Her highly Unfavorability rating is more than double any other candidate we have seen in the past 30 years. The sad part is the GOP nominated the only candidate who almost doubles her highly un-favorability rating. Prepare for a low voter turn out election.

It baffles me that these two very disliked candidates are the defecto nominees. But I guess just enough the people have made their choice. This will be a turbulent time in our politics
No, Trump doesn't have double the negatives in polling. It's higher but he also had 16 candidate supporters unhappy.

It's stupid to get wrapped up in polling at this point. There's a lifetime to go in the political realm.
It's a lot higher...than the highest candidate (Clinton) in the past 30 years. And yes this is the time to consider polling. Well I guess that time has actually passed, but burying your head in the sand so you don't have to aknowladge things you don't want to see is definitly the wrong way to go. "Trump will take care of it when he gets there" is not going to cut it when November comes
Nancy did it

Nobody bought that bulls##t!!
Pelosi got toasted after making that statement, and lost votes!!

nobody but the demturds that voted for it, worst piece of legislation in our history. put in place via fraud and lies. Now, the truth is coming out as everyone sees their premiums and deductibles go through the roof and insurance companies are going broke. fuckin morons
again, what is it you think Trump won't do that he said he will? Name one.

I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The President of the USA was on TV today and that's what HE said AND not one republican had the nerve to say he lied Maybe trumpet limp paw or one of the fox nitwits will dispute what he said
again, what is it you think Trump won't do that he said he will? Name one.

I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The President of the USA was on TV today and that's what HE said AND not one republican had the nerve to say he lied Maybe trumpet limp paw or one of the fox nitwits will dispute what he said

Obozo said it and you take it as gospel. Amazing. The statistics put out by the US dept of labor prove that he lied. Look it up, you might learn something.

BTW "if you like your plan you can keep it" is also a lie

so is "it was caused by a video"

and "the average family will save $2500/year under obamacare"

Wake up, sonny, they are all lying to you.
I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The President of the USA was on TV today and that's what HE said AND not one republican had the nerve to say he lied Maybe trumpet limp paw or one of the fox nitwits will dispute what he said

Obozo said it and you take it as gospel. Amazing. The statistics put out by the US dept of labor prove that he lied. Look it up, you might learn something.

BTW "if you like your plan you can keep it" is also a lie

so is "it was caused by a video"

and "the average family will save $2500/year under obamacare"

Wake up, sonny, they are all lying to you.
you and me as well, it's just that we know what a lie actually is.
I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The President of the USA was on TV today and that's what HE said AND not one republican had the nerve to say he lied Maybe trumpet limp paw or one of the fox nitwits will dispute what he said

Obozo said it and you take it as gospel. Amazing. The statistics put out by the US dept of labor prove that he lied. Look it up, you might learn something.

BTW "if you like your plan you can keep it" is also a lie

so is "it was caused by a video"

and "the average family will save $2500/year under obamacare"

Wake up, sonny, they are all lying to you.
Who is the fool RED?

Tag: Jobs Report
What You Should Know About the April Jobs Report
By Secretary Tom Perez on May 6, 2016 • 0 Comments

Today’s jobs report is further evidence of a steady recovery that continues to put more people back to work. The economy added 160,000 jobs in April (171,000 by private employers), averaging 200,000 over the last three months and 220,000 over the last six months. April was the 74th straight month of private sector job growth, as […]

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Indicators Point to a Vibrant Economy
By Secretary Tom Perez on April 1, 2016 • 0 Comments

The remarkable U.S. recovery continues, as total nonfarm employment increased by 215,000 in March. Beginning just a year after President Obama inherited the worst economic crisis in generations, businesses have been adding jobs at an extended, record-setting clip: a total of 14.4 million jobs over the last 73 consecutive months of private-sector job growth. The […]

Continue Reading »
again, what is it you think Trump won't do that he said he will? Name one.

I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He is, of course, talking about the private sector, which has had a net positive gain for the last 74 consecutive months. That is to say, we've had employment growth in that sector in every month since March, 2010. 74 months of continuous growth. Approaching 15 million jobs gained over that period.

You don't have to believe it. You don't have to accept it. Reality does not require your approval.

You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The President of the USA was on TV today and that's what HE said AND not one republican had the nerve to say he lied Maybe trumpet limp paw or one of the fox nitwits will dispute what he said

Obozo said it and you take it as gospel. Amazing. The statistics put out by the US dept of labor prove that he lied. Look it up, you might learn something.

BTW "if you like your plan you can keep it" is also a lie

so is "it was caused by a video"

and "the average family will save $2500/year under obamacare"

Wake up, sonny, they are all lying to you.
Who is the fool RED?

Tag: Jobs Report
What You Should Know About the April Jobs Report
By Secretary Tom Perez on May 6, 2016 • 0 Comments

Today’s jobs report is further evidence of a steady recovery that continues to put more people back to work. The economy added 160,000 jobs in April (171,000 by private employers), averaging 200,000 over the last three months and 220,000 over the last six months. April was the 74th straight month of private sector job growth, as […]

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Indicators Point to a Vibrant Economy
By Secretary Tom Perez on April 1, 2016 • 0 Comments

The remarkable U.S. recovery continues, as total nonfarm employment increased by 215,000 in March. Beginning just a year after President Obama inherited the worst economic crisis in generations, businesses have been adding jobs at an extended, record-setting clip: a total of 14.4 million jobs over the last 73 consecutive months of private-sector job growth. The […]

Continue Reading »

you, those cites are from a blog.
again, what is it you think Trump won't do that he said he will? Name one.

I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He is, of course, talking about the private sector, which has had a net positive gain for the last 74 consecutive months. That is to say, we've had employment growth in that sector in every month since March, 2010. 74 months of continuous growth. Approaching 15 million jobs gained over that period.

You don't have to believe it. You don't have to accept it. Reality does not require your approval.


geez, guys. read the actual data, not quotes from bloggers

Employment Situation
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The President of the USA was on TV today and that's what HE said AND not one republican had the nerve to say he lied Maybe trumpet limp paw or one of the fox nitwits will dispute what he said

Obozo said it and you take it as gospel. Amazing. The statistics put out by the US dept of labor prove that he lied. Look it up, you might learn something.

BTW "if you like your plan you can keep it" is also a lie

so is "it was caused by a video"

and "the average family will save $2500/year under obamacare"

Wake up, sonny, they are all lying to you.
Who is the fool RED?

Tag: Jobs Report
What You Should Know About the April Jobs Report
By Secretary Tom Perez on May 6, 2016 • 0 Comments

Today’s jobs report is further evidence of a steady recovery that continues to put more people back to work. The economy added 160,000 jobs in April (171,000 by private employers), averaging 200,000 over the last three months and 220,000 over the last six months. April was the 74th straight month of private sector job growth, as […]

Continue Reading »

Indicators Point to a Vibrant Economy
By Secretary Tom Perez on April 1, 2016 • 0 Comments

The remarkable U.S. recovery continues, as total nonfarm employment increased by 215,000 in March. Beginning just a year after President Obama inherited the worst economic crisis in generations, businesses have been adding jobs at an extended, record-setting clip: a total of 14.4 million jobs over the last 73 consecutive months of private-sector job growth. The […]

Continue Reading »

you, those cites are from a blog.
How about the BLS? You idiotically claimed the BLS numbers prove Obama lied.

Here are the numbers from the BLS....

Since you can't prove he lied -- that means you lied. Nothing new about that, now is there?
I don't know what the hell Trump would do. I do believe he would build a wall - though Mexico won't pay for it no matter what he says - and he'd probably try to impose a 45% tariff on Mexico and China, which would likely cause a market crash and maybe a recession. But after that? Who the hell knows?

That's not the point though. The guy is so clearly uninformed, it's embarrassing. He was on CNBC this morning, and I watched him for 30 minutes. He was asked if he'd get rid of Fed Chair Janet Yellen, and he said, "Yes it was appropriate that Janet Yellen resign because she's a low interest rate-person." But then, immediately afterwards, he said that he, too, was a low-interest rate person, and what a disaster it would be to raise interest rates. IOW, the reason why he'd get rid of the most powerful economic person in the world was a reason he agreed with. And it didn't even occur to him that he completely contradicted himself.

What a joke.

To you Trump supporters who don't give a shit, and are supporting him because you hate illegals, or hate the establishment, or have generally been suffering and want to blow the whole thing up, you may not care. But those of us who are paying attention, this stuff matters.

The Presidency is not an entry-level job, but Trump is an entry-level applicant.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He is, of course, talking about the private sector, which has had a net positive gain for the last 74 consecutive months. That is to say, we've had employment growth in that sector in every month since March, 2010. 74 months of continuous growth. Approaching 15 million jobs gained over that period.

You don't have to believe it. You don't have to accept it. Reality does not require your approval.


geez, guys. read the actual data, not quotes from bloggers

Employment Situation
That image is from the BLS. Seriously, just how fucking deranged are you?
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He is, of course, talking about the private sector, which has had a net positive gain for the last 74 consecutive months. That is to say, we've had employment growth in that sector in every month since March, 2010. 74 months of continuous growth. Approaching 15 million jobs gained over that period.

You don't have to believe it. You don't have to accept it. Reality does not require your approval.


geez, guys. read the actual data, not quotes from bloggers

Employment Situation
That image is from the BLS. Seriously, just how fucking deranged are you?

Employment Situation Summary

the chart you posted does not factor in the chronically unemployed who have stopped looking for jobs, nor does it distinguish between part time and full time jobs. If a person gets a 20hr/week job at burger king he is counted as a new job.

remember, figures don't lie, but liars figure. the government is very good at lying, no matter who sits in the whitehouse.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He is, of course, talking about the private sector, which has had a net positive gain for the last 74 consecutive months. That is to say, we've had employment growth in that sector in every month since March, 2010. 74 months of continuous growth. Approaching 15 million jobs gained over that period.

You don't have to believe it. You don't have to accept it. Reality does not require your approval.


geez, guys. read the actual data, not quotes from bloggers

Employment Situation
That image is from the BLS. Seriously, just how fucking deranged are you?

Employment Situation Summary

the chart you posted does not factor in the chronically unemployed who have stopped looking for jobs, nor does it distinguish between part time and full time jobs. If a person gets a 20hr/week job at burger king he is counted as a new job.

remember, figures don't lie, but liars figure. the government is very good at lying, no matter who sits in the whitehouse.
Exactly how rightarded are you again? The chart I posted is NET gains.

Do you understand what, "net," means or do you need me to educate you on that too?

As far as your idiocy about part time jobs ... over the last 74 months, 99% of the jobs added have been full time jobs. Only 3.8% of those with a job are working part time for economic reasons. You really need to get some new rightwingnut talking points. The ones you're relying on are woefully outdated.

But even worse for you -- you called Obama a liar for claiming we've had 74 months of continuous growth in the private sector; and now everyone reading this, after looking at the BLS numbers I posted, sees you're the liar, not Obama.

As usual, sucks to be you.

Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

After decades in the public eye, are you of the opinion that people don't know who Hillary Clinton is? :0)

Start from here ..

Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

I get that, and Hillary has the second highest ever recorded.

But its true, many do not know who and what Hillary Clinton actually is. Her lies and scandals will be brought to the public eye in the next few months and you can watch her unfavorable ratings go through the roof. Once she has to operate in an unscripted environment, her true colors will show.

When has she ever taken unscripted questions from the media? Trump does it every day. She will only appear when the audience is hand picked and the questions are scripted by her handlers-----------------who by the way, have said that she gets confused easily, onset dementia?

Out of 40 national polls, Clinton is 39-0-1

Trump is 0-39-1

This race has long been over.

A reality show host who has absolutely no clue about how to legislate for president .. and you fell for that. :0)

You're doing exactly what Bill Clinton knew you would do.

When is the election?
:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

After decades in the public eye, are you of the opinion that people don't know who Hillary Clinton is? :0)

Start from here ..

Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

I get that, and Hillary has the second highest ever recorded.

But its true, many do not know who and what Hillary Clinton actually is. Her lies and scandals will be brought to the public eye in the next few months and you can watch her unfavorable ratings go through the roof. Once she has to operate in an unscripted environment, her true colors will show.

When has she ever taken unscripted questions from the media? Trump does it every day. She will only appear when the audience is hand picked and the questions are scripted by her handlers-----------------who by the way, have said that she gets confused easily, onset dementia?

Out of 40 national polls, Clinton is 39-0-1

Trump is 0-39-1

This race has long been over.

A reality show host who has absolutely no clue about how to legislate for president .. and you fell for that. :0)

You're doing exactly what Bill Clinton knew you would do.

When is the election?
Ask Trump -- not long ago, he was bragging about being ahead of Hillary in the polls.
I explained why the polling is bullshit. The party wasn't unified behind him and they will. No one on the right wants the witch in the white House. Not getting caught up in your meaningless drama isn't ignorance.

They may hold their noses but even the Koch Brothers are saying that Trump is unqualified and that they will support Hillary.

Hillary's favorability numbers are about to make a big jump. Even Republicans are starting to back down on their lies:

1. Benghazi - It is time to end these sham Republican investigations and for Repulicans to apologize for the farce they have perpetrated on the American public. The party should also repay the cost of these partisan witchhunts to the American taxpayers, and explain how they have lied about this to the American people from the beginning.

2. The lie that Hillary was a poor Senator has to stop. She was well respected for her Senate work on both sides of the aisle. Even Republican Senators, in private moments, have admitted as much.

3. Best Secretary of State since Kissinger, as stated around the world, even as right-wing Americans continue with the lie that she has no accomplishments as SoS.

4. The Republican Party is now owned by Donald Trump. He got it for nothing. They have the choice of backing their candidate and going down in flames in both the House and the Senate, as well as losing the Presidency, or declaring their unwillingness to go with the people's choice for their candidate, which would fracture the Party utterly.

Good times boys and girls, good times. In all the world of politics, there is no more lying, deceitful or corrupt group of politicians than the Republican Party of the United States of America. I'm not saying that the Democrats are all that and a bag of peanuts either, but Republicans have lied to their base so relentlessly over the years, that the rest of the world can't figure out why poor working Republicans continue to support them.

When Romney spoke of the "47% of voters who don't pay taxes", that he didn't care about, 40% of those people vote Republican. Those are the people voting for Trump. Those people are hurting and they're pissed. Republicans promised them that if they elected them to the House and Senate, and took control away from Obama, they'd get them jobs. Instead, they sat on their hands and became the "do nothing Congress", spending their terms trying not to give Obama anything to run on. They openly undermined everything he tried to do. That wasn't what they were sent to Washington to do.

This is a quote from your nonsense word salad. I need only demonstrate that this quote is not true to invalidate the entire post. "They may hold their noses but even the Koch Brothers are saying that Trump is unqualified and that they will support Hillary."

PLEASE simply show us where either of the Koch brothers made this statement. A legitimate source and link will be fine. Not your typical source of news, the DailyKOS, The Nation, and the Comedy Channel.

I am looking forward to your propt reply.
You were fine with voting for a fucking 'AA' community organizer. Look how that turned out.
Yeah 74 STRAIGHT MONTHS of job growth 14 million plus employed ,,,pay going up... long time unemployed rate going down You fn idiots can't see the forest for the trees You're either stupid or morons

you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The President of the USA was on TV today and that's what HE said AND not one republican had the nerve to say he lied Maybe trumpet limp paw or one of the fox nitwits will dispute what he said

Obozo said it and you take it as gospel. Amazing. The statistics put out by the US dept of labor prove that he lied. Look it up, you might learn something.

BTW "if you like your plan you can keep it" is also a lie

so is "it was caused by a video"

and "the average family will save $2500/year under obamacare"

Wake up, sonny, they are all lying to you.
Who is the fool RED?

Tag: Jobs Report
What You Should Know About the April Jobs Report
By Secretary Tom Perez on May 6, 2016 • 0 Comments

Today’s jobs report is further evidence of a steady recovery that continues to put more people back to work. The economy added 160,000 jobs in April (171,000 by private employers), averaging 200,000 over the last three months and 220,000 over the last six months. April was the 74th straight month of private sector job growth, as […]

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Indicators Point to a Vibrant Economy
By Secretary Tom Perez on April 1, 2016 • 0 Comments

The remarkable U.S. recovery continues, as total nonfarm employment increased by 215,000 in March. Beginning just a year after President Obama inherited the worst economic crisis in generations, businesses have been adding jobs at an extended, record-setting clip: a total of 14.4 million jobs over the last 73 consecutive months of private-sector job growth. The […]

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or not!
you poor gullible fool. they have filled your head with bullshit and you believe it. Nothing in that post is true. 74 months of job growth?????????????? are you fricken crazy? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
He is, of course, talking about the private sector, which has had a net positive gain for the last 74 consecutive months. That is to say, we've had employment growth in that sector in every month since March, 2010. 74 months of continuous growth. Approaching 15 million jobs gained over that period.

You don't have to believe it. You don't have to accept it. Reality does not require your approval.


geez, guys. read the actual data, not quotes from bloggers

Employment Situation
That image is from the BLS. Seriously, just how fucking deranged are you?

Employment Situation Summary

the chart you posted does not factor in the chronically unemployed who have stopped looking for jobs, nor does it distinguish between part time and full time jobs. If a person gets a 20hr/week job at burger king he is counted as a new job.

remember, figures don't lie, but liars figure. the government is very good at lying, no matter who sits in the whitehouse.
Exactly how rightarded are you again? The chart I posted is NET gains.

Do you understand what, "net," means or do you need me to educate you on that too?

As far as your idiocy about part time jobs ... over the last 74 months, 99% of the jobs added have been full time jobs. Only 3.8% of those with a job are working part time for economic reasons. You really need to get some new rightwingnut talking points. The ones you're relying on are woefully outdated.

But even worse for you -- you called Obama a liar for claiming we've had 74 months of continuous growth in the private sector; and now everyone reading this, after looking at the BLS numbers I posted, sees you're the liar, not Obama.

As usual, sucks to be you.


Net gains, fool. Yes, including part time jobs at minimum wage. Including burger flipper jobs to college grads. those number also include jobs held by illegal immigrants. So take those numbers and stick them up your fat libtardian ass.

Face it fool, Obama has been a massive failure in every aspect of government.

and for the record, creating jobs is not a function of the federal government, creating an environment favorable to job growth is, and Obama has failed miserably at that

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