This is Why Pamela Geller is One of the Bravest Americans Around

Yes she is. And all these people attacking her are basically selling us OUT to Islamic terrorist and their ATTACKS on our Freedoms of Speech

but when they Put Christ in a jar of piss. THEY told us: it was JUST ART

People better open your eyes AND stand up now or forever LIVE THIS WAY
I find the "Put Christ in a jar of piss" thing to also be an attention-getting trick. And, just like Attention Whore Geller, it seems to have worked. I guess, pushing people's buttons isn't that hard after all.
Who would have thought a 1987 photo would still get regular mention on a message board?
But oh no....they are so civilized that it never bothers them................much.
I do not think that PAM GELLER is on a "hate muhummad" jag-------she is attacking Islamic
terrorism and Islamic oppression which PROMINENTLY includes the trashing of -anything NON MUSLIM ----
It seems to me that lots of people are MISSING this very
obvious point. You jerks who accuse her of "hating" MUHUMMAD are a joke-------it would be like ----if someone mocks the GRAND WIZARD of the ku klux klan--------should be accused of HATING SOUTHERN
WHITES Pam Geller never met muhummad---neither have I. The people who wrote the Koran and
elaborated shariah law were DEPRAVED
You "attack" Islamic terrorism with a gun & bomb not a fucking paint brush

Jesus people

I am not a violent person. Knowledge is power
Yeah ok bub. When jihad Joe shows up at your doorstep with a suicide vest you better have your "knowledge or painting" handy eh?


Do you know how utterly stupid that sounds? And just how the fuck are deragotory depictions considered knowledge?

Most of the work of Pamela Geller involves INFORMATION------I believe her cartoon contest was
in RESPONSE to the IRANIAN CARTOON contest----
the information obtained is the RESPONSE that her
contest elicited as opposed to the NON RESPONSE to
the far more FLAMBOYANT cartoon contest of Iran. If you gain no insight into ISLAM from that lesson ----then
you are stupid

All of her work involves anti-Islam propaganda. She is in the anti-Islam industry.

btw, she didn't seem to show much interest in constitutional rights when she was fighting to stop the so-called ground zero mosque from being built.

In fact, I believe she was among those who vilified it as some sort of 'victory mosque',

which supposedly, ironically, among other things, was intended to provoke and offend. lol

It was intended to demonstrate a fact of history and current events The ground zero mosque is ----in its
intent ----no different from the destruction of BUDDHIST
STATUARY in AFGHANISTAN ----and the present ongoing massive vandalism of ancient Christian churches in Iraq
PAMELA GELLER is doing good work , hope she has good security and she should get security help from USA taxpayers [FBI] . I hope she continues with her work of exposing 'islam' for what it is !! And Stephanie says it correctly , people better open their eyes to whats going on or be prepared to be subjugated !!


or drink alcohol

or be gay

or eat pork

or gamble

or have illegal intercourse

or make accusations of rape when you don’t have 4 Muslim eye witnesses

Correction, 4 MALE Muslim eye witnesses.

strictly speaking----that could be ----two male muslim eyewitnesses PLUS four female muslim eyewitnesses-----------no number of non muslim witnesses can overcome the denial of the rapist---------as to rape of non muslims------they don't count as crime
PAMELA GELLER is doing good work , hope she has good security and she should get security help from USA taxpayers [FBI] . I hope she continues with her work of exposing 'islam' for what it is !! And Stephanie says it correctly , people better open their eyes to whats going on or be prepared to be subjugated !!


or drink alcohol

or be gay

or eat pork

or gamble

or have illegal intercourse

or make accusations of rape when you don’t have 4 Muslim eye witnesses

Correction, 4 MALE Muslim eye witnesses.

strictly speaking----that could be ----two male muslim eyewitnesses PLUS four female muslim eyewitnesses-----------no number of non muslim witnesses can overcome the denial of the rapist---------as to rape of non muslims------they don't count as crime

Yup, neither is the murder of Non Muslims.
You "attack" Islamic terrorism with a gun & bomb not a fucking paint brush

Jesus people

I am not a violent person. Knowledge is power
Yeah ok bub. When jihad Joe shows up at your doorstep with a suicide vest you better have your "knowledge or painting" handy eh?


Do you know how utterly stupid that sounds? And just how the fuck are deragotory depictions considered knowledge?

Most of the work of Pamela Geller involves INFORMATION------I believe her cartoon contest was
in RESPONSE to the IRANIAN CARTOON contest----
the information obtained is the RESPONSE that her
contest elicited as opposed to the NON RESPONSE to
the far more FLAMBOYANT cartoon contest of Iran. If you gain no insight into ISLAM from that lesson ----then
you are stupid
I don't need insight into islam. ALL religions are stupid and if YOU haven't figured that out YOU are the sucker.

But don't let me stop you from fighting terrorism with your little cartoons.

Idiots run amuck

In understanding islam----RELIGION is not the issue------
it is the TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IMPERIALISM that it is------which is the issue. Your statement would not b much different from an assertion "I don't need insight into communism or Nazism-----all 'isms' are

Religion is a plague upon this planet. It is nothing more than an ancient tool created to control the weak minded. ALL RELIGIONS
I am not a violent person. Knowledge is power
Yeah ok bub. When jihad Joe shows up at your doorstep with a suicide vest you better have your "knowledge or painting" handy eh?


Do you know how utterly stupid that sounds? And just how the fuck are deragotory depictions considered knowledge?

Most of the work of Pamela Geller involves INFORMATION------I believe her cartoon contest was
in RESPONSE to the IRANIAN CARTOON contest----
the information obtained is the RESPONSE that her
contest elicited as opposed to the NON RESPONSE to
the far more FLAMBOYANT cartoon contest of Iran. If you gain no insight into ISLAM from that lesson ----then
you are stupid
I don't need insight into islam. ALL religions are stupid and if YOU haven't figured that out YOU are the sucker.

But don't let me stop you from fighting terrorism with your little cartoons.

Idiots run amuck

In understanding islam----RELIGION is not the issue------
it is the TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IMPERIALISM that it is------which is the issue. Your statement would not b much different from an assertion "I don't need insight into communism or Nazism-----all 'isms' are

Religion is a plague upon this planet. It is nothing more than an ancient tool created to control the weak minded. ALL RELIGIONS

ok----islamicism is a political movement which controls the weak minded
Yeah ok bub. When jihad Joe shows up at your doorstep with a suicide vest you better have your "knowledge or painting" handy eh?


Do you know how utterly stupid that sounds? And just how the fuck are deragotory depictions considered knowledge?

Most of the work of Pamela Geller involves INFORMATION------I believe her cartoon contest was
in RESPONSE to the IRANIAN CARTOON contest----
the information obtained is the RESPONSE that her
contest elicited as opposed to the NON RESPONSE to
the far more FLAMBOYANT cartoon contest of Iran. If you gain no insight into ISLAM from that lesson ----then
you are stupid
I don't need insight into islam. ALL religions are stupid and if YOU haven't figured that out YOU are the sucker.

But don't let me stop you from fighting terrorism with your little cartoons.

Idiots run amuck

In understanding islam----RELIGION is not the issue------
it is the TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IMPERIALISM that it is------which is the issue. Your statement would not b much different from an assertion "I don't need insight into communism or Nazism-----all 'isms' are

Religion is a plague upon this planet. It is nothing more than an ancient tool created to control the weak minded. ALL RELIGIONS

ok----islamicism is a political movement which controls the weak minded
Nice dodge
British Imam Yep Pamela Geller Deserves Her Death Sentence For Mohammed Cartoon Contest - Katie Pavlich

She has 100s of million of Muslims that are ACTIVELY seeking to murder her and her family. She is exposing Islam as a Death Cult. She is exposing the invasion of the West by this death cult and only a few brave people like Geller are seeking to fight it.

She has an uphill battle and I fear she will become a victim of blood thirsty Muslims. One of her great accomplishments is that she is proving the fallacy of radical Islam is the problem, nope she is showing that Islam in and of itself is the problem. True Islam is radical Islam. It's not a religion of peace, it's a death cult the worships and praises death over life, oppression over freedom, regression vs progress. The West must wake up and fight the Devil. Thank god, there are brave soles like Pam Geller who are fighting this fight.
Actually she's one of the more ignorant and hateful Americans around.
Most of the work of Pamela Geller involves INFORMATION------I believe her cartoon contest was
in RESPONSE to the IRANIAN CARTOON contest----
the information obtained is the RESPONSE that her
contest elicited as opposed to the NON RESPONSE to
the far more FLAMBOYANT cartoon contest of Iran. If you gain no insight into ISLAM from that lesson ----then
you are stupid
I don't need insight into islam. ALL religions are stupid and if YOU haven't figured that out YOU are the sucker.

But don't let me stop you from fighting terrorism with your little cartoons.

Idiots run amuck

In understanding islam----RELIGION is not the issue------
it is the TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IMPERIALISM that it is------which is the issue. Your statement would not b much different from an assertion "I don't need insight into communism or Nazism-----all 'isms' are

Religion is a plague upon this planet. It is nothing more than an ancient tool created to control the weak minded. ALL RELIGIONS

ok----islamicism is a political movement which controls the weak minded
Nice dodge

you comment is idiotic-----a "dodge" is an act of evasion-----I did not evade anything-----I completed your
thought in a very logical manner -----you should thank me
I don't need insight into islam. ALL religions are stupid and if YOU haven't figured that out YOU are the sucker.

But don't let me stop you from fighting terrorism with your little cartoons.

Idiots run amuck

In understanding islam----RELIGION is not the issue------
it is the TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IMPERIALISM that it is------which is the issue. Your statement would not b much different from an assertion "I don't need insight into communism or Nazism-----all 'isms' are

Religion is a plague upon this planet. It is nothing more than an ancient tool created to control the weak minded. ALL RELIGIONS

ok----islamicism is a political movement which controls the weak minded
Nice dodge

you comment is idiotic-----a "dodge" is an act of evasion-----I did not evade anything-----I completed your
thought in a very logical manner -----you should thank me
My thought was already complete jackass. Religion is a farce irregardless of the influence politics has on it
Jew Geller seems to hate Muslims more than Germans. Interesting...
think the reason the Jew Geller might be wary of 'muslims' rather the Germans is because German 'nazis' have been mostly destroyed while Nazi like 'islam' is growing Lakhota !!
In understanding islam----RELIGION is not the issue------
it is the TOTALITARIAN UTOPIAN IMPERIALISM that it is------which is the issue. Your statement would not b much different from an assertion "I don't need insight into communism or Nazism-----all 'isms' are

Religion is a plague upon this planet. It is nothing more than an ancient tool created to control the weak minded. ALL RELIGIONS

ok----islamicism is a political movement which controls the weak minded
Nice dodge

you comment is idiotic-----a "dodge" is an act of evasion-----I did not evade anything-----I completed your
thought in a very logical manner -----you should thank me
My thought was already complete jackass. Religion is a farce irregardless of the influence politics has on it

try to rouse yourself to consciousness-----the current issue is not the INFLUENCE OF POLITICS ON RELIGION (to wit islam as a religion) ---It is the
current influence of islam on POLITICS and WORLD-
EVENTS and a rising tide of blood and dead bodies

Religion is a plague upon this planet. It is nothing more than an ancient tool created to control the weak minded. ALL RELIGIONS

ok----islamicism is a political movement which controls the weak minded
Nice dodge

you comment is idiotic-----a "dodge" is an act of evasion-----I did not evade anything-----I completed your
thought in a very logical manner -----you should thank me
My thought was already complete jackass. Religion is a farce irregardless of the influence politics has on it

try to rouse yourself to consciousness-----the current issue is not the INFLUENCE OF POLITICS ON RELIGION (to wit islam as a religion) ---It is the
current influence of islam on POLITICS and WORLD-
EVENTS and a rising tide of blood and dead bodies
No the current issue is drawing cartoons & free speech you stupid fuck.
First you dodge & now you move the goal posts
British Imam Yep Pamela Geller Deserves Her Death Sentence For Mohammed Cartoon Contest - Katie Pavlich

She has 100s of million of Muslims that are ACTIVELY seeking to murder her and her family. She is exposing Islam as a Death Cult. She is exposing the invasion of the West by this death cult and only a few brave people like Geller are seeking to fight it.

She has an uphill battle and I fear she will become a victim of blood thirsty Muslims. One of her great accomplishments is that she is proving the fallacy of radical Islam is the problem, nope she is showing that Islam in and of itself is the problem. True Islam is radical Islam. It's not a religion of peace, it's a death cult the worships and praises death over life, oppression over freedom, regression vs progress. The West must wake up and fight the Devil. Thank god, there are brave soles like Pam Geller who are fighting this fight.

She's a scumbag xenophobe.

That Long Island accent is nasty.

She is nasty.
Oh look a jew hater
ok----islamicism is a political movement which controls the weak minded
Nice dodge

you comment is idiotic-----a "dodge" is an act of evasion-----I did not evade anything-----I completed your
thought in a very logical manner -----you should thank me
My thought was already complete jackass. Religion is a farce irregardless of the influence politics has on it

try to rouse yourself to consciousness-----the current issue is not the INFLUENCE OF POLITICS ON RELIGION (to wit islam as a religion) ---It is the
current influence of islam on POLITICS and WORLD-
EVENTS and a rising tide of blood and dead bodies
No the current issue is drawing cartoons & free speech you stupid fuck.
First you dodge & now you move the goal posts

try again, GRAMPS------I responded VERY DIRECTLY to your idiotic comment
Nice dodge

you comment is idiotic-----a "dodge" is an act of evasion-----I did not evade anything-----I completed your
thought in a very logical manner -----you should thank me
My thought was already complete jackass. Religion is a farce irregardless of the influence politics has on it

try to rouse yourself to consciousness-----the current issue is not the INFLUENCE OF POLITICS ON RELIGION (to wit islam as a religion) ---It is the
current influence of islam on POLITICS and WORLD-
EVENTS and a rising tide of blood and dead bodies
No the current issue is drawing cartoons & free speech you stupid fuck.
First you dodge & now you move the goal posts

try again, GRAMPS------I responded VERY DIRECTLY to your idiotic comment


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