This is who trump supporters think is great


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
David Duke is the most recognizable figure of the American radical right, a neo-Nazi, longtime Klan leader and now international spokesman for Holocaust denial who has nevertheless won election to Louisiana's House of Representatives and once was nearly elected governor. He is also known for his avid pursuit of women and, especially, money — so much so, in fact, that he finally went to prison in 2002 for using cash raised to support white supremacist causes to pay for his own gambling and home improvements. Since then, Duke has become an itinerant anti-Semitic salesman, traveling regularly to Europe to sell his books while his latest white supremacist organization, EURO, remains almost entirely inactive.

In His Own Words
"Racial idealism, or racialism, is the idea that a nation's greatest resource is the quality of its people. It means examining all questions of government on the basis of whether the proposed measure is good or bad for our race. … Neither Communism, Capitalism, nor any other materialistic doctrine can save our race; our only racial salvation lies in a White racial alliance uniting our people with the common cause of racial idealism."
— September 1970 article in The Racialist

"In modern America, Jews lead the effort to de-Christianize America. ... They share little of the heritage of the Old Testament people called the Israelites. … Communism and Zionism were born from the same Jewish soul. ... Jewish power is ubiquitous. ... It is not a [Jewish] conspiracy. It is simply two nations — Jew and Gentile — in a state of ethnic war."
— From Duke's 1998 autobiography My Awakening

"Israel makes the Nazi state look very, very moderate."
— 2005 interview with Syrian television

David Duke
The communist party supports Bernie Sanders but if he doesn't get the nod, they will support Hitlery....does that mean that every democrat is a socialist or a communist? Do I paint every Sanders or Hitlery supporter with the same bush? I think not. I believe that there are a good many people that are totally misguided that believe in quick fixes and that we are always one election cycle away from fixing the ills of this nation and it never happens because the majority do not understand what is at the root cause of what ails us. Their blind faith in "gubermint" keeps us going down this same road. The puppet masters control both political parties which is why third party candidates never have a chance unless they can be used to siphon off votes that leads to the defeat of a candidate that best suits their needs. Case and point? The Bull Moose Party that was financed by the bankers that took votes away from Taft that would have never signed off on the Federal Reserve they introduced mild-mannered Woodrow Wilson that was controlled by Colonel Edward Mandell House and Wilson signed off onthe back-doored Federal Reserve Act that he later regretted. People need to turn off the propaganda tube and invest in some reading....put away the cellphone and wake's getting down to critical mass.

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