This is what i think

Iran should thank us for that. Saddam was at war with Iran then.
You zionist freaks are a sick joke. ... :cuckoo:
Always wanting someone to thank you for breaking international law.

You are such a hipocrite you are actually funny(;
Iran should thank us for that. Saddam was at war with Iran then.
You zionist freaks are a sick joke. ... :cuckoo:
Always wanting someone to thank you for breaking international law.

You are such a hipocrit you are actually funny:)
how many Americans want to see nuclear armed Ayatollahs. Not many. America is great Satan to them.
Iran hasn't attacked and invaded another country in 300 years.
Yet, the terrorist state of Israel attacks and bombs it's neighboring countries on a regular basis, and has a large nuclear arsenal.
But it's Iran they want stopped from possessing anything nuclear?
Go figure..... :cuckoo:
You should consult a neurologist about the part of your brain that isn't functioning.
Good trackers they are. Most Druze in Israel serve in the IDF as well. They believe in loyalty to the nation they live in.

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