this is proof of God?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith
So true, and yet faith isn't called to blindness either.

Gen 12:6-7 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite [was] then in the land. And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.

God has had His issues with the inhabitants of His land, but it is His land. Thousands of years ago He gave the exact day that Israel would return to His land. And they did. He said He would do it in a day. He did.
It was a dump. He said He would make it rain and be fruitful. It has. They produce huge quantities of "fruit!"
And He said this time, no one will ever take it from the Jews again, because He would defeat their enemies this time.
He told us who He will be defeating, and His methods of warfare so that when we see it happen, we will know who is responsible for the victory.
He did give His word.
Faith would be believing that He keeps His promises.
Discernment is what you just did. Realizing why His promises come true. He gave His word.
Bravo to you. :)
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I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it.

Science has figured out the pieces involved and is already capable of replicating some of them. Probably only a matter of time before they put them all together and create life.

Mankind has acquired many of the powers that are ascribed the deities. Destroying the world is one and striking people down from out of the sky is another. Not being able to hide from all seeing eyes in the sky. Knowing what people are saying on the other side of the planet. Moving mountains. Finding planets around other stars. These are all "Godlike" powers.

So the proof you offered is tenuous. Faith is a much firmer platform to stand on when postulating the existence of any deity because it cannot be challenged on that basis.
^^Are you talking to me? I didn't write that. And they have already created life. The article is in the OP. Did you read past the first couple of sentences?
So true, and yet faith isn't called to blindness either.

Gen 12:6-7 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite [was] then in the land. And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.

God has had His issues with the inhabitants of His land, but it is His land. Thousands of years ago He gave the exact day that Israel would return to His land. And they did. He said He would do it in a day. He did.
It was a dump. He said He would make it rain and be fruitful. It has. They produce huge quantities of "fruit!"
And He said this time, no one will ever take it from the Jews again, because He would defeat their enemies this time.
He told us who He will be defeating, and His methods of warfare so that when we see it happen, we will know who is responsible for the victory.
He did give His word.
Faith would be believing that He keeps His promises.
Discernment is what you just did. Realizing why His promises come true. He gave His word.
Bravo to you. :)

I just don't understand how you can say this is proof just because Israel has not fallen. What if it did? Would that be an amendment to his word or something?
News for you: Are you kidding? OK. Where did GOD come from? He- she- it THEY just ALWAYS existed perhaps? Well, perhaps, the Universe always existed and didn't need a creator. Or, perhaps, it pulled itself out of the eternal abyss like GOD did by its eternal bootstraps? Perhaps it doesn’t matter. Science is based on observation, religion is based emotion. So, next time you fire up your car, or your computer and post here , thank science. What is that last thing religion did for you?
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News for you: Are you kidding? OK. Where did GOD come from? He- she- it THEY just ALWAYS existed perhaps? Well, perhaps, the Universe always existed and didn't need a creator. Or, perhaps, it pulled itself out of the eternal abyss like GOD did by its eternal bootstraps? Perhaps it doesn’t matter. Science is based on observation, religion is based emotion. So, next time you fire up your car, or your computer and post here , thank science. What is that last thing religion did for you?

What is that last thing religion did for you? Well, I do believe in God -although I don't go to church. I think that once my car,computer and myself are gone, I'd like to think my conscience goes somewhere, and that's a feeling all of the science in the world will never rid me of. I'd rather go through life happily thinking that life is eternal than spend my life thinking that when it's over it's over, because that would be an incredibly shallow existence if that were the case.
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it.

Science has figured out the pieces involved and is already capable of replicating some of them. Probably only a matter of time before they put them all together and create life.

Mankind has acquired many of the powers that are ascribed the deities. Destroying the world is one and striking people down from out of the sky is another. Not being able to hide from all seeing eyes in the sky. Knowing what people are saying on the other side of the planet. Moving mountains. Finding planets around other stars. These are all "Godlike" powers.

So the proof you offered is tenuous. Faith is a much firmer platform to stand on when postulating the existence of any deity because it cannot be challenged on that basis.

It can't be challenged on any other front either. If it is challenged then what is lacking is human knowledge, not God's ability. We humans in all of our wisdom, just found some dimensions! Yeah us. Pertaining to science, God said if we can't understand the universe with what He gave us in Genesis then we aren't trying very hard. Hawking found nothing new. Nachmenides did, with Genesis in the 1400's.

But there is one God, with a power that we human's can not emulate. The one who can predict the future. Explain that to me.
If you believe that Palestine will become a Nation, Give me the day. It's current, we've watched the drama, give it your best guess. Tell me what they will be producing 2,000 years from now.
There is a God that told us the exact date of Israel's birth. How?
It’s a scary world without a god, I agree. It was devout people that burned Joan of arc at the stake and crashed airplanes into Manhattan, what has religion really done? Science isn't seeming so evil, it's just reality, It does get misused, but at least its real. It’s not a glorified fairy tale used to justify control.
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I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith

Didn't read the article, did you?

They did not create life, the duplicated the DNA of existing life and inserted it into a cell.
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it.

Science has figured out the pieces involved and is already capable of replicating some of them. Probably only a matter of time before they put them all together and create life.

Mankind has acquired many of the powers that are ascribed the deities. Destroying the world is one and striking people down from out of the sky is another. Not being able to hide from all seeing eyes in the sky. Knowing what people are saying on the other side of the planet. Moving mountains. Finding planets around other stars. These are all "Godlike" powers.

So the proof you offered is tenuous. Faith is a much firmer platform to stand on when postulating the existence of any deity because it cannot be challenged on that basis.

It can't be challenged on any other front either. If it is challenged then what is lacking is human knowledge, not God's ability. We humans in all of our wisdom, just found some dimensions! Yeah us. Pertaining to science, God said if we can't understand the universe with what He gave us in Genesis then we aren't trying very hard. Hawking found nothing new. Nachmenides did, with Genesis in the 1400's.

But there is one God, with a power that we human's can not emulate. The one who can predict the future. Explain that to me.
If you believe that Palestine will become a Nation, Give me the day. It's current, we've watched the drama, give it your best guess. Tell me what they will be producing 2,000 years from now.
There is a God that told us the exact date of Israel's birth. How?

No kidding. A god... an exact date, you claim.

So where did the gods publish this exact date?
I want there to be a god, but there just isn't any proof. I pray, nothing happens. All of us do, all of us suffer. It's a real wonderment: divine will, predetermination and "free will". Does God know what he's doing or is all existence random meaningless chance ? Who is to say. Organized religion tells us what color kool aid to drink. Science just deals with facts. What has religion done for me lately? Hide behind fanciful metaphors? What has it (religion) done for anyone here besides hide behind metaphors? Did it cure polio or land a man on the moon? If it isn’t expecting too MUCH, what the heck has religion done?
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I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it.

Science has figured out the pieces involved and is already capable of replicating some of them. Probably only a matter of time before they put them all together and create life.

Mankind has acquired many of the powers that are ascribed the deities. Destroying the world is one and striking people down from out of the sky is another. Not being able to hide from all seeing eyes in the sky. Knowing what people are saying on the other side of the planet. Moving mountains. Finding planets around other stars. These are all "Godlike" powers.

So the proof you offered is tenuous. Faith is a much firmer platform to stand on when postulating the existence of any deity because it cannot be challenged on that basis.

It can't be challenged on any other front either. If it is challenged then what is lacking is human knowledge, not God's ability. We humans in all of our wisdom, just found some dimensions! Yeah us. Pertaining to science, God said if we can't understand the universe with what He gave us in Genesis then we aren't trying very hard. Hawking found nothing new. Nachmenides did, with Genesis in the 1400's.

But there is one God, with a power that we human's can not emulate. The one who can predict the future. Explain that to me.
If you believe that Palestine will become a Nation, Give me the day. It's current, we've watched the drama, give it your best guess. Tell me what they will be producing 2,000 years from now.
There is a God that told us the exact date of Israel's birth. How?

Two thousand years from now. The year 4012. If that number alone doesn't help all of the Monkeys to see the ancient stories with a bit more skepticism, nothing will.

If Momma's little bastards have a Father, his name is Time.

2,000 years from now, Momma's little bastards will be exploring the stars, the various Ancient Story religions of our past occupying their rightful place in our history as another evolutionary reason that the Monkeys they descended from learned to work together to achieve common goals, like reaching for the stars.

Communication ROCKS! :rock:

And The Word was God.

I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it.

Science has figured out the pieces involved and is already capable of replicating some of them. Probably only a matter of time before they put them all together and create life.

Mankind has acquired many of the powers that are ascribed the deities. Destroying the world is one and striking people down from out of the sky is another. Not being able to hide from all seeing eyes in the sky. Knowing what people are saying on the other side of the planet. Moving mountains. Finding planets around other stars. These are all "Godlike" powers.

So the proof you offered is tenuous. Faith is a much firmer platform to stand on when postulating the existence of any deity because it cannot be challenged on that basis.

It can't be challenged on any other front either.

Please provide scientific reproducible facts that prove the existence of your deity.

The one who can predict the future. Explain that to me.

Is Nostradamus your God?

There is a God that told us the exact date of Israel's birth. How?

How did Nostradamus predict WW2? Why didn't your deity predict the exact date of WW2? How do predictions prove the existence of your deity?
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Science has figured out the pieces involved and is already capable of replicating some of them. Probably only a matter of time before they put them all together and create life.

Mankind has acquired many of the powers that are ascribed the deities. Destroying the world is one and striking people down from out of the sky is another. Not being able to hide from all seeing eyes in the sky. Knowing what people are saying on the other side of the planet. Moving mountains. Finding planets around other stars. These are all "Godlike" powers.

So the proof you offered is tenuous. Faith is a much firmer platform to stand on when postulating the existence of any deity because it cannot be challenged on that basis.

It can't be challenged on any other front either. If it is challenged then what is lacking is human knowledge, not God's ability. We humans in all of our wisdom, just found some dimensions! Yeah us. Pertaining to science, God said if we can't understand the universe with what He gave us in Genesis then we aren't trying very hard. Hawking found nothing new. Nachmenides did, with Genesis in the 1400's.

But there is one God, with a power that we human's can not emulate. The one who can predict the future. Explain that to me.
If you believe that Palestine will become a Nation, Give me the day. It's current, we've watched the drama, give it your best guess. Tell me what they will be producing 2,000 years from now.
There is a God that told us the exact date of Israel's birth. How?

No kidding. A god... an exact date, you claim.

So where did the gods publish this exact date?

Good question. Strange that their deity omitted to publish the date for the 2nd coming. ;)
News for you: Are you kidding? OK. Where did GOD come from? He- she- it THEY just ALWAYS existed perhaps? Well, perhaps, the Universe always existed and didn't need a creator. Or, perhaps, it pulled itself out of the eternal abyss like GOD did by its eternal bootstraps? Perhaps it doesn’t matter. Science is based on observation, religion is based emotion. So, next time you fire up your car, or your computer and post here , thank science. What is that last thing religion did for you?

What is that last thing religion did for you? Well, I do believe in God -although I don't go to church. I think that once my car,computer and myself are gone, I'd like to think my conscience goes somewhere, and that's a feeling all of the science in the world will never rid me of. I'd rather go through life happily thinking that life is eternal than spend my life thinking that when it's over it's over, because that would be an incredibly shallow existence if that were the case.

Which is more shallow? Living this life to the fullest knowing that the time you spend with loved ones will be fleeting or living this life with the constant expectation that you are going to have a do-over so this one really doesn't matter?
I want there to be a god, but there just isn't any proof. I pray, nothing happens. All of us do, all of us suffer. It's a real wonderment: divine will, predetermination and "free will". Does God know what he's doing or is all existence random meaningless chance ? Who is to say. Organized religion tells us what color kool aid to drink. Science just deals with facts. What has religion done for me lately? Hide behind fanciful metaphors? What has it (religion) done for anyone here besides hide behind metaphors? Did it cure polio or land a man on the moon? If it isn’t expecting too MUCH, what the heck has religion done?

To be fair a lot of good has been done in the name of religion. However that is not to say that it would not have happened without religion. Human nature is such that helping each other is an evolutionary survival trait. On the other side of the coin a lot of evil things have been done in the name of religion. And while it is easy to list all the wars and atrocities that aspect pales into insignificance when one considers the centuries of oppression that were imposed by religion withholding education from the masses. Ironically Islam was founded as a religion of educational enlightenment. Math and science both flourished and we still benefit from that period today. The problem with religions is that they are just tools that can be used by the unscrupulous for their own nefarious ends. The mind altering aspects of religions are highly toxic. Individuals should not be exposed to any religion until they are adults and can give informed consent in my opinion.
Proverbs 6
16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
It can't be challenged on any other front either. If it is challenged then what is lacking is human knowledge, not God's ability. We humans in all of our wisdom, just found some dimensions! Yeah us. Pertaining to science, God said if we can't understand the universe with what He gave us in Genesis then we aren't trying very hard. Hawking found nothing new. Nachmenides did, with Genesis in the 1400's.

But there is one God, with a power that we human's can not emulate. The one who can predict the future. Explain that to me.
If you believe that Palestine will become a Nation, Give me the day. It's current, we've watched the drama, give it your best guess. Tell me what they will be producing 2,000 years from now.
There is a God that told us the exact date of Israel's birth. How?

No kidding. A god... an exact date, you claim.

So where did the gods publish this exact date?

Good question. Strange that their deity omitted to publish the date for the 2nd coming. ;)

The Mayans were cool. At least they had the decency put an expiration date on their ancient story.
December 21, 2012

Mark the fucking calender and move on.

I don't know which is the better scam...

"Keep The Faith! I'll be back to get you all for a fantastic afterlife someday!"
"Keep The Faith! I'll make sure you have enough style in the afterlife to pull off having seventy-two wives, all of 'em HOT!!"

As far as anyone actually knows, life is on a timer, with a distinct beginning, an unavoidable end, and a limited number of waking hours between in which to experience it. Life's too short to pretend that there's an afterlife just 'cause there are ancient stories that explain the unexplainable with 'God'.


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