This is how real patriots do it

Look ma! A bevy of unwashed, weekend warriors!
Yikes. Wonder if we sampled a collective IQ, what would we come out to as an average?
My guess is that it wouldn't break with the number 7 on the front end. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, you're a total farce. You'd shit your panties if you were in the same room with someone armed with an AR.

I have been. And believe me, unless these pussies are in packs...they're toothless. I don't hold straight up intimidation in high regard.
And it always amazes me that wannbe fascists and those willing to live under dictatorships (like you), hold this shit up as an example of "patriotism".

Was Kyle Rittenhouse part of a "pack"? Think about it: One seventeen year old boy managed to rack up two confirmed kills and one blown-off arm.

Most of the goobers in the pictures I posted are military veterans with combat experience, as are millions of other armed Americans throughout the country.
You wimps can't fight. That's why you need guns. Rittenhouse is a punk.

Well aren't you a special little angel? Tell ya what, Bubba: I propose a challenge to you just to see how much you really care. Ready? Here it is: Drive to Chicago, go to the fun part of town, stand on the street corner at 3AM in the morning, and personally take away every gun from every street thug, drug dealer, mugger, robber, rapist, and otherwise gangster wanna-be you can find.

I'll even give you $100 for every firearm you bring back with you, ok? Just think: Instead of shitposting that "everyone is racist" on an internet discussion board, you'd be doing a real service to your own community and your own people. Plus you'd make a little cash on the side.

You're not gone yet?
I call you a racist because I spent about 30 years out of the 59 I have lived doing things like that. So take your little pre fabbed white racist argument and shove it up your ass. I am safer there at 3 am than I would be in a rural all white town full of "patriots."
well hello he who voted his freedoms away, thus making him a slave...
Look ma! A bevy of unwashed, weekend warriors!
Yikes. Wonder if we sampled a collective IQ, what would we come out to as an average?
My guess is that it wouldn't break with the number 7 on the front end. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, you're a total farce. You'd shit your panties if you were in the same room with someone armed with an AR.

I have been. And believe me, unless these pussies are in packs...they're toothless. I don't hold straight up intimidation in high regard.
And it always amazes me that wannbe fascists and those willing to live under dictatorships (like you), hold this shit up as an example of "patriotism".
Wait, let me see if I understand your thinking...
Citizens peacefully protesting against GOVERNMENT encroachment on their rights... are wannabe fascists who want to live under a dictatorship.
Do you realize you are 180 degrees from reality?

They are carrying and displaying loaded weapons in full view of the public. I don't care if they are actually aiming at targets and pulling the trigger.
The message is loud, clear, and straight up intimidation. Do what we ask...or else! The message is both implied and overt.
Hmmm. Again, I don’t recall you being so up in arms about leftists actually COMMITTING violent acts as you are about the “applied and overt” messages they are sending. I don’t recall seeing you bitch about the “NFA” bruvers who marched around with weapons, frequently shooting themselves I might add. Maybe I missed your outrage and condemnations.
Most of this violence you speak of was tracked. There were 11,000 protests. 93 percent were peaceful. Out of the 730 that were not, over 500 of the violent confrontations were done by white supremacists and white nationalist para military groups. In some cases such as Kenosha, police worked with or allowed these groups to instigate violence.
Do you think the businesses that were burned to the ground, and looted, and some people murdered, those affected were part of the peaceful march? Slave...
Look ma! A bevy of unwashed, weekend warriors!
Yikes. Wonder if we sampled a collective IQ, what would we come out to as an average?
My guess is that it wouldn't break with the number 7 on the front end. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, you're a total farce. You'd shit your panties if you were in the same room with someone armed with an AR.

I have been. And believe me, unless these pussies are in packs...they're toothless. I don't hold straight up intimidation in high regard.
And it always amazes me that wannbe fascists and those willing to live under dictatorships (like you), hold this shit up as an example of "patriotism".
Wait, let me see if I understand your thinking...
Citizens peacefully protesting against GOVERNMENT encroachment on their rights... are wannabe fascists who want to live under a dictatorship.
Do you realize you are 180 degrees from reality?

They are carrying and displaying loaded weapons in full view of the public. I don't care if they are actually aiming at targets and pulling the trigger.
The message is loud, clear, and straight up intimidation. Do what we ask...or else! The message is both implied and overt.
Hmmm. Again, I don’t recall you being so up in arms about leftists actually COMMITTING violent acts as you are about the “applied and overt” messages they are sending. I don’t recall seeing you bitch about the “NFA” bruvers who marched around with weapons, frequently shooting themselves I might add. Maybe I missed your outrage and condemnations.
Most of this violence you speak of was tracked. There were 11,000 protests. 93 percent were peaceful. Out of the 730 that were not, over 500 of the violent confrontations were done by white supremacists and white nationalist para military groups. In some cases such as Kenosha, police worked with or allowed these groups to instigate violence.
Do you think the businesses that were burned to the ground, and looted, and some people murdered, those affected were part of the peaceful march? Slave...

He also thinks that was all the work of "white supremacists."

Look ma! A bevy of unwashed, weekend warriors!
Yikes. Wonder if we sampled a collective IQ, what would we come out to as an average?
My guess is that it wouldn't break with the number 7 on the front end. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, you're a total farce. You'd shit your panties if you were in the same room with someone armed with an AR.

I have been. And believe me, unless these pussies are in packs...they're toothless. I don't hold straight up intimidation in high regard.
And it always amazes me that wannbe fascists and those willing to live under dictatorships (like you), hold this shit up as an example of "patriotism".
Wait, let me see if I understand your thinking...
Citizens peacefully protesting against GOVERNMENT encroachment on their rights... are wannabe fascists who want to live under a dictatorship.
Do you realize you are 180 degrees from reality?

They are carrying and displaying loaded weapons in full view of the public. I don't care if they are actually aiming at targets and pulling the trigger.
The message is loud, clear, and straight up intimidation. Do what we ask...or else! The message is both implied and overt.
Hmmm. Again, I don’t recall you being so up in arms about leftists actually COMMITTING violent acts as you are about the “applied and overt” messages they are sending. I don’t recall seeing you bitch about the “NFA” bruvers who marched around with weapons, frequently shooting themselves I might add. Maybe I missed your outrage and condemnations.
Most of this violence you speak of was tracked. There were 11,000 protests. 93 percent were peaceful. Out of the 730 that were not, over 500 of the violent confrontations were done by white supremacists and white nationalist para military groups. In some cases such as Kenosha, police worked with or allowed these groups to instigate violence.
White supremacists. Keep spewing that bullshit. It’s hysterical.
And the Kenosha police didn’t allow groups to “instigate violence”. Your fellow leftists instigated violence, rioting, etc. Some people then dealt with them.
We will never see eye to eye. If everything all goes to shit some day, I look forward to meeting people like you in the field.
Look ma! A bevy of unwashed, weekend warriors!
Yikes. Wonder if we sampled a collective IQ, what would we come out to as an average?
My guess is that it wouldn't break with the number 7 on the front end. :auiqs.jpg:
Man. That’s so funny. People marching to protest the state encroaching on constitutional rights. What heathens.

And I’m sure not a shop was looted or burned, and no one was beaten on the streets. No cops had bags ofpiss thrown at them. Definitely not “peaceful protestors” in the liberal meaning of the term. You must be disappointed.

The state has laws. They were marching because they do not want to obey the law.
The state has laws?? Holy shit.
Let’s use your retarded logic here.
“Hey, did you know that states in the 50’s and early 60’s had laws people didn’t want to listen to? They were called him crow laws, segregation, etc.
those people marching just didn’t want to obey the laws. They were criminals breaking the law”.

Does this simple demonstration show you the errors in your thinking? Laws are not always just. Demonstrating against them is just.
Do you know why lawmakers pushed through hun control originally targeted at blacks? So blacks couldn’t fight back when then state (cops, and other authority figures) either targeted them directly with violence r indirectly using laws. It also stopped them from defending against and other citizens (klan, shitty people, etc) who felt like targeting them.
This is the same reason law makers today want to ban weapons from people who, as has been verified by every single study, law enforcement group, agency, author, etc, DOES NOT COMMIT VIOLENCE!! Why do you think they want to take weapons away and restrict what/where/when can be had and carried from a group THAT ISNT COMMITTING CRIMES?!?
It’s about CONTROL, just the way it was against blacks back in the day.

Wake the fuck up, man. You are on the wrong side!! You are literally fighting/voting for the massas, against the very people who believe you are your own person and should be treated like everybody else.
There is institutional racism in the form of constant excuse making and low expectations that is directed at the black community, and until you and other people wake up and see these truths, nothing will ever get better.

Just use your head for a minute.Segregation and Jim crow and all that shit ended in the 60’s. Personal racism/bigotry is ever decreasing. So why is it that the conditions for blacks (and everyone else really) in these cities and states that are democrat controlled just keep getting worse? More and more liberal ideals keep getting put into place in these liberal utopias, New York, California, etc. Have things gotten better? No, they’ve gotten worse. Why is that? Hiring quotas, affirmative action, welfare out the ass... zero improvement. Do you think maybe it’s time to take a look and actually analyze the results here? How much has been spent,a trillion dollars? Maybe trillions?
Zero positive to show for it. Maybe it’s time to say “hey, maybe this isnt working. Maybe this whole idea of constantly blaming others and looking to government to legislate me a better life isn’t working. Maybe we all should be treated equally in regards to hiring and all the rest. Maybe the problem lays in what WE (as a whole) are doing in our communities, and if we’d stop allowing politicians to use us for a voting block in exchange for cash (that’s all welfare/grants/etc is), we’d do better. Maybe we shouldn’t be whoring out the date of our people, and blaming our failures on everything except ourselves”.

Do I think you will actually stop to consider any of what I’ve said here? Probably not. And it’s a damn shame. You’ll keep seeing me and people like me as your oppressors, when in reality me and people like me want nothing but the best for you.
That kid was well trained as only those that attacked him were shot. No others were hit. That guy will be pardoned the hero that he is...
I guess I'll update this moldy thread. So, the kid was acquitted. He went to Kenosha looking for trouble, started it, killed two people, shot another one...and got off. The people shot in this case were white so I don't think anyone will be out in the streets over this chubby little fuck. I will caution all of you on the alt-right and the gun nutters that there will be one day when the street will run the other way. When one of the "true believers" will take one between the eyes and the shooter will get off. It'll be even more interesting if the shooter is a person of color. The moral of the story is, be careful what you wish for. We liberals like our guns too. This kid is lucky someone else wasn't motivated to put him down that night.

Oh well, I thought a conviction on a gun charge was coming. I was wrong.
Just shows there are two systems of justice in this country...carry on.
I guess I'll update this moldy thread. So, the kid was acquitted. He went to Kenosha looking for trouble, started it, killed two people, shot another one...and got off. The people shot in this case were white so I don't think anyone will be out in the streets over this chubby little fuck. I will caution all of you on the alt-right and the gun nutters that there will be one day when the street will run the other way. When one of the "true believers" will take one between the eyes and the shooter will get off. It'll be even more interesting if the shooter is a person of color. The moral of the story is, be careful what you wish for. We liberals like our guns too. This kid is lucky someone else wasn't motivated to put him down that night.

Oh well, I thought a conviction on a gun charge was coming. I was wrong.
Just shows there are two systems of justice in this country...carry on.

He went to Kenosha to clean up after your rioters were done messing the place up. He armed himself because your "mostly peaceful rioters" had murdered 30 people across the country. He was FORCED to defend himself from being killed by one of YOUR child rapists, a torturer of women, and a serial criminal who is also a communist agitator. He did so with great skill, and two of YOUR three hero's are pushing up daisies.

Now, go fuck yourself.
He went to Kenosha to clean up after your rioters were done messing the place up. He armed himself because your "mostly peaceful rioters" had murdered 30 people across the country. He was FORCED to defend himself from being killed by one of YOUR child rapists, a torturer of women, and a serial criminal who is also a communist agitator. He did so with great skill, and two of YOUR three hero's are pushing up daisies.

Now, go fuck yourself.
Again, be careful what you wish for. One day, that street will run the other way. And they aren't my heroes. I had no investment in this trial.
If that last guy with the firearm had been a little more dedicated, YOUR hero would be pushing up the daisies.

He went there looking for trouble. For that, he deserves to be a pariah for the rest of his life.

Now...we're done, asshat.
Again, be careful what you wish for. One day, that street will run the other way. And they aren't my heroes. I had no investment in this trial.
If that last guy with the firearm had been a little more dedicated, YOUR hero would be pushing up the daisies.

He went there looking for trouble. For that, he deserves to be a pariah for the rest of his life.

Now...we're done, asshat.

No, asshole. YOU be careful what you wish for. YOUR violent rioters have been burning and murdering for a year. We, the people, have had enough. THIS is YOUR warning. If you travel to riot (as we have proof they were doing) then YOUR people are going to get killed.

You no longer get to run roughshod over the people of this country.

And YOU are a lying sack of shit progressive.

Now go eat your shit sandwich.

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