......this deserves a stand-alone thread......


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
I saw a similar piece posted up in one of the nearby threads, but then couldn't locate it.

So I thought I'd post it up as a stand-alone thread as it is pretty doggone pertinent to many of the discussion on this venue about 'stolen elections', fraud, yadda, yadda, yadda.

It was published this morning in the Detroit Free Press:

"Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all"

"All of Michigan’s more than 250 election audits are now complete, and each and every one of them affirmed the integrity of the November election and the accuracy of the results.

More than 1,300 Republican, Democratic, and non-partisan election clerks participated in the audits, working across the aisle to review one another’s procedures, ballots and machines in coordination with the state Bureau of Elections.

Their findings eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election.
A hand count of more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from jurisdictions across the state affirmed that the tabulation machines throughout Michigan had accurately determined the winner of the presidential election.

And another hand count of every ballot cast for president in Antrim County found that the Dominion machines used there were extremely accurate, with a final tally of more than 15,000 votes that was only 12 votes different from the machine count.

Further, officials found that absentee ballot counting boards had done an even better job processing and counting ballots than had been known previously.

They found that election workers in Detroit had properly counted 174,000 valid ballots. The ballots corresponded to signed envelopes that were submitted by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office.
And of those 174,000 ballots, the counting boards were “out of balance” by a net total of only 17 votes.

No more lies
Like so many of the lies that have been told about the November election, these attacks are dangerous, racist, and undertaken for personal and political gain.

And they must stop now.

More than 1,300 election clerks, a dozen unsuccessful lawsuits, and 250 audits all demonstrate the integrity and accuracy of Michigan’s presidential election.

Political leaders on both sides of the aisle must acknowledge this truth, and state it clearly and unequivocally to their constituents.

The November, 2020, election, was the most secure in our state’s history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters."
I saw a similar piece posted up in one of the nearby threads, but then couldn't locate it.

So I thought I'd post it up as a stand-alone thread as it is pretty doggone pertinent to many of the discussion on this venue about 'stolen elections', fraud, yadda, yadda, yadda.

It was published this morning in the Detroit Free Press:

"Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all"

"All of Michigan’s more than 250 election audits are now complete, and each and every one of them affirmed the integrity of the November election and the accuracy of the results.

More than 1,300 Republican, Democratic, and non-partisan election clerks participated in the audits, working across the aisle to review one another’s procedures, ballots and machines in coordination with the state Bureau of Elections.

Their findings eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election.
A hand count of more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from jurisdictions across the state affirmed that the tabulation machines throughout Michigan had accurately determined the winner of the presidential election.

And another hand count of every ballot cast for president in Antrim County found that the Dominion machines used there were extremely accurate, with a final tally of more than 15,000 votes that was only 12 votes different from the machine count.

Further, officials found that absentee ballot counting boards had done an even better job processing and counting ballots than had been known previously.

They found that election workers in Detroit had properly counted 174,000 valid ballots. The ballots corresponded to signed envelopes that were submitted by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office.
And of those 174,000 ballots, the counting boards were “out of balance” by a net total of only 17 votes.

No more lies
Like so many of the lies that have been told about the November election, these attacks are dangerous, racist, and undertaken for personal and political gain.

And they must stop now.

More than 1,300 election clerks, a dozen unsuccessful lawsuits, and 250 audits all demonstrate the integrity and accuracy of Michigan’s presidential election.

Political leaders on both sides of the aisle must acknowledge this truth, and state it clearly and unequivocally to their constituents.

The November, 2020, election, was the most secure in our state’s history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters."
Uhm, yeah sure....

That means nothing. MI election officials are corrupt. There was massive fraud and saying it did not happen only makes it more obvious.

An update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump
Did they explain that? Or this?
An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump
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They can count until the cows come home. If what they are counting if fraudulant to begin with, counting it over and over will result in the same count.
Instead let's find out who gave the order to shut down long enough for GERMANY to rework the count at 3am.
Nice try, Chillicothe. The people you are trying to inform have consistently ignored all the double checking they demanded. The effort was a waste of time and effort, if it was intended to satisfy these Trumpsters. Only the outcome of Major Fraud--Trump Won would satisfy them. No state should bother lifting a finger to show their elections were fair, imo.
That means nothing. MI election officials are corrupt. There was massive fraud and saying it did not happen only makes it more obvious.

An update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump
Did they explain that? Or this?
An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump

Were any of those votes audited?
I saw a similar piece posted up in one of the nearby threads, but then couldn't locate it.

So I thought I'd post it up as a stand-alone thread as it is pretty doggone pertinent to many of the discussion on this venue about 'stolen elections', fraud, yadda, yadda, yadda.

It was published this morning in the Detroit Free Press:

"Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all"

"All of Michigan’s more than 250 election audits are now complete, and each and every one of them affirmed the integrity of the November election and the accuracy of the results.

More than 1,300 Republican, Democratic, and non-partisan election clerks participated in the audits, working across the aisle to review one another’s procedures, ballots and machines in coordination with the state Bureau of Elections.

Their findings eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election.
A hand count of more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from jurisdictions across the state affirmed that the tabulation machines throughout Michigan had accurately determined the winner of the presidential election.

And another hand count of every ballot cast for president in Antrim County found that the Dominion machines used there were extremely accurate, with a final tally of more than 15,000 votes that was only 12 votes different from the machine count.

Further, officials found that absentee ballot counting boards had done an even better job processing and counting ballots than had been known previously.

They found that election workers in Detroit had properly counted 174,000 valid ballots. The ballots corresponded to signed envelopes that were submitted by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office.
And of those 174,000 ballots, the counting boards were “out of balance” by a net total of only 17 votes.

No more lies
Like so many of the lies that have been told about the November election, these attacks are dangerous, racist, and undertaken for personal and political gain.

And they must stop now.

More than 1,300 election clerks, a dozen unsuccessful lawsuits, and 250 audits all demonstrate the integrity and accuracy of Michigan’s presidential election.

Political leaders on both sides of the aisle must acknowledge this truth, and state it clearly and unequivocally to their constituents.

The November, 2020, election, was the most secure in our state’s history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters."
Because the people who committed the fraud can be trusted to investigate themselves and report they perpetrated a fraud.

Just how ignorant are you?
It was a bullshit audit.

Look at every single mail in ballot and verify it was from a registered voter, it has a valid signature and a valid address BY A NONPARTISAN GROUP.


What was done is useless self serving bullshit.
Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all
Their findings eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election.
these attacks are dangerous, racist, and undertaken for personal and political gain.
And they must stop now.

So the Brain-Simp Childclothe is here to tell us that:
  1. Having the same bunch of election officials recount their votes the same way they wrongly and illegally counted them the other times proves that not only are the votes right, but in every other contested swing state as well!
  2. That questioning a highly questionable election of a democrat is RACIST, but questioning the election of a republican four years ago on very specious grounds was PATRIOTIC.
  3. We better stop now because just doubting an election was legit now is DANGEROUS, yet writing a book about how the election was stolen from you and spending three years and 30 million dollars investigating the previous one was NOT. In fact, then, justice DEMANDED IT.

  • Because so many ballots were cast in 2020 by people voting by mail for the first time, most experts, using historical patterns as a guide, predicted a higher-than-usual rate of ballots being rejected for flaws such as missing information, inaccurate information, or a failure to place ballots in secrecy envelopes.

  • But precisely the opposite occurred in the battleground states: In Michigan, the 2020 rejection rate was 0.1%, about one-fifth the 0.5% rate from 2016.

  • According to a sworn affidavit, a Michigan election supervisor violated existing state law by instructing election workers at in-person polling places not to request photo identification from voters.

  • Affidavits filed in Michigan claim that poll workers were instructed to ignore signature mismatches, backdate late-arriving ballots (to make it appear that they had arrived before the statutory deadline), and process ballots of questionable validity.

  • Poll challenger Andrew Sitto swore in an affidavit that boxes filled with tens of thousands of unsealed, unsecured ballots—all cast for Democrats—had arrived in vehicles with out-of-state license plates in Michigan’s Wayne County at 4:30 AM on the morning after Election Day. “I specifically noticed that every ballot I observed was cast for Joe Biden,” said Sitto. According to another sworn affidavit, the names on the ballots in these boxes did not appear on either the Qualified Voter File (QVF) or the supplemental lists of voters who had registered shortly before Election Day.

  • Sitto says that in the vote-counting room where he was stationed on Election Day, an election official at one point used a large sheet of cardboard to block the windows; that same official subsequently refused to let Sitto re-enter the room after he had left for a break.

  • Robert Cushman, a poll challenger in Detroit, said in a sworn affidavit: “I saw the computer operators at several counting boards manually adding,” “to the QVF system,” “the names and addresses of these thousands of ballots … from unknown, unverified ‘persons.’”

  • In 18 sworn affidavits in Michigan, the witnesses claimed that election officials had counted the ballots of people whose names were not in the voter file, and that those names were added into the system with the birth date of January 1, 1900

  • One of these 18 affiants was Robert Cushman, who said in his testimony: “When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the Wayne County Clerk’s office.”

  • Approximately 9,500 Michigan mail-in ballots were purportedly submitted by voters whose names and birth dates matched those in the death records of the Social Security Death Index. In addition, nearly 2,000 more ballots were cast in the names of voters who claimed to be aged 100+ but were not listed in public records as living individuals.

  • In a federal lawsuit filed against Michigan on November 10, President Trump’s re-election campaign presented 234 pages of sworn witness affidavits describing how, in violation of Michigan’s election code, Republican poll challengers had been prevented in various ways from being able to properly observe the vote-counting process – particularly in Wayne, which is Michigan’s most populous county. “Election officials would applaud, cheer, and yell whenever a Republican challenger was ejected from the counting area,” the lawsuit stated.

  • Seven witnesses in Michigan said they had seen the same stacks of ballots being run through tabulation machines multiple times by Democrat poll workers (with no Republicans alongside them).

  • An affidavit filed by a postal worker in Traverse City, Michigan states that various post offices illegally backdated ballots and ordered that Trump mail be placed in the “Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail” bin while demanding that Biden mail should be delivered promptly.

  • Another postal employee in Traverse City contacted James O'Keefe of Project Veritas to describe, on video, how his supervisor, Johnathon Clarke, had required postal workers to illegally segregate and manually backdate ballots received after the statutory deadline of 8 PM on Election Day. The workers were then ordered to immediately send these doctored ballots to the P.O.’s main distribution center. When Mr. O’Keefe subsequently reached Clarke by phone to question him about the allegations, a startled Clarke refused to say a word and immediately hung up the call.

  • IT and cyber-security specialist Melissa Carone, who on November 3 and 4 worked as a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems -- the company that provided the voting machines in 66 of Michigan’s 83 counties in 2020

  • -- told a Michigan Senate Oversight Committee hearing: “What I witnessed at the TDS Center [where votes were being counted] was complete fraud. The whole 27 hours I was there. There were batches of ballots being ran through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted eight to ten times, I watched this with my own eyes. I was there to assist with IT.” Adding that she was “under the impression 100 percent that all of these workers were in on this,” Carone claimed: “There was not a single ballot that the whole night, the whole 27 hours that I was there, that was for Donald Trump, not one.”

  • Carone also noted that there were approximately 22 to 24 tabulating machines in the location where she was working, and that she observed election-related malpractice “thousands of times” while she was at the site.

  • The anti-election-fraud organization “Guard the Vote” examined 30,000 of the 172,000 mail-in and absentee ballots that were cast in the city of Detroit. Of those 30,000 ballots, 229 were cast in the names of dead people, while another 2,660 were cast by people claiming invalid home addresses such as those of vacant lots and burnt-down houses. In short, at least 2,889 (9.6%) of these 30,000 Detroit ballots should have been discarded. If this rate of ineligibility is representative of the city’s 172,000 mail-in votes as a whole, more than 16,500 of those votes were likely invalid.

  • Patty McMurray, a Republican poll challenger in Detroit, saw large numbers of photocopied mail-in ballots submitted in the names of unregistered voters, all cast for Biden. “Not one of the ballots was a registered military voter, and the ballots looked like they were all the same Xeroxed copies of the ballot,” she testified. “They were all for Biden across the board. There wasn’t a single Trump vote. None of the voters are registered.” Asserting that election workers had entered those names and addresses with phony birthdates that “would override the system and allow them to enter nonregistered voters,” McMurray added: “Throughout the day, that’s how they would override voters that were neither in the electronic poll book or the supplemental, updated poll book.

  • A vote update in Michigan at 3:50 AM on November 4 added 54,497 votes for Biden and 4,718 votes for Trump.

  • Another vote update in Michigan at 6:31 AM on November 4 added 141,258 votes for Biden and 5,968 votes for Trump.

  • According to an analysis by the research group Just Facts, it is likely that 234,570 non-citizen votes benefited Biden across seven closely contested battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

  • Previous research has found that 81% of non-citizens who vote, cast their ballots for Democrats.

  • Prior to the election, a Pew Research Center survey reported that in those states where a Senate seat was up for grabs in 2020, “overwhelming shares of voters” who planned to back either Trump or Biden said that they also would be “supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.” Consistent with those survey results, in traditionally red and blue non-battleground states alike, the total number of votes garnered by Biden was only slightly higher than the number of votes received by the Democrat Senate candidates who were also on the ballot. Similarly, the total number of votes won by Trump was only a little bit higher than the number of votes received by the Republican Senate candidates who were also on the ballot. But in the battleground states, inexplicably, the gap between Biden and the Democrat Senate candidates was far greater than the gap between Trump and the Republican Senate candidates. In Michigan, for example, Biden received 69,093 more votes than did Democrat Senate candidate Gary Peters, while Trump received only 7,131 more votes than Republican Senate candidate John James. And in Georgia, Biden received 95,801 more votes than did Democrat Senate candidate Jon Osoff, while Trump received only 818 more votes than Republican Senate candidate David Perdue. This means that in battleground states, a large number of Democrats seem to have voted for Biden while mysteriously choosing to ignore the highly important Senate races.

So, Chilblain, Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all? They eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election? These questions are dangerous and racist? They must stop now? Well guess what, pooptweet-- -- -- your joke of a thread just shows that NOTHING is proven, NOTHING is settled, and that the questions have JUST BEGUN, Bupkiss.



But DO let me know when you are prepared to go into Structure Debate and show how all this and much more across six states and more is all "debunked" and there is nothing to see here! :21:
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I saw a similar piece posted up in one of the nearby threads, but then couldn't locate it.

So I thought I'd post it up as a stand-alone thread as it is pretty doggone pertinent to many of the discussion on this venue about 'stolen elections', fraud, yadda, yadda, yadda.

It was published this morning in the Detroit Free Press:

"Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all"

"All of Michigan’s more than 250 election audits are now complete, and each and every one of them affirmed the integrity of the November election and the accuracy of the results.

More than 1,300 Republican, Democratic, and non-partisan election clerks participated in the audits, working across the aisle to review one another’s procedures, ballots and machines in coordination with the state Bureau of Elections.

Their findings eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election.
A hand count of more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from jurisdictions across the state affirmed that the tabulation machines throughout Michigan had accurately determined the winner of the presidential election.

And another hand count of every ballot cast for president in Antrim County found that the Dominion machines used there were extremely accurate, with a final tally of more than 15,000 votes that was only 12 votes different from the machine count.

Further, officials found that absentee ballot counting boards had done an even better job processing and counting ballots than had been known previously.

They found that election workers in Detroit had properly counted 174,000 valid ballots. The ballots corresponded to signed envelopes that were submitted by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office.
And of those 174,000 ballots, the counting boards were “out of balance” by a net total of only 17 votes.

No more lies
Like so many of the lies that have been told about the November election, these attacks are dangerous, racist, and undertaken for personal and political gain.

And they must stop now.

More than 1,300 election clerks, a dozen unsuccessful lawsuits, and 250 audits all demonstrate the integrity and accuracy of Michigan’s presidential election.

Political leaders on both sides of the aisle must acknowledge this truth, and state it clearly and unequivocally to their constituents.

The November, 2020, election, was the most secure in our state’s history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters."
And yet conservatives will continue to propagate the "stolen election" lie.
I saw a similar piece posted up in one of the nearby threads, but then couldn't locate it.

So I thought I'd post it up as a stand-alone thread as it is pretty doggone pertinent to many of the discussion on this venue about 'stolen elections', fraud, yadda, yadda, yadda.

It was published this morning in the Detroit Free Press:

"Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all"

"All of Michigan’s more than 250 election audits are now complete, and each and every one of them affirmed the integrity of the November election and the accuracy of the results.

More than 1,300 Republican, Democratic, and non-partisan election clerks participated in the audits, working across the aisle to review one another’s procedures, ballots and machines in coordination with the state Bureau of Elections.

Their findings eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election.
A hand count of more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from jurisdictions across the state affirmed that the tabulation machines throughout Michigan had accurately determined the winner of the presidential election.

And another hand count of every ballot cast for president in Antrim County found that the Dominion machines used there were extremely accurate, with a final tally of more than 15,000 votes that was only 12 votes different from the machine count.

Further, officials found that absentee ballot counting boards had done an even better job processing and counting ballots than had been known previously.

They found that election workers in Detroit had properly counted 174,000 valid ballots. The ballots corresponded to signed envelopes that were submitted by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office.
And of those 174,000 ballots, the counting boards were “out of balance” by a net total of only 17 votes.

No more lies
Like so many of the lies that have been told about the November election, these attacks are dangerous, racist, and undertaken for personal and political gain.

And they must stop now.

More than 1,300 election clerks, a dozen unsuccessful lawsuits, and 250 audits all demonstrate the integrity and accuracy of Michigan’s presidential election.

Political leaders on both sides of the aisle must acknowledge this truth, and state it clearly and unequivocally to their constituents.

The November, 2020, election, was the most secure in our state’s history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters."
Awesome! The election officials involved in the election malfeasance have investigated themselves and see no problems. :auiqs.jpg:
I saw a similar piece posted up in one of the nearby threads, but then couldn't locate it.

So I thought I'd post it up as a stand-alone thread as it is pretty doggone pertinent to many of the discussion on this venue about 'stolen elections', fraud, yadda, yadda, yadda.

It was published this morning in the Detroit Free Press:

"Michigan audits debunk stolen election claims once and for all"

"All of Michigan’s more than 250 election audits are now complete, and each and every one of them affirmed the integrity of the November election and the accuracy of the results.

More than 1,300 Republican, Democratic, and non-partisan election clerks participated in the audits, working across the aisle to review one another’s procedures, ballots and machines in coordination with the state Bureau of Elections.

Their findings eradicate any rationale for continuing to question the validity of the November election.
A hand count of more than 18,000 randomly selected ballots from jurisdictions across the state affirmed that the tabulation machines throughout Michigan had accurately determined the winner of the presidential election.

And another hand count of every ballot cast for president in Antrim County found that the Dominion machines used there were extremely accurate, with a final tally of more than 15,000 votes that was only 12 votes different from the machine count.

Further, officials found that absentee ballot counting boards had done an even better job processing and counting ballots than had been known previously.

They found that election workers in Detroit had properly counted 174,000 valid ballots. The ballots corresponded to signed envelopes that were submitted by registered voters and reviewed by the clerk’s office.
And of those 174,000 ballots, the counting boards were “out of balance” by a net total of only 17 votes.

No more lies
Like so many of the lies that have been told about the November election, these attacks are dangerous, racist, and undertaken for personal and political gain.

And they must stop now.

More than 1,300 election clerks, a dozen unsuccessful lawsuits, and 250 audits all demonstrate the integrity and accuracy of Michigan’s presidential election.

Political leaders on both sides of the aisle must acknowledge this truth, and state it clearly and unequivocally to their constituents.

The November, 2020, election, was the most secure in our state’s history, and the results accurately reflect the will of Michigan’s voters."
I'll bet you thought credible proof, common sense, and reason would convince the nut bags that they had been wrong all the time, didn't you? Don't worry about it. I was shocked and amazed too when I finally realized just how stupid they are, and how little those things mean to the trump party.

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