Third Planned Parenthood Tape Drops

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Several Republican presidential candidates have claimed that Planned Parenthood is “profiting” from abortions. But the full, unedited video they cite as evidence shows a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its clinics want to cover their costs, not make money, when donating fetal tissue from abortions for scientific research.

Four experts in the field of human tissue procurement told us the price range discussed in the video — $30 to $100 per patient — represents a reasonable fee. “There’s no way there’s a profit at that price,” said Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository.”

Republicans made their claims following the release of a secretly recorded video showing Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood, discussing the procurement of fetal tissues when conducting abortions. The edited video, released July 14 by an anti-abortion group called the Center for Medical Progress, leaves the impression that Nucatola is talking about Planned Parenthood affiliates making money from fetal tissue. But the edited video ignores other things Nucatola said that contradict that idea.

At one point in the unedited video (which was also released by the group), Nucatola says: “Affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this. They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.”

Nucatola also says, “No one’s going to see this as a money making thing.” And at another point, she says, “Our goal, like I said, is to give patients the option without impacting our bottom line. The messaging is this should not be seen as a new revenue stream, because that’s not what it is.”

$30-$100 - how exactly is that small a fee going to generate profit? When multiple experts confirm that this is a very reasonable fee and the norm for the industry to cover costs - can some one show us how the profit is generated to indicate baby "organs" are being sold? Most of what is donated is tissue - organs at that stage are not even fully developed. So lets see some actual figures from those claiming "profit".

In the edited video, Nucatola says the cost for fetal tissue specimens was between $30 and $100, “depending on the facility and what’s involved.” She defined “specimen” as, “one case. One patient.”

The full video shows that after Nucatola mentions the $30 to $100, she describes how those amounts would be reimbursement for expenses related to handling and transportation of the tissues. Nucatola talks about “space issues” and whether shipping would be involved.

We also asked experts in the use of human tissue for research about the potential for profit. Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository,” told us that “there’s no way there’s a profit at that price.” She continued in an email:

Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee.

..Nucatola repeatedly talks about affiliates only wanting to provide a service to their patients, who elect to donate the tissue for medical research, and not having that service impact their bottom lines. She says that it’s “not a new revenue stream the affiliates are looking at” and that “nobody should be ‘selling’ tissue. That’s just not the goal here.” She says some affiliates might donate the tissue for free.

On July 21, the Center for Medical Progress released a second, similar video, again featuring a discussion with a Planned Parenthood official in a restaurant. The numbers mentioned in the edited video are similar to what Nucatola said. The official, Mary Gatter, quotes a rate of $75 per specimen, and says she was thinking of saying $50. The discussion only reaches $100 because the “buyers” in the video mention higher prices. At one point, Gatter says that “we’re not in this for the money,” and later she reiterates that “money is not the important thing.”

Lastly, this is nothing new - in fact, I'm willing to bet everyone of us here has benefitted in some way from it.

Historically, the use of fetal tissue has produced some groundbreaking scientific discoveries. According to the American Society for Cell Biology, a nonprofit representing a large and varied group of scientists, “Fetal cells hold unique promise for biomedical research due to their ability to rapidly divide, grow, and adapt to new environments. This makes fetal tissue research relevant to a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit focused on sexual and reproductive health, tissue from fetuses has been used since the 1930s for a variety of purposes. Perhaps most famously, the 1954 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to researchers who managed to grow polio vaccine in fetal kidney cell cultures.

In another example, Leonard Hayflick created a cell line from an aborted fetus in the early 1960s that has been used to create vaccines against measles, rubella, shingles and other diseases. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told the journal Nature in 2013 that “[t]hese cells from one fetus have no doubt saved the lives of millions of people.”

In more recent years, however, the use of stem cells for therapeutic and research purposes has taken a more central role than fetal tissue. As Arthur Caplan, a bioethicist at New York University, told Buzzfeed News, “fetal cells are not a big deal in science anymore.”

In spite of the waning interest, it remains legal to donate tissue from a legally aborted fetus, and for that tissue to be used for research purposes.
PP went around Threatening people. so if they weren't worried about this. they why?
CALL you reps. we want taxpayers monies defunded from them

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos
Jul. 28, 2015 7:20pm

A regional branch of Planned Parenthood warned reporters in a new letter Monday against airing recent sting videos released by a group which purport to show the abortion provider’s employees discussing the sell of aborted fetus parts.

KVLY-TV in North Dakota published the letter from Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

“CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing,” the letter alleged.

Image source: Mario Tama/Getty Images

“We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed,” it added.

The letter was sent one day before the Center for Medical Progress released a third video, appearing to show Planned Parenthood workers standing by dead fetuses while talking about the price “per item.”

The letter concluded warning that “the material should not be aired.”

A representative for Planned Parenthood could not be reached for comment by TheBlaze.

Read the entire letter below via KVLY:

To: North Dakota Health and Political Reporters and Producers
From: Jen Aulwes, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
Date: July 27, 2015
Re: Center for Medical Progress Expected to Violate Patient Privacy

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) is an extreme activist organization whose sole mission is to prevent women from accessing health care and to destroy Planned Parenthood. The board members of this group believe that abortion is “genocide,” and employ people who went to jail for attempting to bomb a women’s health clinic. They are also connected with the man who murdered abortion provider Dr. George Tiller.

CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing. We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed.

When your network decides whether to consider this story newsworthy, or whether to use any of this footage at all, we urge you to keep this in mind: The extremists who entered Planned Parenthood labs under false pretenses violated research protocol, and, worse, violated the privacy of patients involved. Those patients’ privacy should not be further violated by having this footage shared by the media.(liars, no names of patients were released)

The storage and examination processes that CMP used to get this footage are medically necessary. It is necessary medical professionals ensure an abortion is complete so that patients do not get an infection. When tissue is donated for medical research, these steps are also necessary for the donations to be completed. It is also medically necessary that researchers evaluate the laboratory procedures of a medical provider for safety standards and best practices.

Some of the conversations and protocols that occur in medical settings and among professional peers can sound jarring when taken out of context. While this can be difficult to hear or watch, it should not be used as an excuse to defund Planned Parenthood.

CMP gained access to Planned Parenthood facilities under false pretenses and filmed without securing approval from the Planned Parenthood staff being filmed or the patients whose privacy is compromised by this secret videotaping. The material should not be aired.

Please contact me at 651-755-XXXX or [email protected] if you have any questions or need any more information.

(H/T: Truth Revolt)
all of it here:

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos

I've ask several Hair On Fire right wingers, like yourself, but can't get an answer. Are you against organ and tissue donation in general, or just from PP?
You don't know that.

Can you prove that video is complete and unedited?

Where - specifically - are they saying body parts are being sold at a profit - I'd like to see that in the context of a conversation, not a partial quote. You can provide that can't you?
That's not how it works, genius

A prosecutor believes a crime MAY have been committed and starts an investigation.

If they find enough evidence, they go to a Grand Jury for an indictment.

At Trial is when they have to PROVE things.

Not before. They're not on trial but anybody that thinks there isn't enough evidence for an investigation is an imbecile.

You qualify
PP went around Threatening people. so if they weren't worried about this. they why?
CALL you reps. we want taxpayers monies defunded from them

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos
Jul. 28, 2015 7:20pm

A regional branch of Planned Parenthood warned reporters in a new letter Monday against airing recent sting videos released by a group which purport to show the abortion provider’s employees discussing the sell of aborted fetus parts.

KVLY-TV in North Dakota published the letter from Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

“CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing,” the letter alleged.

Image source: Mario Tama/Getty Images

“We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed,” it added.

The letter was sent one day before the Center for Medical Progress released a third video, appearing to show Planned Parenthood workers standing by dead fetuses while talking about the price “per item.”

The letter concluded warning that “the material should not be aired.”

A representative for Planned Parenthood could not be reached for comment by TheBlaze.

Read the entire letter below via KVLY:

To: North Dakota Health and Political Reporters and Producers
From: Jen Aulwes, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
Date: July 27, 2015
Re: Center for Medical Progress Expected to Violate Patient Privacy

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) is an extreme activist organization whose sole mission is to prevent women from accessing health care and to destroy Planned Parenthood. The board members of this group believe that abortion is “genocide,” and employ people who went to jail for attempting to bomb a women’s health clinic. They are also connected with the man who murdered abortion provider Dr. George Tiller.

CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing. We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed.

When your network decides whether to consider this story newsworthy, or whether to use any of this footage at all, we urge you to keep this in mind: The extremists who entered Planned Parenthood labs under false pretenses violated research protocol, and, worse, violated the privacy of patients involved. Those patients’ privacy should not be further violated by having this footage shared by the media.(liars, no names of patients were released)

The storage and examination processes that CMP used to get this footage are medically necessary. It is necessary medical professionals ensure an abortion is complete so that patients do not get an infection. When tissue is donated for medical research, these steps are also necessary for the donations to be completed. It is also medically necessary that researchers evaluate the laboratory procedures of a medical provider for safety standards and best practices.

Some of the conversations and protocols that occur in medical settings and among professional peers can sound jarring when taken out of context. While this can be difficult to hear or watch, it should not be used as an excuse to defund Planned Parenthood.

CMP gained access to Planned Parenthood facilities under false pretenses and filmed without securing approval from the Planned Parenthood staff being filmed or the patients whose privacy is compromised by this secret videotaping. The material should not be aired.

Please contact me at 651-755-XXXX or [email protected] if you have any questions or need any more information.

(H/T: Truth Revolt)
all of it here:

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos

Where is the "threat"?
You don't know that.

Can you prove that video is complete and unedited?

Where - specifically - are they saying body parts are being sold at a profit - I'd like to see that in the context of a conversation, not a partial quote. You can provide that can't you?
That's not how it works, genius

A prosecutor believes a crime MAY have been committed and starts an investigation.

If they find enough evidence, they go to a Grand Jury for an indictment.

At Trial is when they have to PROVE things.

Not before. They're not on trial but anybody that thinks there isn't enough evidence for an investigation is an imbecile.

You qualify

Repeat: Where - specifically - are they saying body parts are being sold at a profit - I'd like to see that in the context of a conversation, not a partial quote. You can provide that can't you?

It's a simple question, a simple mind should be able to provide an answer.
You people can spin it how ever you WANT. all we are asking is OUR tax dollars be DEFUNDED from them. they have plenty of money from all you who supports them performing abortion. send in your monthly donation to them if you want.

CALL your Representatives
$30-$100 - how exactly is that small a fee going to generate profit? When multiple experts confirm that this is a very reasonable fee and the norm for the industry to cover costs - can some one show us how the profit is generated to indicate baby "organs" are being sold? Most of what is donated is tissue - organs at that stage are not even fully developed. So lets see some actual figures from those claiming "profit".

According to the figures below......... $30 for a liver, $100 for a heart, $50 for a brain, $550 dollars for an intact fetus between 11 and 18 weeks gestation

That adds up to between 100 and 150 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!!!

Planned Parenthood Annual Report All About Abortions and Profits

According to its annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in 2013, up from its 327,166 performed in 2012. SBA-List states that, over the past three years, the abortion giant has performed nearly one million abortions.

You really should think first, then post

At one point in the video, Nucatola tells the “buyers” (the actors purporting to represent a fetal tissue procurement company are described as “buyers” in a transcript provided by the Center for Medical Progress) that affiliates wouldn’t make decisions about whether to work with a tissue research organization based on money. You could call them up and say, ‘I’ll pay you double the money,’ and they’re almost more inclined to say no, because it’s going to look bad. … To them, this is not a service they should be making money from, it’s something they should be able to offer this to their patients, in a way that doesn’t impact them.

She then suggests that these “buyers” might be able to compete with other companies by offering extra services, such as taking tissue the clinics would otherwise have to dispose of themselves.

In a statement on its website, Planned Parenthood defended its affiliates’ practice of fetal tissue donation as “standard across the medical field”:

At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does — with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood. In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is standard across the medical field.


The video itself highlights a portion of title 42 of the U.S. code, which reads: “It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation if the transfer affects interstate commerce.” The law does include fetal tissue in its definitions. It says that the term “valuable consideration” doesn’t include “reasonable payments” for removal, transportation, preservation and other associated costs.

In 1993, a law pertaining to federally funded NIH research was enacted that allows donation of fetal tissue from induced abortions if certain criteria are met.

These include that the woman donating is not aware of the recipients of the tissue, and that the abortion timing, procedures or method itself would not be altered for the sole purpose of obtaining the tissue.

The 1993 law also says that it is unlawful “for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.” The law again excludes the types of costs Nucatola discussed in the video: “The term ‘valuable consideration’ does not include reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”

The American Medical Association echoes this in its ethical guidelines on the issue: “Fetal tissue is not provided in exchange for financial remuneration above that which is necessary to cover reasonable expenses.”


Historically, the use of fetal tissue has produced some groundbreaking scientific discoveries. According to the American Society for Cell Biology, a nonprofit representing a large and varied group of scientists, “Fetal cells hold unique promise for biomedical research due to their ability to rapidly divide, grow, and adapt to new environments. This makes fetal tissue research relevant to a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions.”

According to the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit focused on sexual and reproductive health, tissue from fetuses has been used since the 1930s for a variety of purposes. Perhaps most famously, the 1954 Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded to researchers who managed to grow polio vaccine in fetal kidney cell cultures.

In another example, Leonard Hayflick created a cell line from an aborted fetus in the early 1960s that has been used to create vaccines against measles, rubella, shingles and other diseases. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told the journal Nature in 2013 that “[t]hese cells from one fetus have no doubt saved the lives of millions of people.”

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video
The point ain't to put PP out of business but to stop funding the carnage with taxpayer dollars. Let them get Soros or Hollywood to fund their little human body parts traffiking scam. I just don't want to be a part of it.
Taxpayers do not fund a single abortion at Planned Parenthood.
You people can spin it how ever you WANT. all we are asking is OUR tax dollars be DEFUNDED from them. they have plenty of money from all you who supports them performing abortion. send in your monthly donation to them if you want.

CALL your Representatives

I guess you're scared to answer the question. Are you opposed to organ and tissue donation in general, or just from PP.?
Repeat: Where - specifically - are they saying body parts are being sold at a profit - I'd like to see that in the context of a conversation, not a partial quote. You can provide that can't you?

It's a simple question, a simple mind should be able to provide an answer.

That's just juvenile.

You think they're stupid? You think they don't know that what they're doing is illegal?

Dope dealers don't say, "$100 for a bag of HEROINE" They say, $100 for a bag of snow, or ice, or -- whatever.

You're asking for us to provide you with a written confession on tape and in front of witnesses -- One of whom should be a Supreme Court Justice....

Stop being a juvenile. Because you are.

All we're asking for is an Investigation. Why is that so difficult of a concept for you to grasp?

Instead, you demand absolute PROOF before there is even an investigation.

Personally, I couldn't care less if every single dimocrap fetus in the Country is aborted.
PP went around Threatening people. so if they weren't worried about this. they why?
CALL you reps. we want taxpayers monies defunded from them

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos
Jul. 28, 2015 7:20pm

A regional branch of Planned Parenthood warned reporters in a new letter Monday against airing recent sting videos released by a group which purport to show the abortion provider’s employees discussing the sell of aborted fetus parts.

KVLY-TV in North Dakota published the letter from Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

“CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing,” the letter alleged.

Image source: Mario Tama/Getty Images

“We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed,” it added.

The letter was sent one day before the Center for Medical Progress released a third video, appearing to show Planned Parenthood workers standing by dead fetuses while talking about the price “per item.”

The letter concluded warning that “the material should not be aired.”

A representative for Planned Parenthood could not be reached for comment by TheBlaze.

Read the entire letter below via KVLY:

To: North Dakota Health and Political Reporters and Producers
From: Jen Aulwes, Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota
Date: July 27, 2015
Re: Center for Medical Progress Expected to Violate Patient Privacy

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) is an extreme activist organization whose sole mission is to prevent women from accessing health care and to destroy Planned Parenthood. The board members of this group believe that abortion is “genocide,” and employ people who went to jail for attempting to bomb a women’s health clinic. They are also connected with the man who murdered abortion provider Dr. George Tiller.

CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing. We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed.

When your network decides whether to consider this story newsworthy, or whether to use any of this footage at all, we urge you to keep this in mind: The extremists who entered Planned Parenthood labs under false pretenses violated research protocol, and, worse, violated the privacy of patients involved. Those patients’ privacy should not be further violated by having this footage shared by the media.(liars, no names of patients were released)

The storage and examination processes that CMP used to get this footage are medically necessary. It is necessary medical professionals ensure an abortion is complete so that patients do not get an infection. When tissue is donated for medical research, these steps are also necessary for the donations to be completed. It is also medically necessary that researchers evaluate the laboratory procedures of a medical provider for safety standards and best practices.

Some of the conversations and protocols that occur in medical settings and among professional peers can sound jarring when taken out of context. While this can be difficult to hear or watch, it should not be used as an excuse to defund Planned Parenthood.

CMP gained access to Planned Parenthood facilities under false pretenses and filmed without securing approval from the Planned Parenthood staff being filmed or the patients whose privacy is compromised by this secret videotaping. The material should not be aired.

Please contact me at 651-755-XXXX or [email protected] if you have any questions or need any more information.

(H/T: Truth Revolt)
all of it here:

Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos

I've ask several Hair On Fire right wingers, like yourself, but can't get an answer. Are you against organ and tissue donation in general, or just from PP?

I'll answer it. Against if from PP. When the unborn human being gets to decide for themselves if they want their body ripped apart, bones crushed (but the good ones preserved!), and donated to someone else, get back to me.

What a stupid question.
$30-$100 - how exactly is that small a fee going to generate profit? When multiple experts confirm that this is a very reasonable fee and the norm for the industry to cover costs - can some one show us how the profit is generated to indicate baby "organs" are being sold? Most of what is donated is tissue - organs at that stage are not even fully developed. So lets see some actual figures from those claiming "profit".

According to the figures below......... $30 for a liver, $100 for a heart, $50 for a brain, $550 dollars for an intact fetus between 11 and 18 weeks gestation

That adds up to between 100 and 150 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!!!

Planned Parenthood Annual Report All About Abortions and Profits

According to its annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 327,653 abortions in 2013, up from its 327,166 performed in 2012. SBA-List states that, over the past three years, the abortion giant has performed nearly one million abortions.

You really should think first, then post

Yes. You should.

Second - let's look at the numbers. Where are the costs? "Profit" is what is left after the various costs are subtracted.

I guess you're scared to answer the question. Are you opposed to organ and tissue donation in general, or just from PP.?

Then why are they charging more for a heart or a liver or an umbilical cord than they are for other tissue.

Economics 101, stupid. It costs no more to ship 10 lbs of hearts than it does to ship 10 lbs of less 'desirable' tissue.

THE most important factor in any FOR PROFIT BUSINESS is supply and demand.

In a nonprofit, supply and demand should have nothing to do with anything, It should be first come, first served and the cost should be based on cost, NOT on SUPPLY AND DEMAND.

dimocraps refuse to understand business. ANY businessman would immediately recognize the profit motive in this endeavor
You people can spin it how ever you WANT. all we are asking is OUR tax dollars be DEFUNDED from them. they have plenty of money from all you who supports them performing abortion. send in your monthly donation to them if you want.

CALL your Representatives

Your tax dollars don't fund abortions. My tax dollars, on the other hand, fund your whacko religious "pregnancy crisis centers" that aren't even staffed by qualified doctors and are unregulated (so much for the faux concern about "women's health")
Yes. You should.

Second - let's look at the numbers. Where are the costs? "Profit" is what is left after the various costs are subtracted.


Great, now you're asking for things nobody has access to. I'm still waiting for you to answer the question -- Why are they charging more for certain body parts and not charging simply by the pound?

Why? Fetal tissue is fetal tissue. It degrades at the same rate. It has to be cryo-shipped in the same package and by the same method.

Why the difference in prices if there is no profit motive???

Doesn't matter. PP is permanently damaged and will never recover.

And dimocrap pols that stick by them are going to be VERY surprised come Nov 2016
YEP, call you Representatives. AND think about voting for this man

Dr. Ben Carson's Mic Drop Moment In Planned Parenthood Interview
Devastating, calm reason.

Jake Tapper, who is an excellent and competent interviewer, asked exactly the right question, and Dr. Carson gave exactly the right answer. Tapper asked whether Dr. Carson had an answer to whether defunding Planned Parenthood would be detrimental to people in poor areas based on Planned Parenthood's claim that they are the only provider of women's medical services. Dr. Carson's brief reply is pretty much a conversation ender.

"I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood?"

Why indeed.

all of it here:
Dr. Ben Carson s Mic Drop Moment In Planned Parenthood Interview Truth Revolt

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