“They Would Have Died Without The Virus

Nothing but a Dem scheme to defeat Trump in an election.
No. It wasn't. It helped get him out of office, but only due to the poor decisions he made and his judgement to withhold what he new from the American public. He could have chosen us instead of himself. Fk him and feed him fish heads.
I'm sorry...exactly what did he know and withhold
Nothing but a Dem scheme to defeat Trump in an election.
No. It wasn't. It helped get him out of office, but only due to the poor decisions he made and his judgement to withhold what he new from the American public. He could have chosen us instead of himself. Fk him and feed him fish heads.
and you chose china over America when you voted for biden !

Amazing how consistently they chose Biden's employer, Communist China, over America.


“Hickenlooper Calls China a ‘Great Nation’
Colorado Dem once met with CCP-linked influence operation
Colorado Senate hopeful John Hickenlooper praised China as a "great nation" deserving of American respect and told voters that the Chinese do not seek global dominance.
The former Democratic governor ignored China's recent military saber-rattling, crackdowns in Hong Kong, and role in the coronavirus outbreak to laud the regime's lack of ambition. Hickenlooper has maintained close ties with China over the course of his career. He previously met with the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, which Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calls "the public face of the Chinese Communist Party's official foreign influence agency." The former Colorado governor has also interviewed with multiple Chinese state media outlets in the past few years, lauding the virtues of cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party, ” Hickenlooper Calls China a 'Great Nation' - Washington Free Beacon

Pelosi: No Regrets About Downplaying Coronavirus Threat

Pelosi (D., Calif.) said Sunday that she does not regret initially downplaying the threat of coronavirus in late February. "No, not at all," Pelosi said on CNN's State of the Union when asked if she regretted underestimating the extent of widespread infection in the United States at the time.
Pelosi wrote in a press release on Feb. 29 that "there are no current indications of widespread infections in the United States," the same day that the first confirmed death from the virus was recorded in Washington. Pelosi also visited San Francisco's Chinatown neighborhood on Feb. 24 and urged Californians to "come and visit and enjoy Chinatown." She said she thought it was "very safe" to be in a potentially crowded neighborhood.
On Feb. 26, the Centers for Disease Control confirmed the first possible instance of community spread of the virus.” Pelosi: No Regrets About Downplaying Coronavirus Threat
Dem Rep Spreads Chinese Propaganda While Blaming Coronavirus Deaths on Trump
As COVID-19 spreads across the nation, Rep. Sean Casten (D., Ill.) has repeatedly attempted to blame Trump and Republicans for the death toll, accusing them of spreading fatal misinformation about the pandemic. Casten himself, however, has misinformed the public about China's role in the pandemic. When one of his constituents asked about the early Chinese response to the outbreak at a March 21 electronic town hall, the congressman refused to talk about the regime's coverup of the virus. Instead, he incorrectly said that China had successfully isolated the outbreak in Wuhan.

"China, to their credit, once they realize they had a problem, shut down the entire province that this was in and they seem to have largely isolated the cases in China," Casten said. "We have missed that window in the United States."
In reality, however, China has failed to isolate the cases in the province of Wuhan, the origin of the illness. The virus has spread to nearly every part of the country, killing thousands in distant provinces such as Guangdong and Zhejiang. And while China's self-reported data indicate the worst has passed, reports of funeral homes overflowing with urns have led critics to believe that the regime is grossly underreporting the impact of the pandemic.” Dem Rep Spreads Chinese Propaganda While Blaming Coronavirus Deaths on Trump

More Democrats groveling at the feet of the Chinese Communists....

"‘I Take My Hat Off to China’: Obama’s China Ambassador Praises Chinese Response to Virus

Barack Obama's China ambassador Max Baucus, who established extensive business ties with China after leaving the ambassadorship in 2017, extolled China's government on Tuesday for the way the country has responded to the coronavirus outbreak.

"I think that the big lesson here [is] that when you take charge and when you tell the entire country, Wuhan, other provinces what to do, they get in gear and get the job done," Baucus said during an interview on MSNBC. "I take my hat off to China for doing so."

The former Montana senator's praise of China comes amid a propaganda campaign waged by China's state-run media outlets, which have been pushing the narrative that China isn't responsible for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic."

"Democratic Michigan Sen. Gary Peters on Friday praised the Chinese government as the deadly disease which started in China continues to spread throughout the world.

Peters went on Morning Joe to discuss the crisis and was asked about how the U.S. avoids a recession, to which he began to praise the Chinese government, especially naming the Hubei province, saying they handled the spread of the virus very well and that the United States needs to follow in China’s footsteps."
Sen. Gary Peters Praises Chinese Government As Coronavirus Continues To Spread
"Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) joined the growing list of Democrats who are calling on President Trump to not blame the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization for the United States' epidemic of COVID-19.

...Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) absolved China of the blame for the resulting worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus after it originated from Wuhan, China.

"The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did," Murphy told CNN on Tuesday."
Adam Schiff Begs Trump to Stop Blaming China and the WHO for the Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic

.04/18/2020 13:08:48PM EST.


“Another Democrat Protecting Communist China

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) went on Fox News to defend China on Saturday. Porter attempted to obscure the communist regime's responsibility for unleashing the deadly Wuhan coronavirus on the world.

To absolve China, Porter was throwing everything at the wall to see what stuck. Nothing did. The California representative characterized the Wuhan coronavirus as a "global phenomenon" and said evidence proves that outbreaks in the U.S. had their origins in Europe, not China.” WATCH: Another Democrat Protecting Communist China

New York Governor Cuomo calls coronavirus the ‘European virus’
I believe in protecting life. That's just awful I know. My grasp of the issues is as good as anybody else's. I've got 88 years on this earth. To you I'm expendable. I'd be danged if I'd sacrifice my life for people who live the $ more than life.
Nothing but a Dem scheme to defeat Trump in an election.
No. It wasn't. It helped get him out of office, but only due to the poor decisions he made and his judgement to withhold what he new from the American public. He could have chosen us instead of himself. Fk him and feed him fish heads.
I'm sorry...exactly what did he know and withhold
Listen: Trump Admits on Tape He Deliberately Downplayed Covid-19

White House
‘This is deadly stuff’: Tapes show Trump acknowledging virus threat in February
Why Does Trump Sound So Different Talking About COVID-19 To Bob Woodward? He’s Telling The Truth
In audio tapes of an interview between Woodward and Trump on February 7, weeks before the first reported death from the virus in the U.S., Trump talks about how deadly it is. “It’s a very tricky situation. It goes through air, Bob. That’s always tougher than the touch, the touch you don’t have to touch things, but the air, you just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump says. “It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus…

If he had told you it was dangerous, deadly and passes through the air and recommended masking, you would not have become am anti-mask dumb-ass or a Covid denier. All the sheep, always bleat in unison with their shepherd. It could have made a difference.
Nobody needed an elected politician to say a word. The virus is bad news period. People can make up their own minds but business owners who are open should never complain they have less business. People are choosing not to go out here. It's their choice and should be applauded for it.
I believe in protecting life. That's just awful I know. My grasp of the issues is as good as anybody else's. I've got 88 years on this earth. To you I'm expendable. I'd be danged if I'd sacrifice my life for people who live the $ more than life.

You're not a fan of America, and you are a dunce.

I'm waiting to see what the third strike is.
Republicans are trying to repeal the ACA ... the ACA is a cash cow for the medical industry ... come election time, we have a medical emergency well promoted by the medical industry's lap dog, commercial media ...

Who gains the most? ...

I haven't died from COVID ... if I do, then maybe I'll feel differently ...
I didn't vote for Biden so you have no reason to call names. Throw your fits at biden voters not at people who didn't vote for him. What is your deal? Why so angry?
Indications are that the covid hoax hurt Trumps election chances.
Looks like America may be the victim of the Chinese flu.

In that case, America wins.
POS trump, that lying con man, LOST.
Move on Troll.

I know your masters told you to hate Trump....but they didn't tell you why.
Let's see your list of Trump policies you abjure.

Here's Biden's that I voted against:

Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.

Stop all deportation.

End prosecution of illegal border crossers.

Support the deadly sanctuary cities.

Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.

Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.

Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.

Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.

Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.

Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.

Grant work permits for illegal aliens.

Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.

Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.

Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.

End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.

Grant mass amnesty.

Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.

Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.

Abolish law enforcement as we know it.

End cash bail.

Abolish completely the death penalty.

Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.

End mandatory minimums.

Incentivize prison closure.

End solitary confinement.

Free federal housing for former inmates.

Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.

Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.

Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.

Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.

End school choice.

End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.

Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts and get rid of school choice, having to do with school choice.

Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.

Abolish all charter schools.

Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.

Abolish educational standards.

Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.

They’re going to rip down the wall."

President Trump’s List of 42 Disastrous Things Joe Biden Would Do as President - Geller Report News
President Trump outlines Joe Biden's agenda that will destroy America. The choice could not be clearer in November.
It’s sad that blob supporters are so very dumb. NPR had a story about a college senior who died of Covid. She was 23.


Twitter: #facesofcovid

Note to moron: your chances of dying from the Wuhan Red Death are as follows:

The number of deaths from the Wuhan is no more than a rounding error.

Hill reporter Joe Consha said the following on Fox. 10/6:

"The CDC said that between the ages of zero and 19, 99.97% of people survive the Wuhan.

....between 20 and 45, 99.98%

....between 50 and 65, 99.5%

....and over 70, about 95%.

The chance of dying from the Wuhan Red Death is about.....zero.

Sooo ask yourself why the number reported is 'infections,' those positive tests, many of which are false positives.
Republicans are trying to repeal the ACA ... the ACA is a cash cow for the medical industry ... come election time, we have a medical emergency well promoted by the medical industry's lap dog, commercial media ...

Who gains the most? ...

I haven't died from COVID ... if I do, then maybe I'll feel differently ...

If you do, will you vote Democrat?
I didn't vote for Biden so you have no reason to call names. Throw your fits at biden voters not at people who didn't vote for him. What is your deal? Why so angry?

Not angry....honest.

Was this you?

now I have not a patriotic bone in my body

. Of course I will admit I don't have a patriotic bone in my body eventhough i was born in america
I'm all for ending illegal immigration and forcing businesses who hire them to hire americans for at least double what the illegals are paid. Plus benefits. Don't forget the second part.
Yep....that was me. Not everyone has to be a cheerleader. I lived by the rules and worked and saved. How can one be more patriotic than that?
Pro life means protecting life of all ages including the elderly and most vulnerable. There's no hoax here. Why do some accept letting them become infected is not a bad thing?

Have I mentioned that you are a fool with no grasp of the issues you post about?

I haven't mentioned it enough.

Your total ignorance is absolutely astounding. Masks might not be perfect but they are certainly better than nothing. I mean have you never heard the saying, Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good? Oh wait, you probably have heard it, you just don't have the intelligence to understand it.

And I am sorry you don't comprehend basic math. The mortality rate is simply the number of deaths divided by the number of infected. The news broadcasts both those numbers dozens of times every day. Funny you talk about people thinking for themselves and yet you don't have the ability to make a simple math calculation. Actually, I doubt you even got to division in school so it's explainable.

And the claim that "infected" is a stupid statement. Infected is only people that have been tested and the test came back positive. There is no telling how many people have had the Coronavirus and did not get tested. And you are so damn stupid that you don't realize that claiming the number of infected actually is inflated makes those mortality numbers worse. I mean serioiusly. If you want to claim the mortality numbers are not bad you should claim that the infected levels are higher. The fact that you are too stupid to figure that out speaks volumes as to what a total waste of bandwidth your 100,000 plus posts have been.

And the bit about the symptoms are the same as the seasonal flu is just the icing on the stupid cake. Yeah, many of the symptoms are the same, but there is the one, about not being able to breath, that kind of sets the Corona Virus apart. You see, you have to be able to breath to live. Although it is hard to imagine how you accomplish that task with your head so far up your ass.

Here is the thing. I have lost several family members to Covid-19. I will admit, all of them have had other health problems, I think they call that co-morbidity. But that does not negate the fact that they died sooner than they otherwise would have. Honestly, the bit about your head up your ass is a matter of fact. I don't know about you but I got a pretty good picture. But me, my daughter in law is a Covid nurse in a major metropolitan area. She zips people up in body bags and writes "Coronavirus" across it every single day.

But now to you. I used to think you were married to some one that kept you up. I know now that is most certainly not the case. Nope, you are living on Daddy's money, probably hanging out in the basement. You have three or four screens up to watch every lame ass right wing nutjob website possible. You used to have FOX news running 24/7 but you might have gotten pissed at them recently. With unkept hair and salvia coming out of your mouth like a rabid dog, you are madly between posting these ignorant diatribes and consuming some of the worst so called "news sites" known to man. Your entire self worth is dependent upon your fantastical belief that you are superior to everyone and everyone is on the edge of their seat waiting for your next posts. And truthfully, many of the idiots that peruse this sight probably do. But that is more a reflection of their own ignorance than a confirmation of your own inflated ego. I suppose, if nothing else, you are the pearl among swine.

The truth is I pity you. No life, few friends, your entire self-worth based on a lame ass messageboard that consumes an inordinate amount of your time. But at this point, in the current environment, it has became dangerous. Your perpetuation of stupid memes, right wing hack sites untruths and falsehoods, is endangering lives. Somewhere in this country some idiot fool is believing you, and they are going to get the Coronavirus, along with their asthma, or their aphid, or their kidney failure, and they are going to DIE. And what is worse, you don't give two shits about it. You are, to put it lightly, the scum of the damn earth. Totally self-absorbed, and totally stupid, like your idol Donald Trump, you are not only a waste of bandwidth, you are a waste of air.

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