They did not shut down the global economy because of a virus


Mar 18, 2021
They probably did it because their financial system is on life support and they needed an excuse. The only way for them to continue to stay in power is with something that has even more control over us. Like Chinas social credit surveillance for example + a 100% digital currency. And also a much lower global population obviously.
If I'm to believe everything I read (and I don't), then Obozo "sold" (gave it to) the COVID virus to Jinping so he could "study" it. Which in reality, he was weaponizing it FOR the DNC so they could take over the White House again, as they were afraid Trump would have a landslide victory for a second term. They DNC was already dying because of all the money lines the Dems had from other countries being funnelled out of this country, so they could in turn have money funnelled into their private bank accounts in other countries. Trump was focused on "draining the swamp", but the swamp creatures weren't having any of it. So, now we are where we are. The swamp being filled up again with the lowly, scum sucking creatures Trump was trying to get rid of.
If I'm to believe everything I read (and I don't), then Obozo "sold" (gave it to) the COVID virus to Jinping so he could "study" it. Which in reality, he was weaponizing it FOR the DNC so they could take over the White House again, as they were afraid Trump would have a landslide victory for a second term. They DNC was already dying because of all the money lines the Dems had from other countries being funnelled out of this country, so they could in turn have money funnelled into their private bank accounts in other countries. Trump was focused on "draining the swamp", but the swamp creatures weren't having any of it. So, now we are where we are. The swamp being filled up again with the lowly, scum sucking creatures Trump was trying to get rid of.
The way I hear it, the "research" (i.e. weaponizing of viruses) going on at Wuhan was so spooky, that Oboingo told Fauci (the godfather of the virus) to knock it off....Only to have that little runt secretly start up again after Trump came in.
They probably did it because their financial system is on life support and they needed an excuse. The only way for them to continue to stay in power is with something that has even more control over us. Like Chinas social credit surveillance for example + a 100% digital currency. And also a much lower global population obviously.
You nailed it.

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