They chose to lie


Agent P
Sep 15, 2008
Little Rock, AR
My wife was involved in a minor fender-bender yesterday. A couple of kids (both about 22 years old) sped through a red light at an intersection and clipped her front bumper. Nobody was hurt. They got out and the driver and passenger admitted they ran the red light. The driver said his mom was going to be furious because it was her car, then offered my wife a bunch of money to forget the whole thing. (It was a roll of cash, so no idea how much it was.)

My wife called, told me what happened and I told her to call the police just to be on the safe side. I drove up to sit with her since she was close. (She had 2 of our kids in the car as well.) About 30 minutes later, the drivers' Mom showed up. Then a bunch of his homies showed up, so I was getting a little nervous since I just had a 10-shot magazine with me. Finally, the cops came, took our statements and left. And the driver and passenger? They lied. They said my wife ran a red light and hit them.

I noticed there were cameras on the traffic lights. We told our insurance agent about them. Who knows if they were on. I'm guessing what will happen is our insurance (Allstate) will pay for our car, their insurance (Geico) will pay for theirs and that will be that.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?
An insurance company is not going to pay if the evidence of the accident shows the other party to be at fault, imo.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?

Put this poster up:

With no witnesses it will be word vs word. It is doubftful that intersectional cameras will be checked, but it is worth a call to the police station to see if it can be done and the report amended.

If it's a corner-to-corner impact, that it will make it even tougher. If your car has more side damage and theirs has front-end damage, that would be a plus for you.

Good luck.
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My wife was involved in a minor fender-bender yesterday. A couple of kids (both about 22 years old) sped through a red light at an intersection and clipped her front bumper. Nobody was hurt. They got out and the driver and passenger admitted they ran the red light. The driver said his mom was going to be furious because it was her car, then offered my wife a bunch of money to forget the whole thing. (It was a roll of cash, so no idea how much it was.)

My wife called, told me what happened and I told her to call the police just to be on the safe side. I drove up to sit with her since she was close. (She had 2 of our kids in the car as well.) About 30 minutes later, the drivers' Mom showed up. Then a bunch of his homies showed up, so I was getting a little nervous since I just had a 10-shot magazine with me. Finally, the cops came, took our statements and left. And the driver and passenger? They lied. They said my wife ran a red light and hit them.

I noticed there were cameras on the traffic lights. We told our insurance agent about them. Who knows if they were on. I'm guessing what will happen is our insurance (Allstate) will pay for our car, their insurance (Geico) will pay for theirs and that will be that.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?

I'm sure it was your wife's fault, since she was clearly Driving While Female.
My wife was involved in a minor fender-bender yesterday. A couple of kids (both about 22 years old) sped through a red light at an intersection and clipped her front bumper. Nobody was hurt. They got out and the driver and passenger admitted they ran the red light. The driver said his mom was going to be furious because it was her car, then offered my wife a bunch of money to forget the whole thing. (It was a roll of cash, so no idea how much it was.)

My wife called, told me what happened and I told her to call the police just to be on the safe side. I drove up to sit with her since she was close. (She had 2 of our kids in the car as well.) About 30 minutes later, the drivers' Mom showed up. Then a bunch of his homies showed up, so I was getting a little nervous since I just had a 10-shot magazine with me. Finally, the cops came, took our statements and left. And the driver and passenger? They lied. They said my wife ran a red light and hit them.

I noticed there were cameras on the traffic lights. We told our insurance agent about them. Who knows if they were on. I'm guessing what will happen is our insurance (Allstate) will pay for our car, their insurance (Geico) will pay for theirs and that will be that.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?
Filing a false police report is a crime. Therefore, you were smart to mention the cameras. Secondly, be ready to get a lawyer. Also many modern cars have 'blackbox' like recorders for speed, break application and the like. It can tell if breaks were applied and speed it was going at the least. If they see acceleration just before impact, it's an indicator that they ran the red light in an effort to beat the yellow. Also, if there were stores in the area, ask the police to check their outside cameras as well. That's the best I got for you for now.
With no witnesses it will be word vs word. It is doubftful that instersectional cameras will be checked, but it is worth a call to the police station to see if it can be done and the report amended.

If it's a corner-to-corner impact, that it will make it even tougher. If your car has more side damage and theirs has front-end damage, that would be a plus for you.

Good luck.

Yep. It's corner to corner. As my wife was turning onto the main road (left turn), the guy sped through and clipped her right-front bumper with his left-rear bumper. I guess he thought he could make it through in time. With no witnesses, there's no way to tell who caused it. I'm hoping the cameras were working. It's in the hands of the insurance company now.
With no witnesses it will be word vs word. It is doubftful that instersectional cameras will be checked, but it is worth a call to the police station to see if it can be done and the report amended.

If it's a corner-to-corner impact, that it will make it even tougher. If your car has more side damage and theirs has front-end damage, that would be a plus for you.

Good luck.

Yep. It's corner to corner. As my wife was turning onto the main road (left turn), the guy sped through and clipped her right-front bumper with his left-rear bumper. I guess he thought he could make it through in time. With no witnesses, there's no way to tell who caused it. I'm hoping the cameras were working. It's in the hands of the insurance company now.

Credibility is also a factor. Have your wife document everything that happened for your records - including the offer of a bribe. There's also the small claims court option. Such judges are pretty good at identifying who the liar is. I bet the kid will look like a big creep on the witness stand.
My wife was involved in a minor fender-bender yesterday. A couple of kids (both about 22 years old) sped through a red light at an intersection and clipped her front bumper. Nobody was hurt. They got out and the driver and passenger admitted they ran the red light. The driver said his mom was going to be furious because it was her car, then offered my wife a bunch of money to forget the whole thing. (It was a roll of cash, so no idea how much it was.)

My wife called, told me what happened and I told her to call the police just to be on the safe side. I drove up to sit with her since she was close. (She had 2 of our kids in the car as well.) About 30 minutes later, the drivers' Mom showed up. Then a bunch of his homies showed up, so I was getting a little nervous since I just had a 10-shot magazine with me. Finally, the cops came, took our statements and left. And the driver and passenger? They lied. They said my wife ran a red light and hit them.

I noticed there were cameras on the traffic lights. We told our insurance agent about them. Who knows if they were on. I'm guessing what will happen is our insurance (Allstate) will pay for our car, their insurance (Geico) will pay for theirs and that will be that.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?

I'm sure it was your wife's fault, since she was clearly Driving While Female.

After making sure she and our kids were okay, I asked her if she had looked both ways before crossing the street. I apologized to her later :)redface:).
With no witnesses it will be word vs word. It is doubftful that intersectional cameras will be checked, but it is worth a call to the police station to see if it can be done and the report amended.

If it's a corner-to-corner impact, that it will make it even tougher. If your car has more side damage and theirs has front-end damage, that would be a plus for you.

Good luck.

I re read the original post. I didn't see where xisted stated there were no witness. That would be my first step. If there were witnesses find them.
With no witnesses it will be word vs word. It is doubftful that instersectional cameras will be checked, but it is worth a call to the police station to see if it can be done and the report amended.

If it's a corner-to-corner impact, that it will make it even tougher. If your car has more side damage and theirs has front-end damage, that would be a plus for you.

Good luck.

Yep. It's corner to corner. As my wife was turning onto the main road (left turn), the guy sped through and clipped her right-front bumper with his left-rear bumper. I guess he thought he could make it through in time. With no witnesses, there's no way to tell who caused it. I'm hoping the cameras were working. It's in the hands of the insurance company now.

Left turn. Uh oh. It don't look good, X.
When my oldest got clipped in the rear left panel just one month after she got her license, she insisted it was the other drivers fault. She was taking a left onto the road, the other driver was approaching her left side, and Julie swore the driver had their right turn signal on that they were making a right turn onto the road she was on. The other driver said no that she was going straight and that my daughter pulled out in front of her and when Julie was about 90% on the road she was turning onto that's when the other driver clipped her.

We called Allstate, told them what happened. They sent out an adjuster to check the site of the accident and to check the cars. Whether the other driver had a turn signal on was never determined but the accident was determined to be 80% my daughter's fault and we (our insurance company) had to pay for the other driver's car to be fixed.

They should be able to tell who hit who and if the cameras were working there won't be any question of who was at fault. Accidents suck.
I'd press the camera thing with the insurance company. Otherwise you'll take a hit on your premiums if your's ends up paying for your car. That being said, I've been involved in a few fender benders in my 53 years and the need of bringing a gun along never occurred to me. I'm not an anti-gun nut.....quite the contrary......I've just never had need of one on any situation I've ever found myself in.
I'd press the camera thing with the insurance company. Otherwise you'll take a hit on your premiums if your's ends up paying for your car. That being said, I've been involved in a few fender benders in my 53 years and the need of bringing a gun along never occurred to me. I'm not an anti-gun nut.....quite the contrary......I've just never had need of one on any situation I've ever found myself in.

Depends on the policy and company. We're also with Allstate (like xsited is) and when my daughter's accident occurred our rates remained the same. But we opted for the accident forgiveness/platinum package . . . . cause she was a new driver and all. Good call on that one I'd say!
With no witnesses it will be word vs word. It is doubftful that instersectional cameras will be checked, but it is worth a call to the police station to see if it can be done and the report amended.

If it's a corner-to-corner impact, that it will make it even tougher. If your car has more side damage and theirs has front-end damage, that would be a plus for you.

Good luck.

Yep. It's corner to corner. As my wife was turning onto the main road (left turn), the guy sped through and clipped her right-front bumper with his left-rear bumper. I guess he thought he could make it through in time. With no witnesses, there's no way to tell who caused it. I'm hoping the cameras were working. It's in the hands of the insurance company now.
Some good news. Look at the damage to the right front corner. If you have any sort of scraping before the bumper, AND if the damage to any peeled off parts show a pattern of 'pulling' caused by hooked bumpers, you could be lucky.

But left turn... it's sketchy. Someone ran a red flat out through inattention and that probably applies to both. Skidmarks or swerve marks on the pavement will tell that tale. Also, skid marks if any. Something's telling me that this is probably going to end up a 50% for both.

Could be worse though. Coulda been the accident I saw yesterday. Guy's car stalls in a parkinglot. He sits there tryng to start it or doing nothing for a bit. Finally realizes he's causing a traffic snarl in the lot. So he gets out, and with door open tries to push into the spot he was going to take. Two spots down guy gets into his car, checks behind him and punches it to back out, hooking it hard so his tail is aimed right at the stalled car. He collides with the now being pushed car, square in the middle of the door, with the guy between the door and the body! Glass explodes, guy screams in pain as car munches him in the door at about 7 miles an hour. Driver of the backing truck hops out and looks at guy who is free of the door clutching his arm.... pickup truck STILL IN REVERSE, DRIVERLESS HITS THE OTHER DRIVER AND CAR AGAIN!!!! Pickup truck's driver almost manages to run himself over with own car in process of putting it in park and trying to keep it from hitting the driver a THIRD time.

So. It could have been worse.
each company will pay for the damage unless they can prove one car was at fault...which most likely wont happen.....tell your company to fix your car and if they feel the other driver was at fault...they can sue their insurance....dont worry with this...not worth your time...turn it over to your company and be done with it.
They should be able to tell who hit who and if the cameras were working there won't be any question of who was at fault. Accidents suck.
Yes, they do. I was in a high-speed car accident back in November. My poor car was totaled. This morning on my way to work, I drove by an accident that involved a guy on a motorcycle ( smashed on the ground ) and a small moving truck. Not good.
What appears to have happened was that the kids were TOLD to lie by their parent. And they walked away with the feeling that it had worked this time, so why won't it work next time? Quite a life lesson.

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