These folks are in lockdown ???? Don't think so.....

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.

The problem with this theory is that they've clearly been going about their business since the beginning. So, how many weeks have they already experienced their normal way of life without the "dreaded NY effect"? The fear of "well, just around the corner is death!" Is unreasonable and you know people will use it to their advantage. Scary.

I have been sensing that some in Canada are trying to make this political. If I read CNN and MSNBC correctly, they've never stopped and this pandemic must have them salivating, just like the Russian investigation, Kavanaugh Hearings and Impeachment. This cannot be political and those who make it must be punished.

We have many in Canada who operate the same way, their sponsors like easy money, even if it means destroying their own nation and communities and they see Trump and bringing America to the good old days when they just want power at all costs. You cannot have society pinned down, lives rotting away while the wealthy and their lackeys call the shots.

So, I say, reasonable, cautious return to normal in some communities makes perfect sense. In fact, the level of caution right from day one was always more relevant in places like NY than others than some small town in the middle of nowhere. Life isn't without risk, you just mitigate it everyday on many issues.

If I am Trump, I conduct surveys state by state and ask citizens a series of questions to get an understanding of what they want. How they are feeling about the shutdown. Governors have to do their part, just as Premiers in Canada are. A "one size fits all" solution is completely irrational in my opinion.
The interior of the country is weeks behind NYC. The virus doesn't magically arrive everywhere and in the same concentration at the same time. This is a rolling catastrophe where "hot spots" will appear in different areas at different times. It seems Wash county is ripe.

Keep trying.

We've been listening to this bullshit for weeks.

It has not arrived in a lot of places.

There are several hot spots that have already turned.

And everyplace is ripe all the time.

You want to live in fear.

Be my guest.

Most of us chose differently.

You have no proof except the fucking stupid ever changing massively wrong models.
It's not about fear, idiot. It's about halting the spread of the virus altogether. Only then can things return to "normal".
Today's exposures take up to 14 days to show up as symptoms.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.
it's already been more than a few weeks
Yes, the virus goes dormant after two weeks. :cuckoo:

Like I said...what these morons haven't learned from NYC.

What we learned was that NYC was a a bunch of morons.

You contesting Washington County's numbers ?

Please tell us.
No, dope. I'm contesting your idiotic thinking and lack of seriousness regarding this virus. Nowhere is immune.

Of course you think you are.

You are a left winger.

Your time would be better spent helping your stupid state to keep from getting the rest of us sick.
What state is that?

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.

We've been hearing it for weeks.

So here is your report.

New York is dying while other people are golfing.

Go fuck yourself.
New cases are growing everywhere, dope.

Utah has 18

Yes. As of this minute.

So this crystal ball you pulled out of your ass is going to tell what the market will do too ?

Please share.
What does the market have to do with the number of cases you cited?

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.
it's already been more than a few weeks
Yes, the virus goes dormant after two weeks. :cuckoo:

Like I said...what these morons haven't learned from NYC.
Look, now the lying scum is a virologist.
Or just smart enough to understand what you obviously do not.
Notice how this lying shill went from being an expert on everything Trump to an expert on diseases in a matter of weeks.
I guess to you, anyone that actually understands what's going on is an "expert".
It must suck to live in such ignorance. Does it hurt?
It is said that the COVID strain on the West Coast is from Europe and the one on the East Coast is from China and is more severe. I do not know how or if that is accurate, don’t kill the messenger please. The real question is how many deaths are acceptable?

We "accept" tens of thousands from the flu. It's a given.

Mother nature culls the herd.

I don't want to die but what is the sense of living in fear your whole life.

BTW: I have never gotten a flu shot. I don't live in fear.

You consider getting a flu shot to be living in fear?
I guess to you, anyone that actually understands what's going on is an "expert".
It must suck to live in such ignorance. Does it hurt?

You can't possibly understand what's going on. You are not involved in any gov control of anything. You are a media fed liar.
It is said that the COVID strain on the West Coast is from Europe and the one on the East Coast is from China and is more severe. I do not know how or if that is accurate, don’t kill the messenger please. The real question is how many deaths are acceptable?

We "accept" tens of thousands from the flu. It's a given.

Mother nature culls the herd.

I don't want to die but what is the sense of living in fear your whole life.

BTW: I have never gotten a flu shot. I don't live in fear.

You consider getting a flu shot to be living in fear?
I consider a flu shot a waste of time and money.
It is said that the COVID strain on the West Coast is from Europe and the one on the East Coast is from China and is more severe. I do not know how or if that is accurate, don’t kill the messenger please. The real question is how many deaths are acceptable?
There is only one "strain", idiot.

He asked an honest question.

Go fuck yourself.

No, he retardedly asserted erronious information.

No, you don't have the honesty to go back and read his post.

Fuck you.
Thank you
It is said that the COVID strain on the West Coast is from Europe and the one on the East Coast is from China and is more severe. I do not know how or if that is accurate, don’t kill the messenger please. The real question is how many deaths are acceptable?
There is only one "strain", idiot.
Not what I have heard and I said don’t kill the messenger this is what I heard.

There are numerous other links.
As it pertains to severity. There is no evidence of that being the case.
I said “seems to be” because of what is happening on the East Coast vs West Coast.
It is said that the COVID strain on the West Coast is from Europe and the one on the East Coast is from China and is more severe. I do not know how or if that is accurate, don’t kill the messenger please. The real question is how many deaths are acceptable?

We "accept" tens of thousands from the flu. It's a given.

Mother nature culls the herd.

I don't want to die but what is the sense of living in fear your whole life.

BTW: I have never gotten a flu shot. I don't live in fear.

You consider getting a flu shot to be living in fear?
I consider a flu shot a waste of time and money.

That's fine, but I find the idea that it constitutes living in fear to be pretty odd.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.

The problem with this theory is that they've clearly been going about their business since the beginning. So, how many weeks have they already experienced their normal way of life without the "dreaded NY effect"? The fear of "well, just around the corner is death!" Is unreasonable and you know people will use it to their advantage. Scary.

I have been sensing that some in Canada are trying to make this political. If I read CNN and MSNBC correctly, they've never stopped and this pandemic must have them salivating, just like the Russian investigation, Kavanaugh Hearings and Impeachment. This cannot be political and those who make it must be punished.

We have many in Canada who operate the same way, their sponsors like easy money, even if it means destroying their own nation and communities and they see Trump and bringing America to the good old days when they just want power at all costs. You cannot have society pinned down, lives rotting away while the wealthy and their lackeys call the shots.

So, I say, reasonable, cautious return to normal in some communities makes perfect sense. In fact, the level of caution right from day one was always more relevant in places like NY than others than some small town in the middle of nowhere. Life isn't without risk, you just mitigate it everyday on many issues.

If I am Trump, I conduct surveys state by state and ask citizens a series of questions to get an understanding of what they want. How they are feeling about the shutdown. Governors have to do their part, just as Premiers in Canada are. A "one size fits all" solution is completely irrational in my opinion.
The interior of the country is weeks behind NYC. The virus doesn't magically arrive everywhere and in the same concentration at the same time. This is a rolling catastrophe where "hot spots" will appear in different areas at different times. It seems Wash county is ripe.

Keep trying.

We've been listening to this bullshit for weeks.

It has not arrived in a lot of places.

There are several hot spots that have already turned.

And everyplace is ripe all the time.

You want to live in fear.

Be my guest.

Most of us chose differently.

You have no proof except the fucking stupid ever changing massively wrong models.
It's not about fear, idiot. It's about halting the spread of the virus altogether. Only then can things return to "normal".
Today's exposures take up to 14 days to show up as symptoms.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.
it's already been more than a few weeks
Yes, the virus goes dormant after two weeks. :cuckoo:

Like I said...what these morons haven't learned from NYC.

What we learned was that NYC was a a bunch of morons.

You contesting Washington County's numbers ?

Please tell us.
No, dope. I'm contesting your idiotic thinking and lack of seriousness regarding this virus. Nowhere is immune.

Of course you think you are.

You are a left winger.

Your time would be better spent helping your stupid state to keep from getting the rest of us sick.
What state is that?
It is said that the COVID strain on the West Coast is from Europe and the one on the East Coast is from China and is more severe. I do not know how or if that is accurate, don’t kill the messenger please. The real question is how many deaths are acceptable?

We "accept" tens of thousands from the flu. It's a given.

Mother nature culls the herd.

I don't want to die but what is the sense of living in fear your whole life.

BTW: I have never gotten a flu shot. I don't live in fear.

You consider getting a flu shot to be living in fear?

If the car is red, it isn't blue.

If the car isn't red, it isn't necessarily blue.

I (me personally) would only get a flu shot out of concern (fear).

It's not like I look for shots to get because I like them.

Do I apply that I know there are as many unique perspectives as there are people.

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.
it's already been more than a few weeks
Yes, the virus goes dormant after two weeks. :cuckoo:

Like I said...what these morons haven't learned from NYC.
Look, now the lying scum is a virologist.
Or just smart enough to understand what you obviously do not.
Notice how this lying shill went from being an expert on everything Trump to an expert on diseases in a matter of weeks.
I guess to you, anyone that actually understands what's going on is an "expert".
It must suck to live in such ignorance. Does it hurt?

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.
it's already been more than a few weeks
Yes, the virus goes dormant after two weeks. :cuckoo:

Like I said...what these morons haven't learned from NYC.
Look, now the lying scum is a virologist.
Or just smart enough to understand what you obviously do not.
Notice how this lying shill went from being an expert on everything Trump to an expert on diseases in a matter of weeks.

I know this is sarcastic....

But it is the hallmark of a leftwinger.

Notice he's not been able to produce anything that shows differently.

Lots of evidence people are NOT SIP and no huge jump in cases.

Now, you would think New York would be a good basis for an argument, that means you have to admit Cuomo and De Blazio fucked up big time.
Virus likely planted in NYC as crowded and would not have to cover a large area to sicken a lot of people.
Can’t speak to the other hot zones
Non big cities very hard to seed so very little goin on in small to moderate towns

Its time for a new course with it being revealed that Beijing and Shanghai have almost zip while 10,000 Miles away NYC is worst on planet

Months into the fight against the novel coronavirus in the U.S., some Americans' daily lives are still relatively normal. In Washington County, Utah, with a population of about 165,000, business is almost as usual with streets bustling and people out in public without masks or gloves.

Golf courses are open and packed -- though with only one person per cart. Parks are open, kids play on the slides and people string up hammocks and have group picnics.

The majority of businesses in Washington City remain open, though some employees wear protective gear, and some businesses have reduced capacity or have adjusted opening hours.


Shelter in the park or on the golf course.

And this isn't the only place. I've seen it personally myself.

And Washington County has a whopping 40 some odd cases....and 1 death at last count.

What do they know that you morons in New York City don't ?
The better question is, what do those in NYC know that these morons haven't learned yet?
Wait a few weeks and report back.

The problem with this theory is that they've clearly been going about their business since the beginning. So, how many weeks have they already experienced their normal way of life without the "dreaded NY effect"? The fear of "well, just around the corner is death!" Is unreasonable and you know people will use it to their advantage. Scary.

I have been sensing that some in Canada are trying to make this political. If I read CNN and MSNBC correctly, they've never stopped and this pandemic must have them salivating, just like the Russian investigation, Kavanaugh Hearings and Impeachment. This cannot be political and those who make it must be punished.

We have many in Canada who operate the same way, their sponsors like easy money, even if it means destroying their own nation and communities and they see Trump and bringing America to the good old days when they just want power at all costs. You cannot have society pinned down, lives rotting away while the wealthy and their lackeys call the shots.

So, I say, reasonable, cautious return to normal in some communities makes perfect sense. In fact, the level of caution right from day one was always more relevant in places like NY than others than some small town in the middle of nowhere. Life isn't without risk, you just mitigate it everyday on many issues.

If I am Trump, I conduct surveys state by state and ask citizens a series of questions to get an understanding of what they want. How they are feeling about the shutdown. Governors have to do their part, just as Premiers in Canada are. A "one size fits all" solution is completely irrational in my opinion.
Our county has had one reported case for more than a week. No one knows where it is, but our county is larger than Rhode Island. However, a nearby county now has community spread. It is where most of us go pretty routinely for specialized medical care, the Social Security office, and serious shopping.

We are under the same restrictions as the part of the state with cities and high case numbers, though, and I can see that-- because people travel. If it weren't for the social distancing and closures, we'd probably have a lot more.
If the car is red, it isn't blue.

If the car isn't red, it isn't necessarily blue.

I (me personally) would only get a flu shot out of concern (fear).

It's not like I look for shots to get because I like them.

Do I apply that I know there are as many unique perspectives as there are people.

OK. The way you said it (I have never gotten a flu shot. I don't live in fear.) seemed to indicate that you considered getting a flu shot to mean someone lived in fear. :dunno:

Thanks for the clarification.
It would have been so much worse if we had not locked everyone down is the America hating battlecry and of course is so convenient because there is no background to prove or disprove,compare nor contrast.

Win win for shutdowners(and those of us still thinking knew this of course right from the very start)
I was in a Home Depot that had a lot of people in it.

A lot of the employees were over 60 and not wearing masks.

They didn't seem to mind getting close to other people.

The city is large (500,000 K, next to about 5 million).

All the Wall Marts were overrun in the last couple of days as people said fuck it....going to see family for Easter.

The state has less than 100 deaths.

Even if they had as many as 10,000 it would not matter.

It is clear people don't think the huge interruption in their lives is worth it.
Some of us actually have a brain

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