There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption

There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption - American Thinker
11 Dec 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences. With that principle in mind, it's possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden's corruption, a story that spills over onto his father. The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter's imminent arrest. The second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced: the leftists used Biden to attain the White House (or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him. Having a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs to make that happen. And if there's any doubt about this theory, an article in The New York Times seems to lay it to rest.
We conservatives remember how, in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired to block any reports about Hunter Biden, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee's findings about the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.
Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking. To the media and the tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden's candidacy. They had to be stopped — and stopped they were. Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people, including President Trump's press secretary, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.
News outlets derided the reports about the Biden family's corrupt dealings, all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories. That's not an exaggeration. It's explicitly what NPR's public editor said:
With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree from which these rotten apples fell, there's going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible. It's The New York Times that gives the game away. On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled "Investigation of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution." The opening paragraph speaks of Biden in a "no-win situation" that could be "politically and legally perilous," and the report continues in that vein. The subtext is clear: leave. Leave now.
Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on the White House. Now it's time for him to go. And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure of the inauguration, you can be sure they'll pressure him to do what he promised to do, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.

Does anyone in Washington even care about following the law these days? No..... the "law" is simply a minor obstacle the casually go around..... They will find some flimsy excuse for letting her get the job. The "law" isn't really the law anymore. It's just a suggestion, a suggestion that can be ignored at whim by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democarat Left. At least by those in the "Preferred" party or the "Preferred" class. We little people are the only ones it seems to apply to now.
Progressive Marxist Democrats thought they could keep this whole "Hunter China" plot a secret (with the FBI sitting on the story as long as needed) but they never figured on the computer store owner cloning Hunters hard drive and turning it over to Rudy. That's what brought on the desperate censorship ploy by the FAKE NEWS and social media platforms, including paid operatives in forums acting as moderators to censor posts and placing them in "Conspiracy" forums.
There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption

There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption - American Thinker
11 Dec 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences. With that principle in mind, it's possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden's corruption, a story that spills over onto his father. The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter's imminent arrest. The second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced: the leftists used Biden to attain the White House (or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him. Having a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs to make that happen. And if there's any doubt about this theory, an article in The New York Times seems to lay it to rest.
We conservatives remember how, in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired to block any reports about Hunter Biden, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee's findings about the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.
Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking. To the media and the tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden's candidacy. They had to be stopped — and stopped they were. Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people, including President Trump's press secretary, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.
News outlets derided the reports about the Biden family's corrupt dealings, all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories. That's not an exaggeration. It's explicitly what NPR's public editor said:
With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree from which these rotten apples fell, there's going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible. It's The New York Times that gives the game away. On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled "Investigation of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution." The opening paragraph speaks of Biden in a "no-win situation" that could be "politically and legally perilous," and the report continues in that vein. The subtext is clear: leave. Leave now.
Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on the White House. Now it's time for him to go. And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure of the inauguration, you can be sure they'll pressure him to do what he promised to do, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.

Does anyone in Washington even care about following the law these days? No..... the "law" is simply a minor obstacle the casually go around..... They will find some flimsy excuse for letting her get the job. The "law" isn't really the law anymore. It's just a suggestion, a suggestion that can be ignored at whim by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democarat Left. At least by those in the "Preferred" party or the "Preferred" class. We little people are the only ones it seems to apply to now.
Progressive Marxist Democrats thought they could keep this whole "Hunter China" plot a secret (with the FBI sitting on the story as long as needed) but they never figured on the computer store owner cloning Hunters hard drive and turning it over to Rudy. That's what brought on the desperate censorship ploy by the FAKE NEWS and social media platforms, including paid operatives in forums acting as moderators to censor posts and placing them in "Conspiracy" forums.
No doubt Trump is our only hope to get more of this mess cleaned up.
I have concerns about Barr - WSJ: Barr Kept Quiet About 2 Hunter Biden Probes for Months
Is the swamp bottomless ? Only 4 more years of Trump will tell.
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its not an audit you stupid fuck its a criminal investigation by the FBI,,,

The FBI investigates taxes now? Really? Oh, I see. You just made up the "FBI" part, like you make up everything.

Oh, Trump's taxes are under investigation too. Thus, by the standards you just set, Trump is a criminal.

You walked right into that one, dumbass.
There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption

There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption - American Thinker
11 Dec 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences. With that principle in mind, it's possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden's corruption, a story that spills over onto his father. The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter's imminent arrest. The second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced: the leftists used Biden to attain the White House (or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him. Having a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs to make that happen. And if there's any doubt about this theory, an article in The New York Times seems to lay it to rest.
We conservatives remember how, in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired to block any reports about Hunter Biden, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee's findings about the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.
Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking. To the media and the tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden's candidacy. They had to be stopped — and stopped they were. Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people, including President Trump's press secretary, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.
News outlets derided the reports about the Biden family's corrupt dealings, all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories. That's not an exaggeration. It's explicitly what NPR's public editor said:
With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree from which these rotten apples fell, there's going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible. It's The New York Times that gives the game away. On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled "Investigation of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution." The opening paragraph speaks of Biden in a "no-win situation" that could be "politically and legally perilous," and the report continues in that vein. The subtext is clear: leave. Leave now.
Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on the White House. Now it's time for him to go. And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure of the inauguration, you can be sure they'll pressure him to do what he promised to do, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.

Does anyone in Washington even care about following the law these days? No..... the "law" is simply a minor obstacle the casually go around..... They will find some flimsy excuse for letting her get the job. The "law" isn't really the law anymore. It's just a suggestion, a suggestion that can be ignored at whim by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democarat Left. At least by those in the "Preferred" party or the "Preferred" class. We little people are the only ones it seems to apply to now.
Progressive Marxist Democrats thought they could keep this whole "Hunter China" plot a secret (with the FBI sitting on the story as long as needed) but they never figured on the computer store owner cloning Hunters hard drive and turning it over to Rudy. That's what brought on the desperate censorship ploy by the FAKE NEWS and social media platforms, including paid operatives in forums acting as moderators to censor posts and placing them in "Conspiracy" forums.
Everyone knows that Joe's respectable disease is dementia, including the DNC. That was their plan from the beginning. Get quid pro joe in and have Kameltoe question his competence leading to his removal and the installation of Kameltoe.
its not an audit you stupid fuck its a criminal investigation by the FBI,,,

The FBI investigates taxes now? Really? Oh, I see. You just made up the "FBI" part, like you make up everything.

Oh, Trump's taxes are under investigation too. Thus, by the standards you just set, Trump is a criminal.

You walked right into that one, dumbass.

Your thoughts please:

its not an audit you stupid fuck its a criminal investigation by the FBI,,,

The FBI investigates taxes now? Really? Oh, I see. You just made up the "FBI" part, like you make up everything.

Oh, Trump's taxes are under investigation too. Thus, by the standards you just set, Trump is a criminal.

You walked right into that one, dumbass.
if your reputation as being a stupid fuck didnt precede you I would feel sorry for you,,,

Your thoughts please:

I screwed up.

And Trump is still a criminal, by your standards. So I still slapped your side around.

Go on, explain your stinking hypocrisy. That should be funny.

Then explain why you're getting hysterical about matters that don't have anything to do with Joe Biden.
the only person you slapped around is you,,,
Your thoughts please:

I screwed up.

And Trump is still a criminal, by your standards. So I still slapped your side around.

Go on, explain your stinking hypocrisy. That should be funny.

Then explain why you're getting hysterical about matters that don't have anything to do with Joe Biden.
the only person you slapped around is you,,,
In your fever dreams
its not a dream,, it happened right in front of me,,
They are reporting on it because they need to replace the cocaine called Trump they have been taking for the last 4 years with something. Trump has been a MASSIVE boon for a media that just needs one word out of place to go ballistic without any real reason and needs to be absolutely outraged about common place, normal shit. With the never ending source of material leaving office they are left with a massive void to fill.

Cant fill it with democrats, that would be sacrilegious, so it is Biden's son that will fill that void for all of a few weeks before the withdrawal truly sets in.

Hell, I STILL hear the media ramming ahead with how horrible Trump is filled with nothing other than points about his personality and not a single point about anything of substance even though he term is ending. They just cannot do without him.
There is no Hunter Biden corruption. He's getting audited. He's cooperating fully.
Nobody ordinary people were shocked. Everybody on both sides knew the point was to throw crap in the air to shade Joe, as a typical right wing political hit. All ordinary people think it is pretty low budget to attack kids of politicians in order to attack their actual political enemy. Especially if the kids are not in politics or in governmental positions. It is soup for the tabloid diners and the hard core partisans. I don't care about what happens to Hunter. Joe will be president. If Hunter has tax problems, he can hire somebody to solve them. If something more sinister, still his problem. I will watch the official investigation, if there is one and be satisfied with the court case, again, if there is one. Have fun with the rabble rousing and enjoy your right wing tabloids.:p

"My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking? China. I have not had a … the only guy made money from China is this guy," he said, motioning to Trump, "He's the only one. Nobody else has made money from China."


Joe is so corrupt. Holy shit.
View attachment 427894

"My son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking? China. I have not had a … the only guy made money from China is this guy," he said, motioning to Trump, "He's the only one. Nobody else has made money from China."


Joe is so corrupt. Holy shit.
are you saying joe biden lied???
OMG I think he did,,
There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption

There's a reason the media are suddenly reporting on Hunter Biden's corruption - American Thinker
11 Dec 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

In the world of Democrat politics, there are no coincidences. With that principle in mind, it's possible to understand why Democrat media outlets are suddenly reporting about Hunter Biden's corruption, a story that spills over onto his father. The first is to get ahead of potential breaking news about Hunter's imminent arrest. The second theory is the one Monica Showalter advanced: the leftists used Biden to attain the White House (or so they believe) and are now ready to get rid of him. Having a criminal son may be just what the Obama/Harris camp needs to make that happen. And if there's any doubt about this theory, an article in The New York Times seems to lay it to rest.
We conservatives remember how, in October, the media and the tech tyrants conspired to block any reports about Hunter Biden, whether those reports were the Senate Intelligence Committee's findings about the $3.5 million Hunter received from the wife of a Russian politician, or the shocking details of political corruption, drug addiction, and sexual debauchery contained on his hard drive.
Well, to ordinary people, these stories were shocking. To the media and the tech tyrants, these stories were potential dangers to Joe Biden's candidacy. They had to be stopped — and stopped they were. Twitter and Facebook, the two biggest social media tech tyrants, refused to allow any reports to circulate and banned people, including President Trump's press secretary, from their platforms when they refused to bow down to this censorship.
News outlets derided the reports about the Biden family's corrupt dealings, all of which implicated Joe Biden as the man who pimped out his addled son for huge sums of money, as non-stories. That's not an exaggeration. It's explicitly what NPR's public editor said:
With Americans at large finally learning that Hunter Biden and James Biden are crooked and that Joe is the big, corrupt tree from which these rotten apples fell, there's going to be lots of pressure on Joe to retire as quickly as is politely possible. It's The New York Times that gives the game away. On Thursday, it published a positively wistful article entitled "Investigation of His Son Is Likely to Hang Over Biden as He Takes Office: Unless the Trump Justice Department clears Hunter Biden, the new president will confront the prospect of his own administration handling an inquiry that could expose his son to criminal prosecution." The opening paragraph speaks of Biden in a "no-win situation" that could be "politically and legally perilous," and the report continues in that vein. The subtext is clear: leave. Leave now.
Joe served his purpose by being the bland front person for a full leftist assault on the White House. Now it's time for him to go. And while his handlers may reward him for a job well done with the pleasure of the inauguration, you can be sure they'll pressure him to do what he promised to do, which is to invent a respectable disease and quit ASAP.

Does anyone in Washington even care about following the law these days? No..... the "law" is simply a minor obstacle the casually go around..... They will find some flimsy excuse for letting her get the job. The "law" isn't really the law anymore. It's just a suggestion, a suggestion that can be ignored at whim by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democarat Left. At least by those in the "Preferred" party or the "Preferred" class. We little people are the only ones it seems to apply to now.
Progressive Marxist Democrats thought they could keep this whole "Hunter China" plot a secret (with the FBI sitting on the story as long as needed) but they never figured on the computer store owner cloning Hunters hard drive and turning it over to Rudy. That's what brought on the desperate censorship ploy by the FAKE NEWS and social media platforms, including paid operatives in forums acting as moderators to censor posts and placing them in "Conspiracy" forums.
Biden was a Trojan horse to get an even more repulsive, cancerous, fascistic despot into the Oval Office than Hillary....It's really no more complicated than that.....He will fulfill the one and only purpose left in his criminally corrupt life, the moment his cloven hoof comes off the Bible on 20 Jan.

Phase one accomplished, now onto phase two.

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Trump wants to pardon his kids and son in law, so that what he has had his DOJ do to Hunter, does not happen to his kids, when he is gone...

he's not much in to the golden rule: treating others, as he would want to be treated... He's always the exception, above the normal rules and even laws... is how it appears to left wingers... and justly so, imho.

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