There she goes! The bizarre escapades of Hillary Rodham Clinton

How do you know he has bipolar disorder, jackass? And if he does have it you don't know how severe his disorder is. Bipolar isn't a picnic, maybe you should look up suicide rates for people who suffer from it before mocking them, asshole.

How do I know? Hmmmmmmm? Gee. Maybe just a good guess. Thanks for being such a stickler for accuracy. We need people like you.

Whatever, usually you're just a snarky tool, but you hit a new low with this one. Hope you're n proud of yourself.

I hit a new low? How's that? Elaborate, please.
OK he came out and said he was bipolar, but I don't believe for s second LoneLaugher was trying to be helpful. ..she was being a bitch.
OK he came out and said he was bipolar, but I don't believe for s second LoneLaugher was trying to be helpful. ..she was being a bitch.

Say what? That almost sounded like an apology....but not quite. Come on, can do it. Say it slowly. I-------Am---------S-o-r-r-y.........

How do you know he has bipolar disorder, jackass? And if he does have it you don't know how severe his disorder is. Bipolar isn't a picnic, maybe you should look up suicide rates for people who suffer from it before mocking them, asshole.

How do I know? Hmmmmmmm? Gee. Maybe just a good guess. Thanks for being such a stickler for accuracy. We need people like you.

Whatever, usually you're just a snarky tool, but you hit a new low with this one. Hope you're n proud of yourself.

I hit a new low? How's that? Elaborate, please.

The guy is going through some problems, why don't you just stop being a bitch and leave
Him alone? You weren't trying to help him out, it's was just yesterday when you started a thread stating mocking him for him stating he's going through problems. So go fuck yourself you dishonest sack of shit.
OK he came out and said he was bipolar, but I don't believe for s second LoneLaugher was trying to be helpful. ..she was being a bitch.

Say what? That almost sounded like an apology....but not quite. Come on, can do it. Say it slowly. I-------Am---------S-o-r-r-y.........

How about fuck you you stupid ****. You act like a snarky **** most of the time you're on this board, now you're acting like a fucking bitch.

How do you know he has bipolar disorder, jackass? And if he does have it you don't know how severe his disorder is. Bipolar isn't a picnic, maybe you should look up suicide rates for people who suffer from it before mocking them, asshole.

How do I know? Hmmmmmmm? Gee. Maybe just a good guess. Thanks for being such a stickler for accuracy. We need people like you.

Whatever, usually you're just a snarky tool, but you hit a new low with this one. Hope you're n proud of yourself.

I hit a new low? How's that? Elaborate, please.

The guy is going through some problems, why don't you just stop being a bitch and leave
Him alone? You weren't trying to help him out, it's was just yesterday when you started a thread stating mocking him for him stating he's going through problems. So go fuck yourself you dishonest sack of shit.

I mock him for many reasons. But....I'm always willing to help a guy out. Even a dishonest fuck. Like you.....for example. You have a problem with admitting your mistakes and apologizing. I'm here to help.
OK he came out and said he was bipolar, but I don't believe for s second LoneLaugher was trying to be helpful. ..she was being a bitch.

Say what? That almost sounded like an apology....but not quite. Come on, can do it. Say it slowly. I-------Am---------S-o-r-r-y.........

How about fuck you you stupid ****. You act like a snarky **** most of the time you're on this board, now you're acting like a fucking bitch.

I don't do snark. Snark doesn't require intellect nor humor. Nutters love snark. I'm an asshole. This is true. But....I'm a very honest asshole. And when I make an error....I do the right thing. Can YOU say that?
How do you know he has bipolar disorder, jackass? And if he does have it you don't know how severe his disorder is. Bipolar isn't a picnic, maybe you should look up suicide rates for people who suffer from it before mocking them, asshole.

How do I know? Hmmmmmmm? Gee. Maybe just a good guess. Thanks for being such a stickler for accuracy. We need people like you.

Whatever, usually you're just a snarky tool, but you hit a new low with this one. Hope you're n proud of yourself.

I hit a new low? How's that? Elaborate, please.

The guy is going through some problems, why don't you just stop being a bitch and leave
Him alone? You weren't trying to help him out, it's was just yesterday when you started a thread stating mocking him for him stating he's going through problems. So go fuck yourself you dishonest sack of shit.

I mock him for many reasons. But....I'm always willing to help a guy out. Even a dishonest fuck. Like you.....for example. You have a problem with admitting your mistakes and apologizing. I'm here to help.

Fuck you, you're such a dishonest fuck. You know nothing about mental illness, and you weren't trying to help anyone. you really want to do the world a favor, go down to mommy's basement, find a strong pair of shoelaces, and do the right thing.
How do I know? Hmmmmmmm? Gee. Maybe just a good guess. Thanks for being such a stickler for accuracy. We need people like you.

Whatever, usually you're just a snarky tool, but you hit a new low with this one. Hope you're n proud of yourself.

I hit a new low? How's that? Elaborate, please.

The guy is going through some problems, why don't you just stop being a bitch and leave
Him alone? You weren't trying to help him out, it's was just yesterday when you started a thread stating mocking him for him stating he's going through problems. So go fuck yourself you dishonest sack of shit.

I mock him for many reasons. But....I'm always willing to help a guy out. Even a dishonest fuck. Like you.....for example. You have a problem with admitting your mistakes and apologizing. I'm here to help.

Fuck you, you're such a dishonest fuck. You know nothing about mental illness, and you weren't trying to help anyone. you really want to do the world a favor, go down to mommy's basement, find a strong pair of shoelaces, and do the right thing.

I'm no more or less honest than most people IRL. But here....I'm as honest as it gets. Anonymity makes me incredibly honest. I'm a bit disappointed that it has the opposite effect on so many people here.

Mommy died when I was 32. I was holding her hand when she drew her last breath. I lied to her moments earlier when I told her she'd have a great time at my son's eighth birthday the following month. That's dishonesty.

I'm 50 now. And I invite you to hand deliver those shoelaces.
Whatever, usually you're just a snarky tool, but you hit a new low with this one. Hope you're n proud of yourself.

I hit a new low? How's that? Elaborate, please.

The guy is going through some problems, why don't you just stop being a bitch and leave
Him alone? You weren't trying to help him out, it's was just yesterday when you started a thread stating mocking him for him stating he's going through problems. So go fuck yourself you dishonest sack of shit.

I mock him for many reasons. But....I'm always willing to help a guy out. Even a dishonest fuck. Like you.....for example. You have a problem with admitting your mistakes and apologizing. I'm here to help.

Fuck you, you're such a dishonest fuck. You know nothing about mental illness, and you weren't trying to help anyone. you really want to do the world a favor, go down to mommy's basement, find a strong pair of shoelaces, and do the right thing.

I'm no more or less honest than most people IRL. But here....I'm as honest as it gets. Anonymity makes me incredibly honest. I'm a bit disappointed that it has the opposite effect on so many people here.

Mommy died when I was 32. I was holding her hand when she drew her last breath. I lied to her moments earlier when I told her she'd have a great time at my son's eighth birthday the following month. That's dishonesty.

I'm 50 now. And I invite you to hand deliver those shoelaces.

Sorry to hear about your mom. Im sorry about the shoelaces comment, obviously I don't want anyone to commit suicide.
OK he came out and said he was bipolar, but I don't believe for s second LoneLaugher was trying to be helpful. ..she was being a bitch.

Say what? That almost sounded like an apology....but not quite. Come on, can do it. Say it slowly. I-------Am---------S-o-r-r-y.........

How about fuck you you stupid ****. You act like a snarky **** most of the time you're on this board, now you're acting like a fucking bitch.
Be careful. Yesterday I told LoneLaugher to go fuck herself and I got modded for being "abusive" lol
OK he came out and said he was bipolar, but I don't believe for s second LoneLaugher was trying to be helpful. ..she was being a bitch.

Say what? That almost sounded like an apology....but not quite. Come on, can do it. Say it slowly. I-------Am---------S-o-r-r-y.........

How about fuck you you stupid ****. You act like a snarky **** most of the time you're on this board, now you're acting like a fucking bitch.
Be careful. Yesterday I told LoneLaugher to go fuck herself and I got modded for being "abusive" lol

Yeah? I'm a dude, dummy. How many times does someone have to tell you something before it sinks in?
Now I'm no doctor but exactly why can't you hold a job as an ex patient?

Because I am bipolar. I have very violent mood swings. I lock myself in rooms when that happens. There are holes in my bedroom wall that I put there because I didn't want to hurt my grandmother during one of those mood swings. If I were ever to gain employment, I would be a danger to my cohorts and potential customers.

I am taking my safety and that of others into account. A job is not a wise thing for me right now.

As an ex con who never had a hard time finding employment I find your excuses to be rather bogus.

Actually, I've had all of three jobs in 10 years, all of them lasting a combined 1 year, 3 months. The other 8 years, 9 months were spent looking for employment. That qualifies as a hard time, given the economy collapsed during that period of time.

I mean seriously. Your grandmother had to pay your 129.00 Obamacare fine?

Uh yeah? She claims me as a dependent.

If you are on SSI you would most likely be getting a refund. Without a job you would have no tax burden. Your "fine" would have come out of your year end "hand out"

Thing is, as of now, I am not on SSI. I have only applied for it, Gramps. Even still, there is no certainty that I will get SSI. I applied last December. It has been barely four months since then. My attorney says it could take 6 months to two years. By the way, if I do get it, the attorney get (I think) 25% of the cash that I would get from the government.

I have the bipolars in my family including an 11 year old and his 28 year old mother so I understand your position including the depression as much as a non bipolar can anyway. I also had to deal with the suicide attempts when she (my daughter) was younger. Tough road ahead and SSI extremely hard to get on she's finding out. Good luck though.

Ah yes. I've threatened suicide a time or two and each time I made the trip to a mental facility afterwards. My grandmother was there to snap me back to reality when I got back home.
And before people start slinging the "get a job" meme around, I can't get one. After being put in the loony bin twice, what self respecting employer would hire me? Now, I had to go against everything I believed in to apply for SSI. Yep. I realized I had no chance at getting a job, and I now cannot get one until the proceedings are completed. Asking for assistance from this government is demoralizing to me personally.

Being fined by that selfsame government for not having health insurance only adds insult to injury. I'm glad you like Obamacare, Coyote, but I will have nothing to do with it.

Get a job ya loser.
Former inmates of the State pen have gotten jobs.
You lack 2 things; motivation and talent.
TemplarKormac I am sorry that you apparently have medical issues.

Having said that I find your threads to be HIGHLY hypocritical. You rail against the very things you claim you are forced to take advantage of.

Now I'm no doctor but exactly why can't you hold a job as an ex patient?
As an ex con who never had a hard time finding employment I find your excuses to be rather bogus.

I mean seriously. Your grandmother had to pay your 129.00 Obamacare fine? If you are on SSI you would most likely be getting a refund. Without a job you would have no tax burden. Your "fine" would have come out of your year end "hand out"

You talk the talk son but more & more I believe you to be all talk & nothing more. You a spouse principles for others that you yourself either can't or won't live by.

That is called being a fraud in my book.

Wow, an uncontrollable carom into the truth by Grumps.

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