There she goes! The bizarre escapades of Hillary Rodham Clinton

When you are man enough to admit you are being stubborn & that you are wrong on this subject respect will be given.

I do admit when I'm wrong. And with all of my being, I believe that if you speak out loud to thousands of people at a time to supporting the poor, that you show it in your behavior amongst the commoners. Does the phrase "actions speak louder than words" mean anything?

When I wrote that thread in support of gay marriage, as Doc can attest to, it was an admission of being wrong. The law allows for it, to use the law dictate otherwise is hypocritical. I was able to separate my beliefs from the cold hard reality presented to me by law and precedent.

And, if I recall, the person serving the grief was you. Imagine that.

You have started more than one thread opposing gay rights since that lame mea culpa. How about telling us how great gays have it here since we aren't stoning them in the public square.
When you are man enough to admit you are being stubborn & that you are wrong on this subject respect will be given.

I do admit when I'm wrong. And with all of my being, I believe that if you speak out loud to thousands of people at a time to supporting the poor, that you show it in your behavior amongst the commoners. Does the phrase "actions speak louder than words" mean anything?

When I wrote that thread in support of gay marriage, as Doc can attest to, it was an admission of being wrong. The law allows for it, to use the law dictate otherwise is hypocritical. I was able to separate my beliefs from the cold hard reality presented to me by law and precedent.

And, if I recall, the person serving the grief was you. Imagine that.

You have started more than one thread opposing gay rights since that lame mea culpa. How about telling us how great gays have it here since we aren't stoning them in the public square.
He too can Decelerate!

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After reading this response I have to wonder if your skin is thinner than mine?

You were the one calling me a fraud, were you not? Your response was unprovoked. I didn't nothing to provoke your rant, you decided to tear into me for zero reason at all.

How childish.
If you are unemployed or make less than poverty level, you don't get fined. If grandma is claiming you as a dependent she is making money off of you. Anyway you slice it, you are lying.

The problem I have with her candidacy is that there has probably never been a major candidate with this kind of baggage. Contemporary American politics is what it is, and her entire campaign is going to be (and already is) so full of peripheral distractions that whatever message she's trying to send on issues will be difficult to decipher. Or believe.

And the Dems would be behaving precisely the same way if the tables were turned, they just won't admit it, because partisan ideologues are liars.

The 2016 Presidential Campaign: Yuck.


The problem I have with her candidacy is that there has probably never been a major candidate with this kind of baggage. Contemporary American politics is what it is, and her entire campaign is going to be (and already is) so full of peripheral distractions that whatever message she's trying to send on issues will be difficult to decipher. Or believe.

And the Dems would be behaving precisely the same way if the tables were turned, they just won't admit it, because partisan ideologues are liars.

The 2016 Presidential Campaign: Yuck.


Blah blah blah!

I can assure you that I know the differences between the platforms and agendas when it comes to the two parties. I am fully able to hear her message. The claim that one can't hear the message for all the noise is BULLSHIT. It is the kind of thing that a cynical person would say.

The problem I have with her candidacy is that there has probably never been a major candidate with this kind of baggage. Contemporary American politics is what it is, and her entire campaign is going to be (and already is) so full of peripheral distractions that whatever message she's trying to send on issues will be difficult to decipher. Or believe.

And the Dems would be behaving precisely the same way if the tables were turned, they just won't admit it, because partisan ideologues are liars.

The 2016 Presidential Campaign: Yuck.


The kind of baggage that has been manufactured by the Republican party? Mitt Romney had enormous baggage....being Mormom for a group of conservatives that are majority Christian and think Mormonism is a cult. Not willing to tell us what he paid in taxes because we all know that he probably paid less than most middle-class Americans and being a bigot....accusing minorities and the military that they don't carry their weight......yeah, and most of you were so willing to overlook all that crap.

The truth is that Hillary scares the shit out of most of you conservatives. You're desperately trying to create a negative atmosphere around her, but it isn't going to work. She's way smarter and certainly more qualified than any of the lightweights that have come forth as Republican candidates. Deal with it.
The truth is that Hillary scares the shit out of most of you conservatives. You're desperately trying to create a negative atmosphere around her, but it isn't going to work. She's way smarter and certainly more qualified than any of the lightweights that have come forth as Republican candidates. Deal with it.
I'm not a conservative, I'm not a Republican, there is zero (0) chance I'll be voting for them in 2016, and I'd like to see Jim Webb run.

You're so encased in your little hardcore partisan cocoon that your perception is distorted, like that of all hardcore partisan ideologues.

I was, as usual, just making a reasonable, civil, comment.

You folks really need to get over yourselves, you're tedious.

The truth is that Hillary scares the shit out of most of you conservatives. You're desperately trying to create a negative atmosphere around her, but it isn't going to work. She's way smarter and certainly more qualified than any of the lightweights that have come forth as Republican candidates. Deal with it.
I'm not a conservative, I'm not a Republican, there is zero (0) chance I'll be voting for them in 2016, and I'd like to see Jim Webb run.

You're so encased in your little hardcore partisan cocoon that your perception is distorted, like that of all hardcore partisan ideologues.

I was, as usual, just making a reasonable, civil, comment.

You folks really need to get over yourselves, you're tedious.


Yes Mac. We know that you aren't a conservative. And you aren't a liberal. And you aren't a libertarian. You are a contrarian. You will not express your positive feelings about any policy or politician without first expressing your reluctance to do so. will say what you don't like.

Of have issues that you care about. You tell us that all the time. don't spend much time discussing any of them except your contempt for the PC police......whom you will never name.

You are for gay marriage....but you wish the gay people would just sit on their hands and wait quietly. the meantime.....they shouldn't bother any business owners who might be bigoted toward them. That's just not nice.

Racism? You know it exists. But damn it......why can't those blacks just chill out? Why won't they pull up those pants and stop talking with that terrible syntax? Why won't they stop bitching about how they have been fucked for generations.....legally......and have yet to be treated equally by those who make and enforce the laws in this nation? All that protesting only makes good, decent Americans dig in their heels and resist even more!!

Climate change? You just want to hear all the evidence. You aren't sure yet.

The ACA? Why it's a clusterfuck! All evidence to the contrary be damned.

And...let's not forget! You just can't get over those words. "You didn't build that". That's because you are just so full of integrity.
Now I'm no doctor but exactly why can't you hold a job as an ex patient?

Because I am bipolar. I have very violent mood swings. I lock myself in rooms when that happens. There are holes in my bedroom wall that I put there because I didn't want to hurt my grandmother during one of those mood swings. If I were ever to gain employment, I would be a danger to my cohorts and potential customers.

I am taking my safety and that of others into account. A job is not a wise thing for me right now.

As an ex con who never had a hard time finding employment I find your excuses to be rather bogus.

Actually, I've had all of three jobs in 10 years, all of them lasting a combined 1 year, 3 months. The other 8 years, 9 months were spent looking for employment. That qualifies as a hard time, given the economy collapsed during that period of time.

I mean seriously. Your grandmother had to pay your 129.00 Obamacare fine?

Uh yeah? She claims me as a dependent.

If you are on SSI you would most likely be getting a refund. Without a job you would have no tax burden. Your "fine" would have come out of your year end "hand out"

Thing is, as of now, I am not on SSI. I have only applied for it, Gramps. Even still, there is no certainty that I will get SSI. I applied last December. It has been barely four months since then. My attorney says it could take 6 months to two years. By the way, if I do get it, the attorney get (I think) 25% of the cash that I would get from the government.

I have the bipolars in my family including an 11 year old and his 28 year old mother so I understand your position including the depression as much as a non bipolar can anyway. I also had to deal with the suicide attempts when she (my daughter) was younger. Tough road ahead and SSI extremely hard to get on she's finding out. Good luck though.
Who says anyone is being held to a higher standard

Your words were, and I quote

"I like her."

Yes. And you are taking that comment out of context. It has nothing to do with standards. As I said - I have not articulated ANY standards. I like Hillary. That is an opinion.

Naturally, when I "like" someone, I expect them to justify why I like them. More often than not, they hold similar values to my own. The values they resemble to my own are some of the same standards I hold myself to. And therefore, it stands to reason that liking something is to hold that something to a high standard.

I like people for a variety of reasons - sometimes admiration, sometimes fellowship, sometimes humor. Standards don't always come into play (other than extremes) because in the end, we are only and we are bound to fall short occassionally. Depending on what it is, it may or may not affect my opinion.
Now I'm no doctor but exactly why can't you hold a job as an ex patient?

Because I am bipolar. I have very violent mood swings. I lock myself in rooms when that happens. There are holes in my bedroom wall that I put there because I didn't want to hurt my grandmother during one of those mood swings. If I were ever to gain employment, I would be a danger to my cohorts and potential customers.

I am taking my safety and that of others into account. A job is not a wise thing for me right now.

As an ex con who never had a hard time finding employment I find your excuses to be rather bogus.

Actually, I've had all of three jobs in 10 years, all of them lasting a combined 1 year, 3 months. The other 8 years, 9 months were spent looking for employment. That qualifies as a hard time, given the economy collapsed during that period of time.

I mean seriously. Your grandmother had to pay your 129.00 Obamacare fine?

Uh yeah? She claims me as a dependent.

If you are on SSI you would most likely be getting a refund. Without a job you would have no tax burden. Your "fine" would have come out of your year end "hand out"

Thing is, as of now, I am not on SSI. I have only applied for it, Gramps. Even still, there is no certainty that I will get SSI. I applied last December. It has been barely four months since then. My attorney says it could take 6 months to two years. By the way, if I do get it, the attorney get (I think) 25% of the cash that I would get from the government.

We all pay for a safety net for our most vulnerable citizens. I have zero problems with doing that or with people who are truly in need using it. It's a damn site better than seeing them on the streets. I don't see how you can say it's a "bad thing" if it allows a person to live with dignity and independence. Our taxes pay for many services that we never even question - roads, schooling, etc. Yet when it comes for providing assistance to the poor or the disabled, there is a disconnect. Go figure. And with unemployment - I don't get why you didn't apply for it. You paid into it. Same with Social Security. We all pay for it because someday we may need it.
Chipotle is glorified fast food. As someone else pointed out - you don't tip. Faux outrage to the extreme.

Sorry, they had a tip jar at the counter. When your net worth exceeds $50 million, you can afford to give a tip.
When you live off of MY TAX DOLLARS you can afford to tip.....

This argument is fucking stupid. You guys are acting like this is some charity in dire need that she stiffed.

Then stop earning wages, stash your cash. Ignore the law. Do whatever it takes to avoid paying your taxes. Because believe it or not, the government doesn't give a damn what it does with your tax dollars. If you don't like what they do with your tax dollars, stop earning income, stop making investments, gut your 401K, whatever it takes.

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars...

And newsflash, when I said I have no income, I meant it. None from government whatsoever. I have gone ten years without mooching off the government. When I was fired from my first job all of those 10 years ago, I refused to apply for unemployment. I thought it was wrong to take money from taxpayers, I was all of 20 years old in 2007 when that occurred.

I got a job in 2012, and lost it due to a nervous breakdown, even then I refused to apply for unemployment and I would not apply for disability because I believed I was still able to hold down a job. Well, I haven't had a job since.

It is very perplexing that people react with anger when someone applies for SSI benefits in earnest because they have literally no means to support themselves, yet if a member of their family, or perhaps that very person suddenly hits rock bottom, it suddenly becomes okay to take money from taxpayers.

And I'm being called a hypocrite?
SSI is not some special fund for those than can't or refuse to hold a job. Your stories don't add up

What? You are intentionally trying to misunderstand me. I want a job, I want to apply for a job, anything other than being here, I would much rather be supporting my grandmother than the other way around.

Do you really think I like sitting here being useless? I wouldn't have applied for it had I another recourse. I'm out of options, and being prideful is not helpful for me in this circumstance. You seem not to understand the circumstances around why I applied.

It has nothing to do with me wanting to mooch off of anyone. If my grandma pays for my needs, it is seen as me mooching off of her, if I'm taking money from the government, I'm mooching off the taxpayer. If I get a job, I am a safety hazard. What good am I to an employer then? I can't win for losing if I abided your logic.

Why don't you self-employ yourself? Mow lawns? Yard work for people? My friend, who is on SSI (bipolar/schitzoaffective), started a petsitting service - she can earn only up to a certain amount, but it enabled her to make ends meet, plus get out and about a little and she could do as much or as little as she felt able to do. My brother, for a while, would do occassional brick work or carpentry work for a friend who was a builder and who understood my brother's illness (schitzophrenia) - when my brother could work he did, when he couldn't he didn't. He could not have handled regular employment.

How do you know he has bipolar disorder, jackass? And if he does have it you don't know how severe his disorder is. Bipolar isn't a picnic, maybe you should look up suicide rates for people who suffer from it before mocking them, asshole.

How do I know? Hmmmmmmm? Gee. Maybe just a good guess. Thanks for being such a stickler for accuracy. We need people like you.

How do you know he has bipolar disorder, jackass? And if he does have it you don't know how severe his disorder is. Bipolar isn't a picnic, maybe you should look up suicide rates for people who suffer from it before mocking them, asshole.

How do I know? Hmmmmmmm? Gee. Maybe just a good guess. Thanks for being such a stickler for accuracy. We need people like you.

Whatever, usually you're just a snarky tool, but you hit a new low with this one. Hope you're n proud of yourself.

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