There she goes! The bizarre escapades of Hillary Rodham Clinton


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The servers, Benghazi, the staged photo ops and publicity stunts with fake voters trying to portray her as a "champion of the American people," the "Scooby Machine," stiffing tips to the employees of a Chipotle (as a result, you 99 percenters can stuff your hypocritical class warfare arguments), parking in the handicap parking zone at Council Bluffs Cafe in Iowa, pulling her own Brian Williams by claiming to have arrived under sniper fire in Bosnia, and the litany goes on and on. Oh and lets not leave out that the Clinton Foundation took money and continues to take money from countries who abuse and brutalize women, such as Saudi Arabia (recall her speech in 1995 about women's rights, and as another result, those of you who call yourselves liberal feminists can swiftly shove your highly hypocritical arguments) and finally, lying about the immigrant roots of her grandparents.

Well, let's just put it another, more succinct way. Hillary Clinton's campaign (so far) is pathetic, not to mention she isn't quite the classy character herself. Her behavior during the last 7 years, and the first week of her campaign makes Obama and his campaigns look honest in comparison.

But let's stop for a moment and focus on one singular event. The reaction of the media, and why it shows just how badly they want her floundering campaign to succeed, and amid her conscious attempts to avoid them. The media's reaction is sad to behold, and makes a mockery of the journalistic establishment. But to me, it shows just how sorry and desperate Hillary's campaign has become.

As Hillary's motorcade (Scooby Van and all) arrives at a campaign event in Iowa Tuesday, the media completely loses it. Think of the girls swooning over Elvis, or the Beatles, a hot jock--or Justin Bieber. Now, watch as these reporters frenetically try to catch a glimpse of her motorcade as it arrives. If you didn't believe the liberal media was biased before, the video below should assuage all of those doubts.

Tell me honestly, why would you vote for her? She fights for living wage, and as a multimillionaire stiffs tips for employees at a Chipotle, lies like Brian Williams, stages photo-ops with three "ordinary Americans" driven to the Cafe by her political director, and claims to be for women's rights, yet takes in money from countries who persecute them. Why, in any reality would you vote for her? Does she come over as trustworthy to you?
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Since their candidates are not worth the paper they pass,,,,,what else do they have to do but take the heat off of the two GOP front runners...and their lack of popularity.......
Who's more of a fraud HRC or BHO???

It's a matter of opinion, my pick is BHO.
I am still befuddled that anyone was excited over her van appearance, those reporters must have some kind of mental disorder. they would probably race to a "Dennis Roddman Dressed In Drag" appearance.
Since their candidates are not worth the paper they pass,,,,,what else do they have to do but take the heat off of the two GOP front runners...and their lack of popularity.......

The republicans are fucked if they stick with slash and burn for economic policy. People want their infrastructure, science and r&d programs...They sure as fuck don't want to see the epa, cdc, nws, nasa, ssi, ssd, medicare or any of this cut! Republicans look like shit.
She's really got you guys worried.

How many Hillary threads have you started in the last few days?

Well I'm pretty excited when even guys like you have no defense for her behavior, but try to defend her anyway. By all means, don't let me stop you.

With all due respect Doc, you can stop trolling my thread, please.
She's really got you guys worried.

How many Hillary threads have you started in the last few days?
She's all you got. We get to have real debates you have to defend someone who said all her grandparents were immigrants even the ones born here.

I don't "have" anyone. I'm not going to vote for Hillary, even if she does end up as the nominee.
She's really got you guys worried.

How many Hillary threads have you started in the last few days?
She's all you got. We get to have real debates you have to defend someone who said all her grandparents were immigrants even the ones born here.

I don't "have" anyone. I'm not going to vote for Hillary, even if she does end up as the nominee.

Then why were you just trying to defend her? Or was that an attempt at satire?
I don't understand why every conservative here is freaking out over Hillary. She only announced less than a week ago.. Show a little backbone, guys and gals.
Quit shakin' in your boots.
Why does anyone on USMB have to defend what Hillary does? She's in charge of her campaign and just because you don't think she is doing it the whey you think she shouldn't is reality..
I don't understand why every conservative here is freaking out over Hillary. She only announced less than a week ago.. Show a little backbone, guys and gals.
Quit shakin' in your boots.
Freaking out? I'm excited! Please run this old hag! I'm hoping nobody else get in the race on your side.
Why does anyone on USMB have to defend what Hillary does? She's in charge of her campaign and just because you don't think she is doing it the whey you think she shouldn't is reality..

Because the bitch is a train wreak. :) Why any Dems would want her to run is staggering. be fair...the Dems are handing gold bricks to the opposition, and at some point the Hildabeast will have to answer real questions from the press and the public.

I'll be sad when all this is over. :( :lol:

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