There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

sorry, that's who murdered jesus they knew he would never accept judaism and their commandments as a heavenly religion.

the same fallacies found in all three desert religions.
Here's a news flash----JEWS WOULD NOT CARE---the worst they would do is call him
Here's a news flash----JEWS WOULD NOT CARE---the worst they would do is call him

no one doubts who killed jesus - the jews claimed the prize themselves, their trial during the time of the event.

their crime illustrates why judaism is not a heavenly religion - they care for only themselves w/ nefarious intent for all else. as presently witnessed.
Good grief. The whore of Babylon was Israel. The prophets were always scolding Israel for whoring after false gods.
You better relook, the fall is near. Then how come Israel is still standing? It says like a swift pitch into the sea she will be destroyed forever, that hasn't happened now has it? Stripped of all her fleshly parts( wealth and land ownings)--you better relook--RUN TO Jehovah, do not hesitate.
sorry, that's who murdered jesus they knew he would never accept judaism and their commandments as a heavenly religion.
Wrong. Whether people agreed with Jesus or not, and many did agree, he died trying to teach Jewish people another more rational way to interpret and comply with the Divine commands that actually reflects Divine wisdom and fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life in the sanctuary of God here and now on earth, not after physical death and certainly not in some unspecified distant future at the end of time. The reward for good or evil is received in this world

and determines whether a person will find a place, an eternal abode, in the world to come or not.
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Wrong. Whether people agreed with Jesus or not he died trying to teach Jewish people another more rational way to interpret an comply with the Divine commands that actually reflects Divine wisdom and fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life in the sanctuary of God here and now on earth, not after physical death or at some distant future at the end of time...
I read the NT----I missed that part. So why did he attack the money changers in
the temple courtyard and what did CAIAPHASS have against him---or what did
Herod have against his cousin John the mikvah man?
That is not true Trajan himself went out of his way and entered the ruins of Babylon showing that Babylon was held in high regard by the Roman elites and since Rome liked to steal or plagerize other cultures ideas and take them for their own it is rather obvious they did the same by emulating what they wanted from past Babylonianhistory.. Much of this knowledge was cataloged and found in some of the major libraries that Roman scholars and scribes had access too…
MUCH EARLIER---even Alexander --the great one---was very impressed with Babylon
and said so----and the Romans IDOLIZED all that was Greek
True---and in Hebrew/aramaic literatre----BABYLON is the Epitome of FOREIGN EVIL.
The color RED is associated with evil and "foreign custom" Babylonian customs
remain "not kosher" even today-----"foreign" The whore Babylon cannot be Israel.
Israel can be described as a whore----but not OF BABYLON. Amos is good at that imagery

Nobody said. Babylon was Israel.
That is not true Trajan himself went out of his way and entered the ruins of Babylon showing that Babylon was held in high regard by the Roman elites and since Rome liked to steal or plagerize other cultures ideas and take them for their own it is rather obvious they did the same by emulating what they wanted from past Babylonianhistory.. Much of this knowledge was cataloged and found in some of the major libraries that Roman scholars and scribes had access too…

Trajan was around 98 BC... Babylon collapsed in 539 BC. Rome had no interaction with Babylon.
Nobody said. Babylon was Israel.
oh----you did not say that the WHORE OF BABYLON---atop the
beast draped in red represents ISRAEL-----OH---I must be mistaken.
BTW even dressing in Red was considered a BABYLONIAN thing back
in the day-----its in the Talmud---not sure--don't quote me
I read the NT----what did CAIAPHASS have against him---or what did Herod have against his cousin John the mikvah man?
It was the same reason for the rebellion against Moses. "Brood of vipers", said the mikvah man.

Many saw themselves as the subject of condemnation, a judgment of God, in the Divine menu.
Wrong. Whether people agreed with Jesus or not, and many did agree, he died trying to teach Jewish people another more rational way to interpret and comply with the Divine commands that actually reflects Divine wisdom and fulfills the promise of abundant blessings and eternal life in the sanctuary of God here and now on earth, not after physical death and certainly not in some unspecified distant future at the end of time. The reward for good or evil is received in this world

and determines whether a person will find a place, an eternal abode, in the world to come or not.
... they knew he would never accept judaism and their commandments as a heavenly religion.

not sure there is anywhere a contradiction between the two post - than that jesus himself was never a jew, for the stated reason - heavenly consideration.
It was the same reason for the rebellion against Moses. "Brood of vipers", said the mikvah man.

Many saw themselves as the subject of condemnation, a judgment of God, in the Divine menu.
nope---my cousin, Edward G. Robinson (little caesar) did the rebellion against Moses.
I dont remember that MIKVAH man said "BROOD OF VIPERS" ---sounds like a standard
expletive of annoyance used by jewish women approaching menopause. I don't
remember the "saw themselves" thing either
nope---my cousin, Edward G. Robinson (little caesar) did the rebellion against Moses.
I dont remember that MIKVAH man said "BROOD OF VIPERS" ---sounds like a standard
expletive of annoyance used by jewish women approaching menopause. I don't
remember the "saw themselves" thing either
Thats a shame.
not sure there is anywhere a contradiction between the two post - than that jesus himself was never a jew, for the stated reason - heavenly consideration.
Jesus was Jewish. Sorry. And even though the religious authorities though that he was a very naughty boy, it didn't change that fact.
I had expected citations
First things first. You are charged with being goofy. You must appear in court on April fools day.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
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You know, the dudes who imagined that they were holy, separate as God is separate (from the animals) because they slaughtered goats and bulls never ate bacon and mutilated infant weenies

I heard some of them still howling at the full moon at night outside in their fenced in back yard.
the word "LUNATIC" is derived from Latin and French. The hebrew is something
like MISHUGAT and completely unrelated to the Moon

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