Bob Blaylock

Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2015
38°29′ North 121°26′ West
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.
Soooo... there are no conspiracies, and we know that because conspirators are conspiring to sell belief in conspiracies, thereby proving there are no conspiracies, and said conspirators that sold those conspiracies, do not exist, and it's a conspiracy to suggest that they do.

Thanks for clearing that up.
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.

Kind of, you know, sounds like—a conspiracy.
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.

Who is "they"? Is "they" a secret organization?
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.

If you look at the core of MOST conspiracy theories, they START because the govt does a poor job of reporting their findings, or is evasive on some details.

MOST folks just chalk this up to lack of motivation, or the general shoddy way most of the govt handles EVERYTHING. But some folks don't get that. And expect to have access to every piddling detail. And voila, the small crack opens for a lot of hot air to breeze thru it.

Like having the freaking NSA construct a literal cartoon for the downing of Flt 800. Now NSA business is not making cartoons or investigating air crashes -- I can assure you of that. But maybe, possibly, some group at NSA just happened to submit it to the FAA/NTSB. But it LOOKS quite suspicious. And the Fed govt works and acts in mysterious, suspicious ways some times. You should read that as ineptness and lack of motivation to do that extra tad of excellence in ANSWERING QUESTIONS from the press AND the public.

Probably should be an office that coordinates all the spokespeople that the agencies have and post a FAQ section on the most asked questions.

But that would be TOO obviously beneficial to establishing trust with the public.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.

If you look at the core of MOST conspiracy theories, they START because the govt does a poor job of reporting their findings, or is evasive on some details.

MOST folks just chalk this up to lack of motivation, or the general shoddy way most of the govt handles EVERYTHING. But some folks don't get that. And expect to have access to every piddling detail. And voila, the small crack opens for a lot of hot air to breeze thru it.

Like having the freaking NSA construct a literal cartoon for the downing of Flt 800. Now NSA business is not making cartoons or investigating air crashes -- I can assure you of that. But maybe, possibly, some group at NSA just happened to submit it to the FAA/NTSB. But it LOOKS quite suspicious. And the Fed govt works and acts in mysterious, suspicious ways some times. You should read that as ineptness and lack of motivation to do that extra tad of excellence in ANSWERING QUESTIONS from the press AND the public.

Probably should be an office that coordinates all the spokespeople that the agencies have and post a FAQ section on the most asked questions.

But that would be TOO obviously beneficial to establishing trust with the public.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Most Conspiracies involve ignoring the actual investigations and the actual evidence and making up your own.

From Truthers to Flat Earthers to Birthers, its the same 'ignore and imagine' schtick.
Uncle Ferd thinks dey's a conspiracy...

... `cause none o' the womens inna neighborhood...

... is givin' him any nookie.
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.

If you look at the core of MOST conspiracy theories, they START because the govt does a poor job of reporting their findings, or is evasive on some details.

MOST folks just chalk this up to lack of motivation, or the general shoddy way most of the govt handles EVERYTHING. But some folks don't get that. And expect to have access to every piddling detail. And voila, the small crack opens for a lot of hot air to breeze thru it.

Like having the freaking NSA construct a literal cartoon for the downing of Flt 800. Now NSA business is not making cartoons or investigating air crashes -- I can assure you of that. But maybe, possibly, some group at NSA just happened to submit it to the FAA/NTSB. But it LOOKS quite suspicious. And the Fed govt works and acts in mysterious, suspicious ways some times. You should read that as ineptness and lack of motivation to do that extra tad of excellence in ANSWERING QUESTIONS from the press AND the public.

Probably should be an office that coordinates all the spokespeople that the agencies have and post a FAQ section on the most asked questions.

But that would be TOO obviously beneficial to establishing trust with the public.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Most Conspiracies involve ignoring the actual investigations and the actual evidence and making up your own.

From Truthers to Flat Earthers to Birthers, its the same 'ignore and imagine' schtick.

There's always a hole or holes in the investigations that breed conspiracies. There's never a perceived need by the lazy govt to address them. Like that big metal door that the Texas Rangers swore was intact at the remains of the Waco Mt Carmel site and the FBI says "they lost". Prime evidence of who fired first. Or the morgue room that "lost power" with the remains of the bodies from the final raid that "lost power" long enough to destroy the bodies from autopsy.

The case of the Las Vegas shooting may be an indication that this happens more often and blatantly. Because we STILL don't know jack about the actual details.

Usually the Occam's razor says just plain govt inattention and incompetence. But some people just can't stop there.
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.

If you look at the core of MOST conspiracy theories, they START because the govt does a poor job of reporting their findings, or is evasive on some details.

MOST folks just chalk this up to lack of motivation, or the general shoddy way most of the govt handles EVERYTHING. But some folks don't get that. And expect to have access to every piddling detail. And voila, the small crack opens for a lot of hot air to breeze thru it.

Like having the freaking NSA construct a literal cartoon for the downing of Flt 800. Now NSA business is not making cartoons or investigating air crashes -- I can assure you of that. But maybe, possibly, some group at NSA just happened to submit it to the FAA/NTSB. But it LOOKS quite suspicious. And the Fed govt works and acts in mysterious, suspicious ways some times. You should read that as ineptness and lack of motivation to do that extra tad of excellence in ANSWERING QUESTIONS from the press AND the public.

Probably should be an office that coordinates all the spokespeople that the agencies have and post a FAQ section on the most asked questions.

But that would be TOO obviously beneficial to establishing trust with the public.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Most Conspiracies involve ignoring the actual investigations and the actual evidence and making up your own.

From Truthers to Flat Earthers to Birthers, its the same 'ignore and imagine' schtick.

There's always a hole or holes in the investigations that breed conspiracies. There's never a perceived need by the lazy govt to address them. Like that big metal door that the Texas Rangers swore was intact at the remains of the Waco Mt Carmel site and the FBI says "they lost". Prime evidence of who fired first. Or the morgue room that "lost power" with the remains of the bodies from the final raid that "lost power" long enough to destroy the bodies from autopsy.

The case of the Las Vegas shooting may be an indication that this happens more often and blatantly. Because we STILL don't know jack about the actual details.

Usually the Occam's razor says just plain govt inattention and incompetence. But some people just can't stop there.

Its not 'holes', its a willingness to replace ignorance with imagination. Under the most controlled laboratory conditions, there will always be unexplained factors. Things that happen for reasons we don't have enough evidence to describe. In real world events happening without those controls, most of what happens will be unexplained.

And is in these voids that conspiracy theories breed like cockroaches. As their theorists will happily make up fantasies for which there is no evidence. And even more eagerly ignore evidence that contradicts them.

Take the Birther conspiracy. There's as much evidence that Obama was born IN ORBIT as born in Kenya. The State of Hawaii has affirmed Obama's birth place in Hawaii repeatedly. There are documents that the State provided. There are birth announcements. There are hospital names.

Obama's place of birth was more thoroughly established than any president in *history*.

Yet the Birthers ignored the evidence and literally made up a story that should begin with 'Once Upon A Time'. Imagining international flights for which there is no record, cross country trips for which there is no funding, foreign births for which there is no record, and elaborate international conspiracies spanning 50 years for all the original vital records and evidence of Obama's Hawaiian birth. All backed by nothing.

Ignore and imagine. Its the right and left hand of every conspiracy you've ever heard of.
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The logic behind debunking conspiracies never happens with AGW.
Why is that?
Conspiracies cant happen dealing with a corrupt govt but scientists cant fill in holes with imagination? WTF
The logic behind debunking conspiracies never happens with AGW.
Why is that?
Conspiracies cant happen dealing with a corrupt govt but scientists cant fill in holes with imagination? WTF

That the earth is heating up is incontrevertible. It is.

What's being debated is why. There are two main theories.

The 'Grand Coincidence Theory'. That the earth is heating 'just because', with no mechanism, no causation, no explanation. And just happens to be heating at an enormous rate at the *exact* same time we're pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at enormous pure coincidence.

Or that Humans are causing climate change through CO2 emissions. Where we can chart rising temperatures AND rising CO2 levels. And in real time, measure the higher amounts of infra-red radiation being emitted by carbon dioxide in our atmosphere specifically, with those amount of Infra-red radiation rising as the CO2 levels rise.

With a mechanism, explanation, mountains of evidence and no need for a grand coincidence.

The 'Grand Coincidence' theory is just an awful explanation of events. The CO2 Climate Change models are much more fact based and a vastly superior explanation of events.
A person, a group of people, companies (subjects) can not change the natural course of History.
They can only accelerate or slow things down.
The world is objective, not subjective. A subject can change the world within the limits of his strength, knowledge and influence, but sooner or later his model will not work if it contradicts the objective world.
A person, a group of people, companies (subjects) can not change the natural course of History.
They can only accelerate or slow things down.
The world is objective, not subjective. A subject can change the world within the limits of his strength, knowledge and influence, but sooner or later his model will not work if it contradicts the objective world.

What does 'contradict the objective world' even mean?
That the earth is heating up is incontrevertible. It is.

Right there is the problem. That's NOT "THE" GW question that matters. Because every credible GW skeptic AGREES to that question. It's the hype and exaggeration of "all positive feedbacks" and accelerations and "irreversible trigger temps" ---- and 100 OTHER questions that need a consensus. And there is none.

In fact, all the hysteria has been blown out of those early proclamations of doom, and the estimates of temperatures, sea level, climate sensitivity have CONSTANTLY been revised down for the past 25 years.

The circus is almost over. There's an issue. But it's NOT an "earth ending" proposition anymore.
Conspiracy theorists are weak-minded people.

Conspiracy theories are essentially binkies. Something comforting to suckle.

The world is a chaotic, often unfair and uncertain place. And for some, the lack of certainty is far more terrifying than envisioning a cabal of nefarious hooligans conspiring together to control everything. As at least *someone* is in control.

The reality is, yes. Sometimes a handful of hijackers can cause massive devastation. Sometimes a single deranged idiot can slaughter a class room's worth of 6 year old. Sometimes, a determined idiot with a Ryder truck can blow up a federal building.

And there is no such thing as absolute control. There is always an element of chaos. Sometimes a lot more than merely an 'element'. And a disrturbing degree of life happens by accident and chance.

For some souls, this simple truth is too much to bear. So they imagine fantastically elaborate conspiracies involving tens of thousands of people working behind the scenes, an underlying system of control. As that fantasy makes them far more comfortable than the stark truth that there's really no one at the wheel.
They want you to think that there are conspiracies. They are making an active effort to make you think that there are conspiracies.

They hope, by making you believe in conspiracies, to make you paranoid and fearful, so that they can use your fear and your paranoia to deceive and manipulate you.

If you look at the core of MOST conspiracy theories, they START because the govt does a poor job of reporting their findings, or is evasive on some details.

MOST folks just chalk this up to lack of motivation, or the general shoddy way most of the govt handles EVERYTHING. But some folks don't get that. And expect to have access to every piddling detail. And voila, the small crack opens for a lot of hot air to breeze thru it.

Like having the freaking NSA construct a literal cartoon for the downing of Flt 800. Now NSA business is not making cartoons or investigating air crashes -- I can assure you of that. But maybe, possibly, some group at NSA just happened to submit it to the FAA/NTSB. But it LOOKS quite suspicious. And the Fed govt works and acts in mysterious, suspicious ways some times. You should read that as ineptness and lack of motivation to do that extra tad of excellence in ANSWERING QUESTIONS from the press AND the public.

Probably should be an office that coordinates all the spokespeople that the agencies have and post a FAQ section on the most asked questions.

But that would be TOO obviously beneficial to establishing trust with the public.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Here is the funniest conspiracy theory EVER invented by mankind as proven in this video not a shread of evidence was ever proven that this conspiracy theory in this video invented by the government and the press was true , It had NO facts to back it up,yet the sheep in america swallowed it hook,line,and sinker same as they did the magic bullet theory invented by the government.:rolleyes::abgg2q.jpg:

.the keystone cops could have done a much better investigation into this investigation than these stupid ass clowns did in the government did same as the clowns who did the investigation for the events of nov 22nd 1963 .:abgg2q.jpg::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::rolleyes:

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Conspiracies are a great way to feel smarter than everyone else without actually being smarter.

I can definitely see why some people find them appealing.
Conspiracies are a great way to feel smarter than everyone else without actually being smarter.

I can definitely see why some people find them appealing.

I also think its comforting. For some people the idea of a degree of chaos, chance and uncertainty (you know, real life) is far more terrifying than the idea of some nefarious cabal that controls everything.

As at least then someone would be controlling things. Rather than events just happening without some overarching authority at the wheel.

Alas, life can be unfair. Life can chaotic and uncertain. And these simple truths are more than some can bear. So they imagine a conspiracy in which everything is organized and controlled......but in secret.

With the conspiracies being little more than emotional binkies.

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