Zone1 There has to be a God because there has to be someone who knows everything


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
OK, that was just a thought that came to me while responding to someone's post over in... Politics, I think.

But seriously, someone has to know absolutely everything. That's bc life on Planet Earth is incredibly complicated (for mere humans).

It blows your mind to think about such things as... Well, once I asked God something like this

How can you keep track of the billions of people living in Earth, all their prayers, their circumstances and etc... ?


I didn't get an answer to that one.. Maybe some day.. LOL
OK, that was just a thought that came to me while responding to someone's post over in... Politics, I think.

But seriously, someone has to know absolutely everything. That's bc life on Planet Earth is incredibly complicated (for mere humans).

It blows your mind to think about such things as... Well, once I asked God something like this

How can you keep track of the billions of people living in Earth, all their prayers, their circumstances and etc... ?


I didn't get an answer to that one.. Maybe some day.. LOL
well he already answered that in his word....I imagine he is fatigued with repeating himself since he left us The Instruction Book. The following from a psalmist about 2000 years ago.

O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar” (Psalm 139:1-2).

Proverbs 15:3 - The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
OK, that was just a thought that came to me while responding to someone's post over in... Politics, I think.

But seriously, someone has to know absolutely everything. That's bc life on Planet Earth is incredibly complicated (for mere humans).

It blows your mind to think about such things as... Well, once I asked God something like this

How can you keep track of the billions of people living in Earth, all their prayers, their circumstances and etc... ?


I didn't get an answer to that one.. Maybe some day.. LOL
What would knowing everything be like?

Would you be bored out of your mind?

Would your existence be like playing tic tac toe with yourself all day?
well he already answered that in his word....I imagine he is fatigued with repeating himself since he left us The Instruction Book. The following from a psalmist about 2000 years ago.

O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar” (Psalm 139:1-2).

Proverbs 15:3 - The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
God doesn't get fatigued (I'm sure you know that, right?)

He doesn't have physical body

Anyhow, I have read the entire Bible so I am familiar w/ that Psalm
What would knowing everything be like?

Would you be bored out of your mind?

Would your existence be like playing tic tac toe with yourself all day?
Knowing everything would not bore ME, I know that. In fact, that's one reason I listen to some folks here... because they have knowledge I do not (politics and other stuff). If you knew everything, you could fix all the problems in the world!

So did some alleged boredom God experienced, or whatever u call it, inspire him to create man?

I know he regretted doing so (Noah) and wiped everyone out... and you wonder why He doesn't do that in 2024!

But anyhow... always wondered why God made us... exactly
Knowing everything would not bore ME, I know that. In fact, that's one reason I listen to some folks here... because they have knowledge I do not (politics and other stuff). If you knew everything, you could fix all the problems in the world!

So did some alleged boredom God experienced, or whatever u call it, inspire him to create man?

I know he regretted doing so (Noah) and wiped everyone out... and you wonder why He doesn't do that in 2024!

But anyhow... always wondered why God made us... exactly
"If you knew everything, you could fix all the problems in the world!"

That is a big assumption.

What does "fixing" entail? For example, is exterminating the human race fixing their problems?

Jesus was the closest to knowing everything, and they nailed him to a cross.

So, why did they nail him to that cross? Was it not for telling the truth? Did he know too much?
So, why did they nail him to that cross? Was it not for telling the truth? Did he know too much?
The simple answer is human beings are lawless thugs without Christ in their lives.

But maybe you want a more complicated answer?

He was crucified for all of the above, but really, was there any VALID reason? (other than humans without Jesus are... shall we say: "worthless")
The simple answer is human beings are lawless thugs without Christ in their lives.

But maybe you want a more complicated answer?

He was crucified for all of the above, but really, was there any VALID reason? (other than humans without Jesus are... shall we say: "worthless")
My only point is, someone already came to earth with all the answers, and look what happened to him.

So, it appears there is more to it than just knowing all the answers.
My only point is, someone already came to earth with all the answers, and look what happened to him.

So, it appears there is more to it than just knowing all the answers.
Did I say otherwise?
God doesn't get fatigued (I'm sure you know that, right?)

He doesn't have physical body

Anyhow, I have read the entire Bible so I am familiar w/ that Psalm
okay already knew the answer.....was this just a topic to get others to think about it or what?
What would knowing everything be like?

Would you be bored out of your mind?

Would your existence be like playing tic tac toe with yourself all day?
I'm sure HE gets a kick out of what we do down here. There's a verse...i may be paraphrasing it a bit....'The kings of the earth scheme and God laughs.' I don't think God is ever bored.

Leviticus 26:12 ESV /​

And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people.

Psalm 8:4-6 ESV /​

What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet,
OK, that was just a thought that came to me while responding to someone's post over in... Politics, I think.

But seriously, someone has to know absolutely everything. That's bc life on Planet Earth is incredibly complicated (for mere humans).

It blows your mind to think about such things as... Well, once I asked God something like this

How can you keep track of the billions of people living in Earth, all their prayers, their circumstances and etc... ?


I didn't get an answer to that one.. Maybe some day.. LOL
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
I'm sure HE gets a kick out of what we do down here. There's a verse...i may be paraphrasing it a bit....'The kings of the earth scheme and God laughs.' I don't think God is ever bored.
It's like watching a baby. Sure, you can pretty much predict what it will do all day, but at the same time, it is your joy.

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