Theories on the Sanders/Obama meeting. (Tinfoil hats required)

possible I reckon. Or he is going to try and persuade him to drop all of his integrity and back the corrupt ****
Obama wants to tell Sanders NOT to pull out as formal charges may be forthcoming against Hillary.

Naw ....behold the forthcoming meeting of the "progressive" brain trust.

If Obama mentions Breibart, Seal team 6 and Joan Rivers like a Clinton talking Vince Foster, Bernie will get the message
Biden will step down as VP and Sanders will become VP and the next day President Obama will step down making Sanders the President for the remainder of the year and Sanders will pardon Clinton for being her...

I mean that is the best I can come up with...
It has been quietly passed that the FBI will not (be allowed to) release their findings until AFTER the election. Obama is going to applaud his fellow Socialist's run for the Presidency but tell him he needs to bow out and stop attacking Hillary / dividing the party / giving Trump 'ammo' (not that Trump needs it).

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